Rule 5 Sunday, is all about finding that intersection of erudition and loveliness. MOS V in the title is not "Method Of Service," you ground pounders. We'll kick off this week's festivities (being careful with the "ities," lest an extra "t" creep in there subliminally) with a lesson from Hot For Words.
- Regular link source American Power Blog has some Code Pinko video. You be the judge.
- More legit Rule 5 from American Power.
- TrogloPundit is a sick, sick puppy.
- The classy action last week with 19th-century artwork by William Bouguereau was a big hit with Mrs. Other McCain, so cast your (aesthetically sensitive) eyes on The Birth of Venus. The original painting is nearly 10 feet tall by 7 feet wide. Also check out the Abduction of Psyche, a detail of which is here:
- Speaking of classic art, every Sunday is Patriotic Pin-Up Day at Pirate's Cove.
- Speaking of patriotism, the WyBlog celebrates Rule 5 and Amendment 2 simultaneously.
- At the Point of a Gun, which sounds tense, offers up some great bunny action.
- The commitment to retro pinups at Paco Enterprises is equally appreciated.
- Gahrie's Grumbles suggests The Nolan Sisters, whom I don't remember, but I will avoid abusing him if he doesn't rib me about Pat Benatar.
- Brazilian bikini beauties banned in New Jersey? (Doug Mataconis stands up for your right to depilation, ladies!)
- Shreveport, after considering the notorious one, opted for Dennis Quaid instead. In any case, lads, it's to the gym with us to keep everything from going pear shaped.
- Kirbside answers Gahrie with lingerie hotness, but Kirb needs to be more attentive to The Rules. First, Rule 5 Sunday entries must link here -- either to The Rules, or to Full Metal Jacket Saturday, or to the Rule 5 Sunday roundup. Second, you must install Technorati on your blog, since this is the tool we use for all Rule 2 action. Let your blog-fu be righteous, o ye padwans!
- More proof of the power of Rule 5: Donald Douglas gets 'Lanched for Blake Lively hotness. And we shall say nothing about who suggested this shot of Britney Spears showing signs of incipient MILF-hood:

Oh it wasn't a rejection RSM in favor of Dennis, Smitty, it's just that the speedo photo has been haunting my sleep ever since I saw it...I'd hate to think what would happen to me should I have to look at it every time I open my own blog. *sighs*.