Saturday, October 17, 2009
Hopefully Juan Connects the Dots
Little Miss Attila links Juan Williams with Dr. Hutcherson and Tammy Bruce becoming aware of the bigger evil pattern represented in the NFL attack on Rush Limbaugh.
The will to deny the fascism remains strong, however.
Remember, Juan: It's a cookbook!
Great Twitter Hash Tag
For actual Christians, it's arguably blasphemous.
For Obama voters, it's certainly blasphemous.
It's the #LiberalBible, and it's delicious.
NY23 UPDATE: Why is Sarah MIA?

Conservative Party candidate Doug Hoffman is in the fight of his life against the GOP establishment's hand-picked RINO, in a crucial election that Hoffman's media coordinator Rob Ryan says is "a referendum on the future of the Republican Party."
One point to make clear: No official in the Hoffman campaign has said a word to me about Sarah Palin. But some of Hoffman's supporters are heartbroken that Sarah -- whom I dubbed the "Sweetheart of the Heartland" last year -- hasn't joined the fight against Dede Scozzafava, whom Michelle Malkin has described as "ACORN-Friendly, Big Labor-Backing, Tax-and-Spend Radical in GOP Clothing." Allow me to address myself directly to Mrs. Palin:
Doug Hoffman is your kind of candidate, his supporters are your supporters, and the people at the RNC and the NRCC who are siding with Scozzafava . . . well, ask around, ma'am. Your enemies are Doug Hoffman's enemies.A smart reporter doesn't burn his sources, so I'll exercise some professional discipline here, and let my friend Josh Painter at Texas for Palin speak:
In New York's 23rd District, for example, Sarah can set herself apart from Newt Gingrich by giving her support to Conservative Party candidate Doug Hoffman, as have Fred Thompson and Mike Huckabee. Gingrich, rather inexplicably, has joined the RNC and NRCC in endorsing liberal Republican Dede Scozzafava. . . . It is in individual contests like these where Sarah Palin can go against the GOP establishment and still keep those friends she has and needs inside the Beltway.Sorry, Josh, I'll disagree here: Forget about everybody "inside the Beltway," Mrs. Palin, and think about the people in NY23 -- decent, honest people who are working their hearts out and praying as hard as they can. The battlefield is there, the battle is underway, and every minute counts. (I'll also dare to disagree with my friend Dan Riehl, but it's merely a disagreement. Nobody smart ever picks a fight with Dan.)
Big money is flooding into NY23, and Doug Hoffman needs every penny he can get. Trust me when I say that there are people working overtime for Hoffman who haven't gotten paid yet and don't know when or if they'll get paid. (Mitt Romney won't give Hoffman a dime, so scratch Mitt from your 2012 list.)
Money isn't everything in politics, however. It wouldn't cost Palin a penny to support Hoffman. All she has to do is issue a 200-word press statement -- or record a 30-second video and put it on YouTube -- and she could make all the difference in the world in NY23.
We are 17 days from Nov. 3. Every minute counts, and let me quote one more source:
"You and I have a rendezvous with destiny. We will preserve for our children this, the last best hope of man on Earth, or we will sentence them to take the last step into a thousand years of darkness."This is a time for choosing, Mrs. Palin. A battle rages in upstate New York. Doug Hoffman needs help. And people are praying.
-- Ronald Reagan, Oct. 27, 1964

Carol Brings Launch News
No Sheeples Here is touting the Monday launch of the 9/12 Mom’s Network. "Please consider joining a movement sparked by a sisterhood of patriot moms." No guidance is offered for those left un-configured for motherhood by nature, however.
Carol brings a clip entitled "America is Me", which is a fine piece of music. Enjoy it. And then, if you need a bit of a picker-upper, try out the increasingly ironic Right Brothers:
Wait 'til Sharmuta sees this . . .

Thanks, Steve. Owe you one, my Flemish comrade.
UPDATE: Warning! Major Coffee-Spew Hazard! Do Not Click The Image Below Unless You Are Prepared For Serious BWAAAHAHAHAHA!

Conservative Doug Hoffman slams Scozzafava in guest-blog at Malkin
I don’t think conservatives will be fooled. The more they learn about Dede Scozzafava, the worse she does in the polls. And the more they learn about my campaign, the better we do.Not just "yes," sir, but "Hell, yes!"
We can win this thing, but we're up against limited time and an awful RNC and NRCC decision to support a liberal candidate.
Well, if the Republican Party wants to declare war against conservatives, I'm going to fight on the side of conservatives.
If you want to join my fight, I need you. We need money and we need volunteers – boots on the ground. If you can help, go to my website and sign up. Then show up.
It’s time for conservatives to show the Republican establishment who's in charge.
Trust me: Very Important People might make this The Mother Of All Showdowns with the RINO sellouts in the GOP Establishment. Lipstick, baby.

