As they say: we've established that you're a cyber-whore; we're just haggling over price. Which of course makes me a street-walker in comparison to Stacy and the high-end escort service he provides . . .

(H/T: Frequent commenter Smitty for the slim pretext to blog about Anne Hathaway, as if I needed a pretext.)
UPDATE: Confirmation from an AOSHQ Moron:
Sorry...he swore us to secrecy. He said if we told anyone about his trip, he'd tell the police about the hobos in the crawlspace.Which is, BTW, Rule 6 on How to Get a Million Hits On Your Blog: Hatin' on hobos.
UPDATE II: Crap. Ace blew his own cover, and I missed it. Foundation junket. Schwweeeet! Got the blog-fu working.
You can leave those hits on the bureau, Mr. McCain . . .
ReplyDeleteHey, man: I have a reputation to demolish.