-- Michael Wolff, New York Magazine
(H/T: Mark Steyn via Pundette.) Conservatives are understandably schadenfreudelicious that liberals have belatedly begun to recognize that Hope is no substitute for either experience or competence. So excuse me while I harsh your mellow, as Mike would say.
Who is to blame for the Obama administration? Republicans.
Karl Rove was right when he said, circa 2002-04, that America was on the brink of a potential "Permanent Republican Majority." It took a thousand Republican mistakes to fumble away that advantage, to allow the Democrats to recapture Congress in '06 and then elect this hubristic Harvard-educated idiot to the White House.
Just as Watergate and the politically tone-deaf incompetence of Gerald Ford gave us the first Jimmy Carter, and just as the ham-handedness of Bush 41 gave us Bill Clinton, so the blunders of Bush 43 and the disastrous Maverick candidacy gave us the Obama debacle.
At some point, Republicans are going to have to wise up, take a good hard look at the internal sources of their woes, and begin to hold people responsibility for the kind of unforced policy errors and clueless political fuckuperry that resulted in Obama getting 53% of the popular vote and 365 Electoral College votes. He is the Democrat that incompetent Republicans put in the White House, just as Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid are the Democrats that incompetent Republicans put in charge of the House and Senate.
Schaden me no freudes, my Republican friends. Get to work figuring out how to beat the Evil Coalition of Liars and Fools, and crush them so badly they can't possibly come back again to destroy America's freedom and prosperity.
Well, it took some time for my message to resonate.
ReplyDeleteHate to pat myself on the back, but I will.
While rumors of Liberal backlash and disappointment are greatly exaggerated( I understand how it works; you guys run with any non-positive remarks about Obama hoping that this will somehow fire-up your base), the premise that disillusionment from the Left is sure to follow is based on the idea that most of the good folks who voted for Obama were blindly drinking from the HOPE punch bowl.
The truth is that the enthusiasm for the Obama candidacy had more to do with the euphoric feelings of the end of the Bush era and the momentum against another four years of Bush--namely McCain/Palin.
Elections are always about the lesser of two evils. Which is why your "Messiah" tactics and the " palling around with terrorists" schtick had no legs, except among the troglodytes in your party.
You can keep calling BO Jimmy Carter if you like.
But it just won't stick.
Go back to the drawing board and come up with some real alternatives.
And yes, I am talking to Eric Cantor.
What a douche.....
I disagree that we were on the verge of a permanent Republican majority in the 2002-2004 cycle.
ReplyDeletePeople rallied to the president and his party in 2002, yes. But we didn't win a popular majority (and set up the loss of the Senate) in 2000, we lost seats in 1998, we lost in 1996, going back.
Going forward we barely won in 2004, lost in 2006, lost in 2008.
All of that says to me is that 2002 was NOT a realignment pissed away by the decision to go to war in Iraq, as the Norquistians claim and as you imply but do not say. If anything, 2002-2008 was an endorsement of the decision to go to war, and a big thumbs-down to both the god-awful management of the aftermath -- and the near-total lack of economic progress aside from the housing bubble -- er, sector.
I refuse to take responsiblity.
ReplyDeleteHow's them apples?
And, I intend to hold everyone accountable who voted for this doofus.
I'm a bit cranky this morning.
Honestly, Teh One's ascendancy can best be described as a "perfect storm." Aging hippies in positions of power and influence of our young folks. Racial politics reaching a zenith of guilt and control. The war. And, of courses, John Fucking McCain.
Come on, the guy is a unbelievable flop, and Republicans are to blame? Can we just lay responsibility at the foot of Mr. Obama? He is the inept one.
ReplyDeleteAt some point, Republicans are going to have to wise up, take a good hard look at the internal sources of their woes, and begin to hold people responsibility for the kind of unforced policy errors
ReplyDeleteYeah, but I'm not holding my breath.
Young 4-eyes..
ReplyDeletemust be nice to live apart from the real world..
did you mix up the directions of your meds? taking 6 pills every 2 hours instead of 2 pilles every 6?
Yea, Obama support is wide and vast now-a-days, young 4-eyes.
ReplyDeleteThat's why the local Obama canvassing meeting in my local town was cancelled. 'cause of the overwhelming response, or something.
Young 4 eyes.
ReplyDeleteWhat message?
The Messiah tactics are not for the Big O followers, it is simply mocking the blind faith the Democrats placed on Mr. Obama. Besides it feels good to get a rise out of people such as yourself. The Messiah tactics, repeated enough, over time, will produce disillusionment from the left, like any propaganda. Just ask Mr. Bush.