UPDATED & BUMPED: After that debate, I think there can be no doubt which candidate America
most wants to see in a bikini.
Yeah, you're
darn right I changed the subject! Because America needs some straight talk from a maverick blogger about who's the sexiest candidate for vice president.
Gettin' things done! Main Street! Wasilla! Bikini pictures!SERIOUS ANALYSIS: Joe Biden
did not lose the election tonight. That's the most important thing. He might have lied through his teeth, but he's got very nice teeth, doesn't he?
Sarah Palin did better in her debate than John McCain did in his. She obviously dodged some questions, talking taxes when Biden raised the issue of regulation, and talking energy policy --
darn right! -- whenever she felt like it.
Biden was very sharp and very confident, and very repetitive. If you wanted to hear class-warfare talk about how the middle class is getting screwed over by the super-wealthy, tonight must have been heaven for you, since Palin also jumped onto the let's-bash-greedy-corrupt-Big-Business bandwagon.
Palin would be a much better candidate, I think, if she wasn't chained to Maverick. It was in defending McCain, and repeating the slogans and soundbites McCain's advisors had fed her, that she was least convincing.
Palin's best line was, "How long have I been at this? Like, five weeks?" That was good. I don't know if that was spontaneous, or something she'd practiced, but it was very good.
Biden's worst line was when he talked about a plan to "adjust the principle you owe" on your mortgage. Holy freaking crap! Good-bye, rule of law! Adjusting the
principle? You paid $300,000 for a house in 2005, took out a loan for $270,000 and now, because it's not worth what you paid for it, the government is going to force the lender to mark down the
principle to $200,000? That's not
reform, that's
Jimmie at Sundries Shack links with a debate roundup -- thanks. In comments, Smitty just said he thought Gwen Ifill did an excellent job as moderator and I agree. Before the debate, there were accusations of bias, since Ifill's written (or is writing) a supposedly pro-Obama book. But in terms of her performance as moderator, Ifill seemed to me to be quite fair.
UPDATE: Team Maverick claims victory. Well, not "victory," perhaps, but she's "ready to lead," blahblahblah. I'm telling you, they're just going through the motions over at Maverick HQ these days. Working on their resumes and updating their LinkedIn pages, trying to look busy while watching the clock (
is it lunch yet?) and thinking about playing golf Sunday.
UPDATE II: Michelle Malkin is ecstatic:
Sarah Palin is the real deal. Five weeks on the campaign trail, thrust onto the national stage, she rocked tonight’s debate.
She was warm, fresh, funny, confident, energetic, personable, relentless, and on message. . . .
McCain has not done many things right. But Sarah Palin proved tonight that the VP risk he took was worth it. . . .
She matched -- and trumped several times -- a man who has spent his entire adult life on the political stage, run for president twice, and as he mentioned several times, chairs the Senate Judiciary Committee.
And a man who, in fact, is the next vice president, since Maverick's poll numbers are heading south faster than that midnight train to Georgia. (
Cue the Pips!) I think Michelle's enthusiastic response to tonight's debate isn't about Nov. 4, it's about . . .
PALIN 2012!