- Create a blog post with a photo, or a link to a photo, of an attractive female;
- Try to keep it to PG-13, at most; no nudity, please;
- Additional insightful political news commentary on the same post is suggested, although not strictly necessary;
- Ladybloggers can be eligible by posting beefcake;
- Gaybloggers cannot be eligible by posting beefcake, but can qualify by posting Marilyn Monroe or other camp diva photos;
- Include a link to The Other McCain;
Make sure you have Technorati installed on your blog;
- Publish your post before 9 p.m. Saturday; and
- E-mail the URL of your post to Smitty.
You'll be linked in the roundup, which usually goes live before noon Sunday. If you feel your contributions have been neglected, e-mail Smitty again.
Whatever you do, guys, please hit the tip jar. Because I'm a married man and my wife only puts up with this silly blogging nonsense on the condition that it generates revenue. Mrs. Other McCain is a wonderful woman, but she's got a kitchen drawer full of knives, and I've got to sleep sometime.
Now you've done it. I'm reading his name as Smutty.