An anonymous fool, endeavoring to derogate the
latest revelations about fraudulent climate-change "science," evidently doesn't understand why the comments here are moderated:
Anonymous said...
You have just officially passed from "annoying nobody" into the realm of "demented a**hole/annoying nobody."
So glabal warming is a "conspiracy?" And I suppose you believe in creative design above evolution, too? You are an idiot. Period.
And, while you're at it, why don't you get a REAL job? You know you're not making any money doing this. Because NOBODY reads your blog, as evidenced by the ghost town of a comments section; that sh*t has tumbleweeds blowing across it.
Fri Nov 20, 12:08:00 PM
This fool's reference to comments as a measure of a blog's success suggests that he is a devotee of a certain Mad King Charles, whose bizarre obsession with his blog's commenters became the source of an Epic Fail. The likelihood of the anonymous fool's LGF origin is further reinforced by his fanaticism in regard to evolution, to say nothing of the emptiness of his rhetoric.
To explain briefly: I am a professional journalist who began full-time blogging here in March 2008 as an amusing way to maintain a full-time personal online presence between freelance assignments.
Believing that the whole point of writing is to communicate to readers, however, I did not relish the prospect of writing for nobody. Therefore, I began engaging in efforts to increase traffic. By the time the cumulative total of visitors cleared the 1-million mark -- on Feb. 13, 2009 -- I'd gleaned a few insights from the process which were humorously summarized as "
How to Get a Million Hits On Your Blog in Less Than a Year."
In the ensuing nine months, the cumulative total has
eclipsed the 3-million-visitor mark and, despite my status as a "demented a**hole/annoying nobody," there is good reason to hope that by next March, I'll be ready to write "How to Get Five Million Hits On Your Blog in Less Than a Year." Rule 6 might well be:
Smash the Holy Crap Out of Trolls.Shortly before this anonymous troll made his comment, there was another anonymous comment -- on the
Spectator gala post, featuring the lovely Mrs. Other McCain -- and that comment began, "Your wife is a pig . . ."
The intelligent reader sees what is going on here. The LGFers, not content to have turned that once widely-read blog into
a morass of totalitarian idiocy -- banning anyone who refused to kowtow to Mad King Charles and his henchpeople -- endeavor to harass me By Any Means Necessary. Why? Because it was I who, by my forceful response to Charles Johnson's bullying in September, compelled him to admit the truth:
He is not a conservative, and never has been a conservative.
The result is that Johnson and his crew (Sharmuta, Trout, et al.) have lost any ability to influence conservatives with their insidious attacks on Pamela Geller, the Tea Party movement, Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, etc. This renders LGF an exercise in futility, politically as inert as argon.
Johnson is now operating a second-rate imitation of DKos or Democratic Underground, a product for which there is no market and no real prospect for growth. His opportunism in hopping aboard the post-9/11 war-on-terror GOP bandwagon has been exposed as hypocritically cynical; liberal Democrats have no reason to trust Johnson as he desperately tries to rehabilitate himself as a "progressive." (The Left already has a surfeit of lousy writers with bad judgment.)
Unlike LGF, this blog has never aspired to be an exclusive members-only club. I have no time and no desire to emulate Charles Johnson's third-grade playground-clique mentality. But the comments here have always been moderated. Anyone can comment -- and liberals like Young4Eyes do so frequently -- but you can't hijack the comments as a weapon to attack the blog or to call my wife a "pig." That's when the "reject" and "delete" buttons come in handy.
As to this troll's idiotic question -- "why don't you get a REAL job?" -- just
subscribe to the American Spectator. When the December issue arrives, turn to page 69 to see my 1,400-word article about NY23, "Battle Cry in the North Country," which
I filed from the Buffalo airport two weeks ago.
Being a national political correspondent may not be "a REAL job," but it's better than being a stupid troll. And my advice to you, "Anonymous," is to stay over there at LGF, in the cloistered zone of up-dings and down-dings, until at last you fall victim to the dreaded Banning Stick, at which point the utter uselessness of your existence may become as apparent to you as it is to the rest of us.