I just asked GROK to Create a Simulated Rush Limbaugh Opening Monologue on
the CR fight cumulating in Chuck Schumer folding and voting Closure on the
GOP Resolution Here is what it produced
My exact question to Grok was this: Based on Rush Limbaugh’s style and
content create a Rush Limbaugh opening monologue in which he describes the
3 hours ago
At least, technically, Florida doesn't allow felons to vote. Iowa does. Oh, and there is not enough time to do a thing about the dead, criminal, and multiply registered voters for this upcoming election. Democrats seem to control most of the election process and much of the judiciary. Though, like that is a surprise either. One more reason to not even consider voting. Being, still, a registered Republican (more because I haven't bothered to change it, though too, there really isn't anything else better to be registered as), I have strong doubts about whether my vote would even be counted. Not that I am cynicalistical or anything.