Finally Mustered the Jaded Retro Approach
Paraphrasing the Ancient Commenter Solomon on the sordid and tragic nature of the Technorati situation:
Vanity of vanities, saith the Blogger, vanity of vanities; all is vanity.So, we've lost some of our technical muscle for the FMJRA: I'll have to drag my lazy self off the porch and research alternatives.
What profit hath a poster of all his labour which he taketh under the sun?
One post passeth away, and another post cometh: but the markup abideth for ever.
The browser also ariseth, and the browser goeth down, particularly when a Microsoft product, and hasteth to his place where he arose.
The URL goeth toward the south, and turneth about unto the north; it whirleth about continually, and the URL returneth again according to his circuits.
All the links run into the Shineytubes; yet the Shinytubes are not full; unto the place from whence the links come, thither they return again.
All FMJRAs are full of labour; man cannot utter it: the reader is not satisfied with seeing, nor the commenter filled with hearing.
The NY-23 Special Election:
- Fishersville Mike points to the Watertown Daily Times, in addition to linking us graciously.
- In Mala Fide is tracking the story.
- Rightofcourse: "Republicans to re-found the the same place they left it."
- Bob Belvedere has a related "RINO the Sailor Girl" riff on Olympia Snowe, which is not as good as Popeye the Sailor Man, but, hey: budget cuts.
- Jumping in pools has a couple links on this topic.
- Political Byline picks up on a good Megan riff.
- Little Miss Attila opines:
I regret to say that Stacy M’s boobs do not strike me as the least bit impressive. But he’s a nice guy anyway.
- Carol's Closet offers the cleavage in question a question mark.
- American Power has a fine 'rack' pun.
- Pat in Shreveport notes Stacy's boobie-bomb.
- In Mala Fide notes that Megan makes turgid traffic for blogosphere members.
- Stogie makes what I think is a Bob Seger reference, sittin' way up high on his horse, or something.
- Left Coast Rebel noted the cleavage in a roundup.
- The Classic Liberal didn't do his usual Rule 5 treatment of Megan. I should note that Rule 5 Sunday has never depended upon Techorotten, and Megan McCain pics will be excluded from consideration. We're keeping Megan links in FMJRA where we can focus on her bodacious...intellect and vast tracts of...insight.
- Piece of Work in Progress had some pink funbags that might not be real on display.
- Rightofcourse piled on.
- Another Black Conservative is spot on:
Quite frankly, I say Meghan knew exactly what she was doing. She is a first class attention whore who has not been in the news for a long time. So it was lights, camera, action and cheesecake! Personally I hope she continues tweeting cheesecake photos, she is far better suited for that then giving advice on how to remake the Republican party.
- Bob Belvedere got his dig in on the dugs.
- Honesty in Motion offers a triptych on the...can't think of a word that rhymes.
- WyBlog picked up the 'void in South Carolina' bit.
- Fishersville Mike brought in the Colonel himself for comment.
To paraphrase Steven Wright: The Obama Administration has a bus-model of the US that is actual size. 1 mile = 1 mile. Once we're all safely under the bus, utopia sets in.
- A Conservative Lesbian notes Stacy covered the story of the National Equity March "without gloating or rancor".
- Left Coast Rebel appreciated the Pharaoh quip.
- Stogie liked the AmSpec article.
- Ed Driscoll hat tipped it in "Hey, That Water Won't Carry Itself".
- Rhetorican noted this singular occurance.
- Honesty in Motion: Rush Limbaugh is not the King of all White People.
- Rightofcourse examines the sociological side of LGF, noted that Rush was guilty of things other people said, a football coach who is collateral damage.
- Troglopundit adds to the Sarahmotivator cannon.
- LISNews sent an interesting post on creating or saving jobs in Ohio. It doesn't link us, but we're know for being easy.
- The Camp of the Saints liked the E. J. Dionne thrashing, and graciously touts Czar d'Oz.
The Daley Gator was after Anita, too, but also Cousin Megan.
Update II: Kn@ppster gave us some linky-love:
- He picks a nit with Stacy's defense of Malkin's writings on WWII internment. My feedback to His Knappage is that Monday Morning quarterbacks abound.
- He also points to thee ways to score hits: crowd, anti-crowd, and boobies.
- His critique of the NY-23 race is quite thoughtful. I take the "shag the GOP" stance, but Knapp says that, from a libertarian perspective, it's not so clear. From a Federalist perspective, anything but the GOP/Democratic neo-aristocracy is an improvement.
Update II:VodkaPundit gave Stacy slot #8 on The Week in Blogs for his AmSpec work. I await my lifetime achievement mention at the end of Czar d'Oz.
Start spreadin' the news . . .
"We've just been deluged with stuff," said Rob Ryan, media coordinator for Conservative Party candidate Doug Hoffman, whose congressional campaign in upstate New York's 23rd District has "surged" in recent days. . . .Read the whole 1,200-word thing, and look for more blog coverage at Memeorandum.
In the past week, the three-way contest in the Nov. 3 special election has suddenly become America's most-watched campaign this fall, generating massive attention from reporters and commentators nationwide. The Wall Street Journal, The Hill, Fox News, the Weekly Standard and scores of political blogs are following this campaign as a bellwether that could have major impact on the electoral landscape heading into the 2010 congressional mid-terms.
"This election is going to be a referendum on two things," Ryan said in a telephone interview Friday evening. "First, it's going to be a referendum on the first 10 months of the Obama administration. And second, it's going to be a referendum on the future of the Republican Party."
Early this morning I had a phone conversation with the mysterious Aleister of American Glob, who not only speaks fluent Belgian, but also is very excited about my plans to travel to upstate New York this coming week and apply some old-fashioned shoe-leather to campaign coverage of the NY23 showdown.

