so I took a fun picture not thinking anything about what I was wearing but apparently anything other than a pantsuit I am a slut, this is why I have been considering deleting my twitter account, what once was fun now just seems like a vessel for harassment
-- McCainBlogette
I am going to take some more time to think about it but seriously I was just trying to be funny with the book and that I'm a dork staying in
-- McCainBlogette
when I am alone in my apartment, I wear tank tops and sweat pants, I had no idea this makes me a "slut", I can't even tell you how hurt I am
ok I am getting the f***k off twitter, promise not to delete my account until I sleep on it, thank you for the nice words supporters
Well, I have no idea what anybody said about her that caused her to have a Twitter breakdown. It is an unfortunate fact that some people associate large breasts with promiscuity. The girl in eighth grade with the biggest rack usually somehow gets a reputation, even if she's done nothing to deserve it.
Of course, Meghan's photo involved a rather spectacular display, but you can see equally abundant cleavage on lots of college kids' Facebook pages, so that doesn't really mean anything.
Anyway, at some point -- actually before posting the picture -- she took an out-of-the-blue shot at Allahpundit:
pretty much my image of @allahpundit is I am the chick from silence of the lambs and he is screaming at me in a hole 2 put lotion on my skinThis is a reference to the creepy "Buffalo Bill" character ("It rubs the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again") and I've got no idea why she'd take a shot like that. Weird.
Whatever. Meghan McCain not a victim. She the heiress to a fortune and the daughter of a powerful U.S. Senator. She is also spoiled rotten and arrogant, lecturing the world at Tina Brown's Daily Beast without any more qualification than her family name and an Ivy League diploma.
For someone like that to play the victim card -- "Boo hoo hoo! people said mean things about me!" -- is absurd, and reminds me of what I wrote at the Green Room today:
Nothing is quite so annoying as fake victimhood: Overprivileged people trying to elicit sympathy in the Oprah Age by claiming they are victimized by something that doesn’t actually harm them at all."Sticks and stones," OK? Grow up.
UPDATE: OK, thanks to MelissaTweets and Dahlhalla for these screen-caps of previous Meghan McCain posts that explain the Allah-hate. Meghan wrote this post:

UPDATE II: Recall that in June, LOTUS noticed how much Meghan liked to talk about her rack:
Clearly, Meghan McCain is at the forefront of the tit-tering movement. This is because her rack probably is her greatest contribution to the GOP.Seriously, Megan: You don't want to match racks with LOTUS.
Unfortunately for them, everyone knows that I’ve already declared myself to be the titular head of the conservative movement.
Really, Megs?! You have no idea why people would think that picture is slutty? How about the fact that your watermelons are popping out into people's faces like they're at a Fourth of July picnic?
ReplyDeleteFor the love of donuts, girl, go away!!!
The pic did seem like it was purposely done to show "how sexy I am," but I'll take her word for it that she didn't mean to because I know she's had a large chest her whole life, so perhaps it was something normal to her and she was already desensitized by such images.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure that if her dad saw it he would be embarassed to look at it.
I agree that she was too easily offended when someone called her a "slut" when she has such strong opinions of other people. Someone like her who likes to fire shots should already have a thick skin.
Vapid little twit. Begone! Your 15 minutes of fame are long since used up.
ReplyDeleteI've linked to this post, if Blogger co-operates.
ReplyDeleteAt least Meghan is a pro-life RINO, a fact that twit Kathleen Parker got WRONG in her WaPo article today.
ReplyDeleteShe's just college-warped. I see it every day. It affects the "takes notes but doesn't get them" crowd the hardest. That's probably Meghan. Nice boobies, though. And like RSM said, she's set for life. She'll fade away when the old man does.
ReplyDeleteAllahpundit has cats?
ReplyDeleteI'm certainly no fan of Ms. McCain's political 'commentary', but I am a proponent of civil behavior towards one's fellow (wo)man. Thus, I can see being annoyed and/or hurt by a constant stream of insults from ne'er-do-wells on Twitter.
ReplyDeleteThat said...my first thought upon seeing the pic was, "WHOA! That's a lot of cleavage!" I might have recommended a re-take on that one.
How will her fans keep abreast of the news if she untwits?
ReplyDeleteLet me put this a different way... Imagine you have two cantelopes and you bring them together, then separate them, then you just throw one away. That leaves the single cantelope all lonely etc. Well, that's like what it would be if Melon Meg quit twittering. She'd leave a lonely melon on the other end.
And that would just be sad.
Oh, course she knew it was inappropriate. Having a large chest all your life doesn't desensitize you to having your tits exposed.
ReplyDeleteShe took a digital photo, transferred it to her computer, uploaded to her twitter account. She looked at the photo numerous times and knew her tits were hanging out. If she thinks it's no big thing, can we soon expect pantyless crotch shots?
She picks on Allahpundit because the commenters on HA can't stand her. She is a fake republican. She pretends to be the voice of the gop and bashes conservatives nonstop. I want her to go away.
Nice recap!
ReplyDeleteWell, cuz, there's a reason they're called 'TwitPics' you know" Damn, wish I'd thought of that.
There's nothing wrong about discussing the attractiveness of female breasts. Indeed, I view them as the key to the propagation (and hence survival) of the human race.
ReplyDeleteBut female breasts are hardly a political topic, Meghan. Unless you're Bill Clinton partying away in Argentina.
Ha, she has a bigger online potty mouth than I do. Is that how you get lots of twitter friends?
ReplyDeleteThey deserve each other. They're both paranoid and unfun. And I'm sure AllahPundit's boobs are comparable. Nothin' wrong with that, dude!
