Just making a quick note mainly for my own purposes: Late on Feb. 13, we passed 1 million cumulative visits. About 2 a.m. today, we passed 1.2 million, meaning it took about 37 days to add 1/5th of our second million. If that pace of traffic can be maintained for another 148 days, then . . . well, a goal of 2 million by Labor Day would seem reasonable, eh?
(Quick, Smitty -- more Cthulhu!)
But in the wee A.M. hours (when I'm writing this, for later publication), traffic slows down for political blogging, and the SiteMeter tells you very interesting things about what keyword combinations the freaks are Googling for.
(Quick, Smitty -- more Miley Cyrus!)
Hey, what the heck, some celebrity gossip:
Totally random. But at 3 a.m. sometime months or even years from now, when a freak is Googling "miley+cyrus+hooker+bikini+gay+photo," I'll get that random Google hit. And hits is hits, beyotches.
Rumor on social media says Barron Trump told Biden “you’re done” before
swearing in
Did you notice the little exchange between Barron Trump and crusty Joe
Biden before the swearing in? If you are
The post Rumor on social media says Barro...
9 hours ago
Stacy you are like the blog god.