Fox News is so raaaaacist!
Good riddance I say. Hill was nothing more than a straight up Obama shill. No matter what Obama did, this guy would spin it as favorable. Obama could tank the entire economy [a real possibility] and Hill would say something stupid like it needed a good crashing.Yeah, that Clifton B. is such a white suprema . . .
Uh, wait minute. According to LGF research director Kejda, "Clifton" is a popular name among certain Euronationalist paleo-ultrafascist fringe elements and pseudo/neo-extremists like Pamela Geller. Also, Sharmuta says there may be reason to believe that the "B" in "Clifton B." stands for Belgium. IYKWIMAITYD.
(Via Flemeorandum.)
'I Ain't Got Time to Bleed'
My friend Eric Dondero of Libertarian Republican has pointed out that, in 2006, my friend Erick Erickson of Red State (like many other conservatives) refused to support Libertarian candidate Bob Smither in Texas.
Like the NY-23 race, that 2006 Texas congressional election was a unique situation -- long story, no time to explain now -- and many people misunderstood it. My good buddy Stephen Gordon was on the Libertarian Party national HQ staff at the time, and he was in that Houston suburban district up to his eyeballs.
Gordo made it clear to me that the GOP's idea of running a hand-picked write-in candidate (lonnngg story) was a guaranteed loser, a harebrained scheme that would surely fail. If conservatives wanted to stop a Democrat from winning that seat, their only viable option was to support the LP candidate, Smither, who was a solid citizen, not any kind of radical wacko, and much preferable to the Democrat Nick Lampson.
However, unless you knew the specific on-the-ground details (which Gordo spent hours explaining to me in phone calls from Texas), any conservative Republican might reasonably think that Tom DeLay and the local GOP bosses knew what they were doing.
But they didn't, and Lampson stomped the crap out of DeLay's handpicked successor (who had a hard-to-spell hyphenated last name, a big reason why the idea of her as a write-in candidate was so ROTFLMAO ridiculous). The Democratic pick-up could have been avoided, if any influential conservative at the national level would have listened to Gordo. Three years ago, I was even less inlfuential than I am now, and no other conservatives of greater influence were listening to Gordo and so . . "For want of a nail," as they say.
Erick Erickson was not alone in making the mistake he made. So I have no problem with Erickson for not having backed Smither. A mistake is not necessarily a sin, and Erickson's willingness now to back the Conservative Party candidate Hoffman in NY-23 might indicate that he's learned from the mistake he and others made three years ago.
Whether there might be future occasions when similar calculations of principled pragmatism lead Erickson to back an LP candidate, who knows? We'll cross that bridge when we get there.
Whatever happens in the future, or whatever happened in the past, it is absolutely vital in this time of crisis that all friends of liberty focus laser-like on doing now the things that must be done now. I can't fix what went wrong in 2006 and, if there is still any bad blood between my friends Dondero and Erickson, I don't have time to negotiate an armistice.
Right now there is a battle being waged in upstate New York that may, to some important extent, determine the future of this nation. Meanwhile, in Washington, a tooth-and-nail struggle rages over the ObamaCare abomination. There is too much important work to be done now for anyone who is a genuine friend of liberty to be engaged in intramural score-settling.
There are now 17 days until Nov. 3. Let us lay aside everything incidental and focus all our efforts on doing what must be done now, or our common cause is surely doomed.
Like that squad of commandos in the jungle, faced with a deadly and relentless foe, we are in a fight for survival. And I ain't got time to bleed. UPDATE: Rhymes With Right, a Texas GOP activist, puts a more detailed account of the 2006 Sekula-Gibbs fiasco in the comments. He makes mention of a meeting where the GOP "leadership" declared that it would be "out of order" to make a floor motion in favor of LP candidate Bob Smither who was already on the ballot. My man Gordo was on the phone telling me all about this, live from the scene, when that dirty little deal went down.
This is how the "Establishment Insider" crowd operates, see? Just like the House GOP "leadership" forced Jeb Hensarling to walk the plank for Scozzafava, the GOP "leadership" in Texas forced the local parties to walk-the-plank for Sekula-Gibbs. And this is just what Cornyn and the NRSC want to do by shoving Crist down the throats of Florida Republicans.
This kind of crass manipulation of the GOP mechanism by the insiders is absolutely deadly, in terms of destroying grassroots enthusiasm, and that's what Not One Red Cent is about: Fighting back against this kind of corrupt, crooked, backroom "kingmaker" crap.
As for the inside-libertarian-baseball criticisms from my friends Mr. Knapp and Mr. Dondero, it is beyond the scope of my influence to convince Erick Erickson or anyone else of what course of action they should take. Nobody in the GOP has ever solicited my advice, and on those rare occasion I've played armchair strategist by volunteering my advice, they always ignore me and do the opposite.
So none of this is my fault. If you're looking for a scapegoat, Blame Erik Telford. (I always do.)
Friday, October 16, 2009
Tim Phillips Rocks!
Tim Phillips of Americans for Prosperity needs to prep everyone who goes on Rachel Maddow's
Oh, to have been a fly on the wall in Rachel's dressing room after that segment.
Update: Tim Phillips' response.
GOP sells out! NRCC gives '6-figure' donation to RINO Scozzafava?
Noting that Newt Gingrich (!) is also backing the liberal Scozzafava, Michelle Malkin comments:The Republican National Committee also confirmed Friday that it was making a six-figure transfer to the National Republican Campaign Committee to help [wretched RINO Dede Scozzafava] in that race.
The NRCC has already spent nearly half a million dollars on advertising and other independent expenditures. And with the Scozzafava campaign on television only sparingly -- reportedly because of slow fundraising -- it has become the main source of advertising for the Republicans at this point.
The RNC is also giving $85,000 to the state party, the maximum allowed for a coordinated campaign, and has two staffers on the ground in the district.
If you have given to the NRCC, RNC, or Newt Gingrich under the impression that they are using the money to support conservatism, you might want to ask for your money back.Last night I was on the phone with a source who got me hooked up with the Hoffman campaign. Red State has a fund-raiser to help the Hoffman campaign maintain their momentum. If you care about saving the Reagan legacy from the clueless idiots of the GOP Establishment, the Doug Hoffman campaign is Priority One until Nov. 4.

