Last night, quite late in the evening, and on the show, the girl who has pledged to sell her virginity for the highest bid, convinced her to not "give it up" if a higher bid - individual or cumulative comes in to top the present $3.7 million offer that has been registered.Here's the audio: Somewhere, Eliot Spitzer is cursing his luck.
Having done MANY interviews declining similar offers, Natalie Dylan (not her real name) has agreed to remain a virgin, and give ALL of the proceeds (that she had previously agreed to use towards graduate school) instead--to stopping the horrific practice of child sex trafficking.
Decision Desk HQ calls Pennsylvania for Trump, giving him 270 electoral
votes, and the presidency!
Donald Trump is now the president election of the United States and will
become the 47th president, sending the corrupt
The post Decision Desk HQ calls P...
5 hours ago
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