Even though you've chosen to celebrate your millionth hit with a non sequitur swipe at me -- Rule 4! -- a million hits is a million hits, and success is to be commended.
However, (a) your Site Meter total is actually 981K and (b) you joined Site Meter in May 2005. Also, ~22K visits/month you're currently on a 250K/year pace. As they say on the essay-question finals: Compare and contrast.
Don't diss the Rules, Doc. And next time you go looking for somebody to piss off, don't catch me in a bad mood.
Now Long Island, near the Hamptons is on fire – WTF is going on?
We have another massive wildfire outbreak.. Now it’s Long Island, New York
near the Hamptons… This one defies logic. New
The post Now Long Island, near t...
3 hours ago
Don't forget site meter counts the times he opens his page as a hit. That's probably good for a substantial portion of the 981k.
ReplyDeleteJust sayin'
John Mohammed was sent on tonight.
ReplyDeleteI know Allah disapproves (and probably Dr. Kaufman too), but what the heck:
John Mohammed: Hey look Tim McVeigh and Mohammed Atta are here. Cool. Hey wait a second, it is kinda hot here, what is that red hot poker for, AHHHHHHH…
I would have enjoyed telling the news to Nidal Hasan.
Me thinks Dr. K needs to actually access the Sitemeter site and see the real stats.
ReplyDeleteIt must gall him that despite his multiple sheepskins and million hits (he is finally there now) he has less influence in the world than a humble writer such as yourself.
ReplyDeleteDon't forget site meter counts the times he opens his page as a hit. That's probably good for a substantial portion of the 981k.
ReplyDeleteJust sayin'
Tue Nov 10, 09:21:00 PM
I hear if you do that over and over again, very rapidly, but not too roughly, a pleasurable event occurs. I think that is what motivates Dr. Kaufman.
The last time I set up Sitemeter for my site (I don't use it anymore) it allowed me to input an amount greater than zero for the starting amount.
ReplyDeleteThat's all I'm going to say about it.
The Good Doctor is typical of most "intellectuals": self aggrandizing, sneering, condescending, and utterly irrelevant
ReplyDeleteI must be weird: when I switched over to SiteMeter (in 3/99), I started at the number my previous counter had left off, plus one.
ReplyDeleteOf course, the weird aspect of this may lie in the fact that this was ten and a half years ago.