UPDATE 2:30 p.m.: Just got off the phone with a Republican source in upstate New York who informed me that Jeri Thompson -- whose husband Fred has endorsed Hoffman -- was booked today on the Neal Cavuto show. However, Jeri got bumped because of "Balloon Boy" coverage. I am not making this up.
The three-way NY23 battle is now at the top of Memeorandum, BTW. Thanks to all who have hit the tip jar so far. Every $5 or $10 helps; don't know what the total trip budget will be yet. I'm talking to GOP sources about my plans and will have more soon.
UPDATE 3:05 p.m.: All right! Looks like the Great RINO Hunt is on! Bill Kristol casts his lot with the Tea Party people backing Hoffman:
A new poll in the November 3 special election for the congressional seat, NY-23, vacated by Army Secretary John McHugh, confirms what knowledgeable observers have suspected for a while: The candidacy of the official Republican nominee, liberal Dede Scozzafava, selected by local party officials and supported by the national Republican establishment, is collapsing. . . .(Had that yesterday, Bill. Thanks for noticing.)
Today, the Wall Street Journal has a story on the race with the headline Tea-Party Activists Complicate Republican Comeback Strategy. The truth is the opposite: The GOP establishment complicates the Republican and conservative comeback strategy.Better late than never, I guess, and I'm sure the Hoffman campaign is grateful for the support. BTW, if you can follow Hoffman on Twitter and Facebook, and if you live near Plattsville, N.Y., they'll be opening a new local campaign headquarters there tonight.
Tea Party people unite! You have nothing to lose but those clueless idiots in the GOP establishment!
UPDATE: Start spreadin' the news . . .
Czar d'Oz Episode III: TOTO