ReplyDeleteWhy are her breasts under her chin? That is most definitely not where they should be on a properly constructed human body.
ReplyDeleteMegan McCain and Levi Johnston would make a great couple. Afterall, they have so much in common.
ReplyDeleteOh, she loves this attention The more drama the better. I hear her scream "victim" oh, once every two to three months.
ReplyDeleteVictim 1:"I can't date anyone without them sucking up to me because of my dad! Life's not fair!" http://www.thedailybeast.com/blogs-and-stories/2009-03-02/looking-for-mr-far-right/
Victim 2: "Karl rove is stalking me on Twitter!" (http://www.thedailybeast.com/blogs-and-stories/2009-04-20/karl-rove-twitter-creep/)
Victim 3: "My Sheriff is following me on twitter! He's a creeper!" (http://www.newser.com/story/56741/meg-eww-rove-is-twitter-stalking-me.html )
And now this.... Ahh....she very well *knew* what she was doing. I'm a female too, and she can't convince me she's that stupid.
Meghan, if you expect us to start taking you seriously, time to grow up and get over yourself and your name.
Delusional, self-important people are extremely funny as they embarrass themselves like this. Even more so for an irritating spoiled rich girl with zero real-world experience who can't shut her mouth for five minutes. Makes one think that someone is egging-her-on, ala Ricky Hollywood.
ReplyDeleteAnd this Ivy-League educated princess with her successful family SHOULD be representative of our nation's elite... but instead displays serial stupidity and talks like a truck-driver?
Fits with the theme, anyway- her frikin rear looks like the back of a bus.
Anybody saying she's disgusting is full of crap. Anyone with a brain and a fully functioning penis would tap that ass.
ReplyDeleteJust look at those big ol' boobies! Who wouldn't want to bury their face in 'em?
As someone said in a TWITpic response to the photo, she is smart and has to be totally aware of what she is doing. There is no doubt that her antics are meant to get attention. I sent her a tweet telling her she is about 23 going on 15. I guess she didn't like it. She's blocked me from following her. That said, i do think she is a spoiled brat who likes to use people ('gays' come to mind) to make herself seem cool and who is overly obsessed with talking about her tits. When people fall for the 'bait and switch' she cries 'foul' in order to get the attention she craves.
ReplyDeletePS Be careful how you refer to her. Last time someone called her an 'heiress' she went ballistic on Twitter, denying she was any such thing.
ReplyDeleteGeez. I don't care about her boobs, really. She can can show 'em all she wants. So what? But claiming that she didn't understand that the pic was going to cause some attention, wanted and unwanted is just her manipulating people. And doing a good job of it, apparently.
ReplyDeleteI have to say that this picture just proves how much she loves herself. She took it herself. There is something about the ladies in her age group. They all, no matter how unattractive they are, constantly post pics of themselves on twitter or fb. Then, they just sit back and wait for all of their "friends" to say how lovely they are, blah blah blah. She disgusts me. Meggie, get over yourself. Go read a book!
ReplyDeleteI enjoy making fun of Meghan, but her cat comment is pretty funny. I think she is talking about Allah.
ReplyDeleteShe looks like a porn star.
ReplyDeleteJeffS said...
ReplyDeleteThere's nothing wrong about discussing the attractiveness of female breasts.
From your lips to God's ears, my friend!
Agree with Reaganite above, delusional, self-important, class-less pub-brawler with a double-wide rear. If she had sense she would fade into obscurity.
ReplyDeleteIt's been a couple of decades since I read the book, but as I recall, Jame Gumb was trying to make an outfit out of his victim's skin, not reupholster a couch.
ReplyDeleteYes, it's 2009, but the rule still holds. You can be known for your boobs or your brains. Pick one. If you want to be taken seriously as a female, never show cleavage. Ever. Sorry, you can't have it both ways. That's just not the way the male brain functions.
ReplyDeleteJim Treacher rox my sox!!! You are hee-larious!!!
ReplyDeleteI'd hit it.
ReplyDeleteI'd hit it but then quit it.
ReplyDeleteOn second thought, not only would I hit it and NOT quit it, I'd LOVE to walk through a room barefoot, carpeted with those babies.
ReplyDeleteTake it easy, young lady. Your dad, Senator McCain, has done a lot worse, including calling for the bomb, bomb, bomb, Iran !! You did not hurt anyone, not even your own reputation. Always remember, our feet of clay. Great picture, by the way !! What are you doing next week, Meghan !!?
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Even though I'm under the weather, I would never let the side down...besides, at the link below, I;ve enhanced the Twit Pic.
ReplyDeleteQuoted from and linked to at:
You've heard her father and you were expecting brains? If those melons WERE brains she would still be retarded.
ReplyDeleteWell, as the case maybe, politicians have the opportunity of have the worse kids ever. Think the "former" governor of Alaska, i forgot her name, the dumb bimbo lol.
ReplyDeleteRaymond Simmons from www.dahomegrownspot.com
We are witnessing the 'crash and burn' of a self-appointed 'role model' who is actually a self-absorbed, narcissistic, manipulative and insecure sad little person.
ReplyDeleteI am willing to bet she is angry as hell at her parents who are probably appalled at her antics.
It does seem she was serious when she said she didn't ever intend to run for public office as there is no way she will ever live down the persona she has created on Twitter.
ReplyDeleteMeghan Mccain breasts make twitter scandal photo.
ReplyDeleteShe is so stupid she does not understand why people dislike her. watch yourself!
She is a tremendous example of the privilege that the idiot children of the rich receive
If Megan McCain was trying to get more Twitter followers for herself, she definitely succeeded