by Smitty (h/t HotAir)
As with John McCain in the presidential debate saying that the Treasury Department would work with the banks to help struggling home owners, here we have Boehner missing the ultimate point:
"stop runaway spending, and help small business", he concludes.
Memo to Boehner: WTF the States? Small businesses, it would seem, are likely not an inter-state commerce issue, right? Why don't you talk about how federalism will be restored, state governments will be less a laughing stock, and you'll seem less a Typical Washington Ignorant Tool (TWIT).
But Jimmie liked it, so maybe I should go lay by the dish with the dog.
Now even Tampon Tim Walz has Elon Derangement Syndrome
Well look who’s back.. It’s Tampon Tim Walz, whining about Elon Musk taking
a hatched to the bloated government spending
The post Now even Tampon Tim Wal...
10 hours ago
Come on, it's an excellent, funny ad. Better than what usually comes out of the GOP. I know it's cool and all to bash the Republicans. But when you're up against a leviathan, I think it's best to leave the childish antics at the door and start fighting.
ReplyDeleteBut when you're up against a leviathan, I think it's best to leave the childish antics at the door and start fighting.
ReplyDeleteMy point exactly: the enemy is Progressivism, and this ad seems to concede the ground to it, which is at the heart of the problem.
It's always been the conservative position (and reality) that small businesses are what powers the American economic leviathan. I think what the ad is trying to say is that if we get government out of the way, then that will help small businesses.
ReplyDeleteI don't know of any Republican federal legislation that's being proposed on small businesses, so I think that this would probably be the most fair reading of what he saying.
[Given the recent history of Republican governance at the federal level, I do have to say that they are the ones to blame if anyone jumped to the conclusion that they were talking about the federal government taking some action - and spending more money.]
I'm willing to give Boehner the benefit of the doubt here, but also willing to yank it bank the second they start talking about any action at the federal level besides repealing regulations and rolling back taxes.
May I humbly suggest "Typical Washington Asinine Tool?"
My handle is Al Not Gore. Iffen ya want Mr McCain. You can have my name. As a Republican Party volunteer (with a Barry Golwater Award proudly displayed on my wall)I have been getting damn tired of what the national party has been shoveling at the grassroots. We doan need more fertilizer. We need fresh water and some more carbon dioxide to neaten up our graveyard for the Demon cratic suiciders as we bury their rotting corpses. Preach on brother.
ReplyDeleteMaybe it's just me but perhaps an ad that features hounds going after the policies of the first black president's policies is not the smartest image to use?
ReplyDeleteAnd these guys are worried about Sarah Palin?
"Why don't you talk about how federalism will be restored, state governments will be less a laughing stock, and you'll seem less a Typical Washington Ignorant Tool (TWIT)."
"I don't know of any Republican federal legislation that's being proposed on small businesses, so I think that this would probably be the most fair reading of what he saying."
Freedm/liberty/laissez-faire cannot be achieved via legislation/policy. In fact, legislation/policy is the antithesis of freedom.
This is a major problem of both the Republican Party and Americans in general, an addiction to policy/legislation.
He seems to have a cool dog! Check out who is running for governor in Idaho If you want to see a funny video watch his monkey videos at the bottom of his intro page. He has some great ideas for our state and I think our president should take notes on his 'Ten Principles'.
ReplyDeleteSmitty - I agree, this stupid ad concedes some of the progressive agenda, instead of handily handing their asses to them. Which is a very easy task by the way. AIG bonuses? What the hell. I want to here about 100% rescindment of this damn thing. I want to hear more of the Boehner that I heard during the mini-filibuster speech on the House floor during the Cap and Rape vote. That's what I want.