Start with the Czar d'Oz Announcement
Synopsis: In the year 2112, the characters retreated to a basement shelter to weather a monster tornado. Making an early trip to the local seat of government, they uncovered information pertaining to an experimental time machine located in Seattle.
"He could..."
[Murdoch's office. Murdoch is fat, balding, opulently dressed, and seated facing stage right. Peter Lyon is at mid-stage, with Martin, Julius and Zeda at stage right, standing at ease, facing the desk, too.]
Murdoch: Let me see if I understand this clearly. You four are taking my prize Terrain Obstacle Transformation Observer, whose experimental power plant can make two trips across the US between fuelings, and driving to the capital at the New Chicago Vortex in Michigan to petition President Barack Soros Obama for aid?
[In Murdoch's fortress garage. An SUV-sized vehicle with a tandem rear axel and a tear-drop shape emerges. The rear is slightly higher than the front, for that mean look. The vehicle rolls on from stage right and stops at the center, while Martin, Zeda, Julius and Peter await stage left. A sliver-haired man with a dash of black at the bangs gets out.]
[A cutout of TOTO without the top and left side dominates the center stage. An elevated flat screen positioned at stage rear serves to move the scenery by. It shows a still scene of Kansas fields, with the words RIGHT VIEW at the bottom. The characters walk around and get into TOTO from the back. Martin is driving, and he carries a puck-like object. Zeda rides shotgun, with Julius and Martin in back.]
I doubt anyone's ever taken a right turn from 274 onto Greely Road at 100 clicks, but this ride can do it.
Next episode: Porch
Her Daily Beastliness
Yada, yada, yada. "Everybody feel sorry for me! I'm a woman and I'm a victim!"On Wednesday, I posted a hastily taken self-portrait on Twitter—which I thought was funny and silly—and within a few hours I had caused a minor media scandal. . . .
So why all this Sturm und Drang?
Could it be it's because I have breasts? . . .
Being the first conservative blogger to comment in depth on my idiot cousin's self-inflicted controversy, allow me to reiterate the obvious: It was not Meghan's possession of large breasts, nor her display thereof, which has been the object of criticism. Rather, it was her childish online tantrum -- "getting the f**k off Twitter," she whined -- in reaction to online rudeness that enhanced her laughingstock status. As I wrote at The American Spectator:
She personifies the phony victimhood of the Oprah Age, where the affluent and comfortable seek fame by boo-hooing about the trivial misfortunes of their spectacularly easy lives. Let's hear from Jenn Q. Public:Ironically, her egoistic episode began when Miss Meghan posted a photo of herself holding a book about Andy Warhol, the pop artist whose best-known aphorism was, "In the future, everyone will be world-famous for 15 minutes." Meghan's 15 minutes have long since expired and if she is stupid enough to follow through on last night's impulsive threat to quit Twittering -- 50,000 subscribers is an enviable readership for online promotion -- the world will have another laugh at her expense.
No one is forcing Meghan McCain to endure the trials and tribulations of fame. . . .There's no invisible rider on the First Amendment that promises to protect the thin-skinned from vile and demeaning criticism.Meghan's Twitter feed is full of "motherf**king sh*t," as is her otherwise empty skull. That one hears ugly rumors about her from Young Republican types -- well, "sources say" many things, none of them flattering, but perhaps they have malicious motives.
Certainly, it would be libelous if someone were to state as a fact that Meghan is a pushover after four margaritas (and that she never stops at three). Yet my attorney assures me that for purely humorous purposes, there would be nothing actionable were anyone were to react to Ms. McCain's column title, "Don't Call Me a Slut," by quoting Elizabethan literature.
The lady doth protest too much, methinks.One blogger described me as having made "vicious and mean attacks." Heh. I'm just making jokes. Or rather, Meghan McCain is a joke, and I'm just pointing it out.
-- Hamlet, Act III, Scene 2
And remember: NO FAT JOKES!
Technorati Re-grade
"Son, it'll feel better when it quits hurting."It appears that Hopium, Changeeba and the Shovel Ready Project have reached Technorati. This blog's tireless efforts to popularize and enhance their prestige in the blogosphere have been met with a chorus of crickets at Technorati HQ. Their vastly different and seemingly incomplete feature set is going to set back our efforts at composing an FMJRA for tomorrow. Also, in the East, rose the sun.
There will be an FMJRA tomorrow, or my name is not Throckmorton Q. Bugglethwiddy. However, its quality is dependent on a little more audience precipitation than usual. Rain your URLs on me at Smitty for inclusion, bitte.
UPDATE (RSM): Indeed, the "new, improved" Technorati doth suck. As with Windows "upgrades," it appears that Technorati has adopted the philosophy, "If it's not broke, fix it until it breaks."
Life without consequences
"The real difference between the Rich and Others is not just that 'they have more money' . . . The truly rich are born free . . . they will never feel hungry, and their credit will never be questioned. . . .
"Why do the finest flowers of the American Dream so often turn up in asylums, divorce courts, and other gray hallways of the living doomed? What is it about being born free and rich beyond worry that makes people crazy?"
-- Hunter S. Thompson, "Bad Craziness in Palm Beach," from Songs of the Doomed
There is something about unearned privilege that is deeply corrupting. Most people who are condemned by liberals as "rich" are innocent of such vices. These are people with high annual incomes which they have earned by honest labor or, once they've achieved career success, from wisely investing their earlier earnings.
These "rich" were not born rich, and whatever privileges they have, they've earned. And, if they are wise, they'll take care to teach their children not to take for granted the advantages that the child derives from the parent's success. These advantages ought to be blessings, but many times they are not, simply because the child is overindulged or never properly chastised, and thus takes for granted fortune's smile.
Well, the Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away, and it is a fact that some of the third- and fourth-generation descendants of 19th -century "robber barons" -- scions of famous families, born to comfort and privilege -- died bankrupt, unloved and alone.
Old money can corrupt, and new money can, too. Remember the IPO hot shots of the "dot-com" boom? Or recall those stories about lottery winners who wasted vast winnings and ended up broke again? What about those professional athletes -- first-round draft picks and All-Pro stars -- who reached their 40s without retaining a cent of their once-fabulous earnings?
One of my favorite songs of the '60s is Bob Dylan's "Like a Rolling Stone," about a young upper-class woman who finds herself cast down among the lowlifes she once held in contempt:
Once upon a time
You dressed so fine
You threw the bums a dime
In your prime, didn't you?
People'd call, say, "Beware doll,
You're bound to fall"
You thought they were all kiddin' you
You used to laugh about
Everybody that was hangin' out
Now you don't talk so loud
Now you don't seem so proud
About having to be scrounging for your next meal.
How does it feel?
Really, what could be sadder than the spectacle of advantages wasted on ingrates who don't appreciate what they've been given until they've squandered it all and have nothing left? Such people are much worse off than someone born poor who, by sweating and scrimping, manages to claw themselves just a couple of rungs up the ladder.
These kinds of tragedies happen all the time, and in the strangest ways. And it is sometimes hard to resist the temptation of schadenfreude when you hear about someone who was once a pompously self-important snob being sentenced to federal prison. But our glee at such spectacular downfalls ought not blind us to the tragic wastefulness of these human disasters.
In every tragedy like that, there was a moment -- somewhere along the way -- when someone might have done or said something to prevent the disaster. But they ignored the problem or felt it was none of their business, and so the inevitable downfall ensued.
"I can't stand when adults demand the 'right' to act a certain way and then want to be shielded from the normal consequences of their actions. . . .
"People never cease to astonish me and Ms. McCain is no exception.
"I guess I'm just tired of people thumbing their noses at the rules and then citing those same rules as evidence they've been ill treated. Two wrongs don't make a right but it's generally unconvincing when you try to hold others to a standard you long since openly rejected."
-- Cassandra at Villainous Company, Oct. 15
Some jobs The Boss does best
"No mention . . .
"No mention . . ."
Right. And no mention of a lot of other things that I'd like to mention, but won't or can't, because only liberals are allowed to discuss stuff like that. Liberals endlessly boast about their own tolerance and enlightenment, taking turns giving each other awards, while denouncing the rest of humanity as hateful and benighted.
Liberals never have to worry about anyone questioning their sincerity and bona fides, because if you publicly question the good faith of liberals . . .
Well, don't forget: There are 5 A's in raaaaacism.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
C'mon, Trog
Here's our favorite Wisconsin amphibian fretting about "giving up football".
How about college football? High school? Consider, if you will, people who "play" a sport, as opposed to "professing" it.
The NFL, like Congress, is mostly a pack of sell-outs who've lost their way, and deserve to be ignored. Which I've more or less done with the NFL since around the Reagan administration.
The big difference is that the NFL, while a sad caricature of its former glory, limits the scope of its damage mostly to itself. It is hard to imagine Harry Reid, as head coach of the Senate, or Nancy Pelosi in the House, as a bigger disaster.
WH Communication Director Anita Dunn admires history's greatest mass murderer
"Forget Beck! Look at my f**king t*ts!"See Memeorandum for more complete coverage.
-- Meghan McCain
Meghan McCain and her f***ing sh*t

