Just what is going on here?

This, ladies and gentlemen, illustrates the extremity and delirium tangents LGF has decided to run off with. What's happening at Little Green Footballs? Is there not enough newsworthy material for Charles Johnson to cover than absurdities such as this manifest themselves at LGF? Entertaining fools, indeed.
(Note from RSM: This is the first post by a new TOM contributor who picked her own sig "Locane," but whom I-- in my capacity as pledge committee chairman of this online chapter of Delta Tau Chi -- have decided to call "Angel." Because I said so!)
Welcome to the TOM's Carnival And Midnight Ramble, Angel.
ReplyDeleteI thought the Beck bit was rather silly, but it was obvious that it was not a real frog being boiled. So LGF goes and selectively edits the tape by leaving the last sentance off? The Frog stunt by LGF just shows what liars they really are, it's revealing of Charles Johnson's complete lack of journalistic ethics. He is Dan Rather, just with a market share about 10,000 times smaller (a 1000 visitors a day vs. 10,000,000 that Rather used to get).
ReplyDeleteI am still pissed at Beck for saying McCain would have been worse than Obama. Yes McCain was a flawed GOP candidate (and so btw were Huckabee and Romney). No McCain would not have been worse than Barack Obama. On that score Mark Levin is right to woodshed Beck on this. And anyway, the election is now over. We need to be worrying about 2010 and 2012, not what could have been in 2008.
Little Chucky Johnson is proving again and again that he is a typical hard core progressives, as he has no sense of humor, and distorts or misses the truth.
ReplyDeleteThe funniest part was when he wrote (in the first frog post) that he doesn't watch GB, but, but, it is early afternoon, so kids could be watching. Yeah. I'm sure kids are watching GB instead of Hannah Montana or whatever the heck is on. I guess he will assault TNT next, since they tend to have Bones or some other murder show on at 5pm.
Chucky also pretty much admits he is a liberal commie.
I still claim that CJ has a man crush on Beck and RS.
Glen Beck? Sara Palin and Bobby Jindal insults? Creationists in every closet of the country? There is no quality at LGF anymore. It's hype. While LGF may harp about Beck's emotism; Charles isn't any less hormonal.
ReplyDeleteA comment by CJ in the "Frog Killer" thread:
ReplyDelete"Glenn Beck's show is on in the middle of the afternoon, when children can watch.
"That's all I'm going to say about this. It's so irresponsible it makes me nauseous."
Welcome to the R.S. McCain production. Great way to kick it off!
ReplyDeleteDoesn't show up. Good one, anyway.
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteA comment by CJ in the "Frog Killer" thread:
"Glenn Beck's show is on in the middle of the afternoon, when children can watch.
"That's all I'm going to say about this. It's so irresponsible it makes me nauseous."
That is very funny! And having Glenn Beck does make my kids cry, they cry they want to see Wizards of Waverley Place like William Teach noted above!
"I am still pissed at Beck for saying McCain would have been worse than Obama. Yes McCain was a flawed GOP candidate (and so btw were Huckabee and Romney). No McCain would not have been worse than Barack Obama."
ReplyDeleteThat's debatable. I suppose it all depends on what issues are most important to you. If foreign policy is your prime concern you're likely to believe that McCain was far superior to Obama. Most people don't much care about foreign policy though.
New Video...
ReplyDeleteLizard Lounge : Frogger Gate.
New video here...
Now if Beck had put a creationist in that pot, Chucky would have kissed his boots.
ReplyDeleteA minor quibble: Angel's signature appears to read, not LOCANE (with an ell) but IOCANE (with an eye), presumably drawn from the poison employed by the Dread Pirate Roberts for his game of death with the Sicilian in The Princess Bride.
ReplyDeleteFirst of All This blog is so dumb that back in pakistan people are laughing at you all idiots.. And i know people in pakistan people are not that clever as in america. i know some REP. are pissed that why did he said that mccain would have been a bad choice cause he would have still gone in the same why our Gov. is going now. Be open minded people please you all are very narrow minded. take care everyone bye
ReplyDeleteHe would've been able to figure out the frog was fake if it was created in Microsoft Word.
ReplyDeleteI want to see Charles Johnson and Dan Rather in a Crazy-Off. The student has become the master.
I'm really disappointed.
ReplyDeleteIt used to be that being banned from LGF meant something.
Charles Johnson is now so obviously-deranged that for a decent, rational person to be banished from his site is no longer a badge of honor, it's a self-evident truth.
Yep. Being banned by Chucky used to be a badge of honor, and I'm surprised no one came up with a bit of blog flair for the happy Band of the Banned.
ReplyDeleteJasper from The Simpsons sez...yep...that's a p0wnin'.