"Writing is a skill, not a talent, and thus one's ability as a writer can be improved by thoughtful effort. The problem with some people is that they graduate college as good writers, experience early success on account of that, and thus never devote themselves diligently to the relentless quest for improvement that could make them great writers."
I've got lots of video and photos to upload from Thursday night, when Tea Party Nation erupted in Orlando's Lake Eola Park. It will take a while to get them all uploaded, so come back for the updates. Andrea Shea King, Carol Tackett and Donald Douglas have also blogged about Tea Party Nation, as has Barbara Espinosa.
Let's start with the arrival of the Tea Party Express, which was like the Beatles landing at JFK in '64 for Barbara and her friend Susan Wellington: Lloyd Marcus leads the crowd singing "2010." Rivoli Revue performs "U.S.S. of A.": Brief interview with Ron and Kay Rivoli: Interview with Kenneth Gladney, who was never involved in politics until he got beaten up by SEIU goons while selling flags at a town-hall meeting: First Amendment or "angry mob?" We report, Pelosi decides. Ron and Kay Rivoli. Kenneth Gladney, Barbara Espinosa, and Tea Party organizer Sal Russo, an alumnus of Team Reagan.
Click the photo and you can see that the orange flyer is promoting a "Freedom Rally" during next February's Bike Week in Daytona. You know you want me to cover that one, right? Barbara and Susan with my son James. Who is that woman with WDBO radio star Mike Synan? It's Eyewitness News anchor Barbara West, who asked Joe Biden about Obama's socialist agenda last year. Not sure exactly why Susan decided on the "off-the-shoulder" look, but let's face it, there's nothing like a gal with a "Don't Tread On Me" flag, except maybe a gal with a "Don't Tread On Me" tattoo. Barbara hangs out backstage with Lloyd Marcus. BTW, Barbara's yellow 9/12 volunteer T-shirt was the equivalent of an all-access pass in Orlando. I'm surprised she didn't just write her name into the program and give 'em a speech. This one's for you, Charles Johnson!
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"When R.S. McCain talks about gonzo journalism, he knows what he’s talking about." -- Chapomatic
"You are reading Robert every day, aren’t you? If you aren’t, you’re missing out, folks. The guy brings the good stuff every day." -- Jimmie, The Sundries Shack
". . . the one-of-a-kind Robert Stacy McCain, whose blog should be on your must-read list, if it isn't already." -- Dyspeptic Mutterings
"The most enthusiastic blogger I have yet to meet." -- Pam Geller, Atlas Shrugs
"The guy has to be the hardest working dude in DC. I've yet to meet someone here he doesn't know." -- Dan Riehl, Riehl World View
"The fount of wit and wisdom, Robert Stacy McCain." -- Brian C. Ledbetter, Snapped Shot
"A very sharp mind and strong writing that pulls no punches." -- Matthew Archbold, Creative Minority
"One of the most important conservative writers working today." --Donald Douglas
"For what it's worth, the man can also hold his liquor better than most; that's probably how he gets his scoops." -- Little Miss Atilla
RSM, did you happen to catch this?
Special Keynote Speaker for the event will be Sarah Palin, Governor of Alaska (2006-2009) and 2008 Republican Vice Presidential Nominee
That is two hours from me, and not that far from you. If it gets confirmed for sure, I'm there with bells on and book in hand.
Perhaps you could live blog the historic meeting of Brian72 and Gov. Sarah Palin for the entire rightoshpere to enjoy.
Teacher How do I post this article to American Freedom? It's hard to steal when ya haven't been given lessons by the master.
ReplyDeleteWas the Tea party guy who was busted for running Oxy there?