However, lest someone mistakenly think that there is any disrespect involved here -- please, NO FAT JOKES! -- you need to be reminded that this is actually a tribute to Meghan's preferred mode of discourse on Twitter:
My adrenalin is still pumping and I think I left nail marks in Ramins arm!!! What the f*ck paranormal experience?!?And, finally, just to remind you:
— McCainBlogette #4774678638
Babs is my fav character on entourage, I like her all black suits, super blonde hair and take no sh*t attitude - hey wait... :-
— McCainBlogette #3660989193
insomnia is such a motherf*cker, 3:45 whose not sleeping? yeah me...where my fellow Lestats at? shout out to those that dont sleep!!!!!
— McCainBlogette #3508781165
Love guys who appreciate when I say mother f*cker even if sometimes I have a bow in my hair when saying it
— McCainBlogette #3339829829
my life exactly the way I want to. Just because my family is in politics doesn't mean I have to act like it! that s*it is so boring...
— McCainBlogette #2926152783
tweet my mom @cindyhm1 and ask her to tell you about the crazy person who sh*t talked me to her! talkin smack about a daughter 2 a mother
— McCainBlogette #2833367886
chill people, I don't give a f*ck about @michellemalkinWhen Little Miss Overprivileged Victim started whining because of mean comments, throwing a Twitter fit and saying she was "getting the f**k off Twitter," I doubt she expected her own nasty f**king sh*t to come flying back in her face. But as they say down home, "Payback is a motherf**ker, b*tch."
— McCainBlogette #3180554274
(Hat-tip: Jim Treacher, whose blog is cleverly called Jim Treacher's Blog That Is On The Internet.)
Some overdue Rule 2 action on this:
- Little Miss Attila, who would never say motherf**king sh*t about Meghan McCain.
- Bob Belvedere's Camp of the Saints, with more sweet t*t-shots than you can imagine.
- Moonbattery is gonna love this f**king sh*t.
- Monique Stuart: Meghan McCain: Fat slut, just fat, or just a slut? I report; you decide. (Multiple choice!)
- Meghan McCain nude? Hey, it's not called Honesty In Motion for nothing, you know.
- Ruby Slippers reveals that Meghan McCain didn't stop Twittering.
- Secret peephole video of Meghan McCain nude? Professor Douglas, have you no shame?
UPDATE: Great. I began the smackdown nearly 24 hours ago, but did Memeorandum link me? Oh, no. ABC News and the Christian Science Monitor -- yeah, that's the real blogosphere, man. I feel so . . . excuse me, I get these Glenn Beck moments sometimes . . .
No, don't worry about me. I'll be all right. As long as I have Villainous Company linking me, I'll be fine.
UPDATE II: CNN shows my blog with Pamela Anderson ad (2:15), madcap hijinks ensue:
This is my Navin Johnson moment: "The new phone books are here! The new phone books are here!" New blog slogan: "As misrepresented on CNN!"
BTW, there was a discussion on Twitter, in which I had to clarify that I never called Meghan a "slut" for showing her boobs. It was her whiny reaction to the criticism that was the target of my commentary.
And, just for the record: I am pro-boobies -- not matter what Charles Johnson says. (Lies! All lies!)
Quite possibly the funniest AOSHQ thread since the 'Paul Anka Integrity Kick'
How far did it go? Three words: The Banana Splits.
Meghan McCain's boob shot

