Frank, in his zeal to trash John McCain and Sarah Palin -- for the common good, naturally -- is selective in his facts. His Sept. 24 Journal column brought up the Arizona senator's well-documented association with Charles Keating, the face of the savings and loans scandal in the late 1980s. Frank says that, "Keating fought back by recruiting a handful of legislators, including Mr. McCain, to pressure S&L regulators to leave his S&L alone." He omits that McCain's fellow "Keating Five" enablers -- Sens. John Glenn, Alan Cranston, Dennis DeConcini and Donald Riegle -- were all incumbent Democrats.What's interesting to me is how conservative pundits are routinely dismissed as GOP shills, yet partisan hackery by liberals is not recognized as such. Their "progressive" agenda begins and ends with "Elect More Democrats." Whether the Democrats actually do anything to uplift the downtrodden is irrelevant.
Nissan considering shutting down it’s Mexico auto plant and moving it to
the US over tariff threat
The winning just doesn’t stop, and this is why communists, Canadians and
undoubtably Mexico are so bitter and hate this
The post Nissan considering shutt...
11 hours ago
Refresh my memory...
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