UPDATE 2:53 p.m.: The MSM's digusting attempt to cash in on Megan McCain's rack caught me by surprise today. I should have expected such a move after I got cited in The Week this morning. Let the record show that my Megan McCain boob post went up at 10:25 p.m. ET last night, long before the MSM even noticed Megan McCain cleavage. I beat those CNN losers, and they can't stand it.
Meanwhile, sleazy blog commenters are spreading the rumor that Ron Paul laughs at Meagan McCain fat jokes . . .
UPDATE 5:12 p.m.: Still only No. 2 in the Google-bomb war. Somebody hit the "Digg" button down there. We will fight them on the Google! We shall fight them on the Digg! We shall fight for every Meghan McCain boob reader. We shall never surrender!
UPDATE 7:20 p.m.: Meghan McCain gets a taste of her own f**king sh*t.
URGENT: Tea Party Conservative Doug Hoffman surges in latest NY23 poll
Bill Owens (Democrat) . . . . . . . . . . 33%This is a huge gain for Hoffman. The MSM are headlining the lead for Owens, but the more important point is Hoffman's momentum. He's gained 7 points in two weeks, while Scozzafava's lost 6. It shows how Scozzafava's support in this key three-way upstate New York congressional race has collapsed because of Hoffman's exposure of the RINO candidate's liberal voting record. The Hill reports:
Dede Scozzafava (RINO) . . . . . . . . 29%
Doug Hoffman (Conservative) . . . . 23%
Hoffman has surged in Oneida and Oswego, at the western end of the district. Hoffman takes 34 percent of the vote in one of the district's most populous areas, narrowly edging Owens by three points. Scozzafava, whose television advertising campaign has been far weaker than either Owens or Hoffman, trails with just 21 percent in those counties.Press release from the Hoffman campaign:
"It's clear Dede Scozzafava is way too liberal for the 23rd CD. That's why she's dropping in the polls. Voters are seeing that the conservative Republican candidate, Doug Hoffman, will work to cut spending, cut taxes, and shrink the deficit and that's why he is surging in the poll. This poll was completed on Tuesday, just as our media buy was being ramped up. As more voters get to know Doug Hoffman, more voters will support Doug Hoffman. This is a race between two liberals and a conservative. Doug Hoffman is the conservative and that's why he will win."As I reported yesterday, Hoffman says he has Scozzafava "on the run," and Red State is trying to raise more money to help push Hoffman over the top.
Hoffman is endorsed by the Club for Growth, the Susan B. Anthony List and other conservative groups. Perhaps more importantly, Hoffman's got the endorsement of the 9/12 Project, which gives him the conservative grassroots Tea Party volunteers to run a strong ground campaign, but he's got to have more campaign cash to keep running his hard-hitting TV campaign.

UPDATE: Laughable MSM assertion that Republicans are "bitterly divided" over NY23 race:
The House GOP conference is bitterly divided over a centrist New York Republican’s run for the House seat vacated by Army Secretary John McHugh. . . .That's not "bitterly divided," that's a 90% rejection of Scozzafava, who isn't a "centrist," but an outright liberal, whose voting record is somewhere in the Olympia Snowe and Arlen Specter range.
Just 17 members — about 10 percent of the GOP conference — have written checks to Scozzafava’s campaign.
Via Memeorandum. More from Erick Erickson at Red State.
Czar d'Oz Episode II: Wreckage

Start with the Czar d'Oz Announcement
Synopsis: In the year 2112, the characters retreated to a basement shelter to weather a monster tornado.
"...and it explains..."
Julius: They say that the real thing to do is stay put and wait for the authorities. There will be a lot of downed power lines and weakened structures. Perhaps I should stay here and pore over volume four of The Wit and Wisdom of Patrick Daley Obama.
Peter: [looking at a dead handheld, shaking his head, pocketing the device] Wow, the network is down. Julius, Zeda is right: we've got to get moving to the Temple now, with the sun rising enough to see. You're right about the dangers, but there is precious little to go around. If we're not early, we're simply naught. Martin, do you have any wea-wea-weap-pons? We-we don't want any violence at all, of course, no violence. But the appearance of the ability to deliver violence, without making any explicit threats (of course) is often helpful in negotiations.
[Peter enters left, followed by Zeda, Martin. Julius is still in the rear. They come up to the ruin of the Temple of Cyrus. The rotunda has collapsed, though the sun is still to show through the new, permanent skylight where there had been a dome. They go up the stairs, and peer in. The front doors and the conference room door are all flat on the ground. A huge chunk of ceiling has smashed a gaping hole in the conference room floor.]
Martin: What's below here? A boiler room?
Peter: No, it was Murdoch's office.
Martin: Would he have weapons?
Peter: Not that I know, or would approve of.
Julius: Are you going to descend?
Peter: Down this girder? Are you mad? There is no way my insurance would cover an injury incurred while climbing over random storm wreckage, unless I was a first responder. How irresponsible!
Dearest Justin Murdoch,
Your irresponsibility has become too great a burden. Whatever promise you once showed on the Project, you can no longer stay in the Emerald City after this latest outrage. Even a relative of Czar d'Oz himself cannot go whoring amongst the Brutals in so cavalier a manner.
I've found you a position in Kansas, working for the Flyover Czar in Topeka. You understand that this constitutes a banishment. You also understand that saving your sorry hide even this much has cost me significant political capital. You must go and never return, or you shall have defied me personally, and get to pay for that as well as your other misdeeds.
Your Father,
Jasper d'Oz, Northwest Czar
Zeda: I second that idea, though it would be a shame to just let all of this stuff go.
Peter: In political struggles, you always trade up. We secured these goods, and we're going to return them intact. The reason we're going to do that is because Murdoch is hiring us to go on a mission. He's doing that not only because of the dirt we now have on him, and the loyalty and respect we're showing by protecting his property, but because we're going to make him look a genius to the Car Czar in Detroit, where he is sending us on a diplomatic mission.
Only that's a ruse. We're going to take the vehicle he sends us in and head off to Seattle, instead, to see if this experimental time machine project detailed in this notebook, and which appeared nearly operational when he got this copy of the project description, actually works.
Because, if it does, we have a chance to go back to the beginning of this godforsaken Obama administration and warn the people!
[Zeda's eyes widen, Martin nods vigorously, and Julius' jaw drops.]
Next episode: TOTO.
How fat is Meghan McCain?

Because she's dumb, blonde and rich, with big hooters -- just the way we like 'em.
Also, she's my cousin. And you know how we hillbilly Bubbas are about our cousins.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Well, cuz, there's a reason they're called 'TwitPics' you know . . .

so I took a fun picture not thinking anything about what I was wearing but apparently anything other than a pantsuit I am a slut, this is why I have been considering deleting my twitter account, what once was fun now just seems like a vessel for harassment
-- McCainBlogette
I am going to take some more time to think about it but seriously I was just trying to be funny with the book and that I'm a dork staying in
-- McCainBlogette
when I am alone in my apartment, I wear tank tops and sweat pants, I had no idea this makes me a "slut", I can't even tell you how hurt I am
ok I am getting the f***k off twitter, promise not to delete my account until I sleep on it, thank you for the nice words supporters
Well, I have no idea what anybody said about her that caused her to have a Twitter breakdown. It is an unfortunate fact that some people associate large breasts with promiscuity. The girl in eighth grade with the biggest rack usually somehow gets a reputation, even if she's done nothing to deserve it.
Of course, Meghan's photo involved a rather spectacular display, but you can see equally abundant cleavage on lots of college kids' Facebook pages, so that doesn't really mean anything.
Anyway, at some point -- actually before posting the picture -- she took an out-of-the-blue shot at Allahpundit:
pretty much my image of @allahpundit is I am the chick from silence of the lambs and he is screaming at me in a hole 2 put lotion on my skinThis is a reference to the creepy "Buffalo Bill" character ("It rubs the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again") and I've got no idea why she'd take a shot like that. Weird.
Whatever. Meghan McCain not a victim. She the heiress to a fortune and the daughter of a powerful U.S. Senator. She is also spoiled rotten and arrogant, lecturing the world at Tina Brown's Daily Beast without any more qualification than her family name and an Ivy League diploma.
For someone like that to play the victim card -- "Boo hoo hoo! people said mean things about me!" -- is absurd, and reminds me of what I wrote at the Green Room today:
Nothing is quite so annoying as fake victimhood: Overprivileged people trying to elicit sympathy in the Oprah Age by claiming they are victimized by something that doesn’t actually harm them at all."Sticks and stones," OK? Grow up.
UPDATE: OK, thanks to MelissaTweets and Dahlhalla for these screen-caps of previous Meghan McCain posts that explain the Allah-hate. Meghan wrote this post:

UPDATE II: Recall that in June, LOTUS noticed how much Meghan liked to talk about her rack:
Clearly, Meghan McCain is at the forefront of the tit-tering movement. This is because her rack probably is her greatest contribution to the GOP.Seriously, Megan: You don't want to match racks with LOTUS.
Unfortunately for them, everyone knows that I’ve already declared myself to be the titular head of the conservative movement.