Now Long Island, near the Hamptons is on fire – WTF is going on?
We have another massive wildfire outbreak.. Now it’s Long Island, New York
near the Hamptons… This one defies logic. New
The post Now Long Island, near t...
3 hours ago
The little acorn looks like a sperm with wings.
ReplyDeleteseriously though, I've never seen a group of people so proud of their ignorance.
ReplyDeleteThe " Fear of a Black President" syndrome has hit a fever pitch.
It's hysterical hysteria! So what's going to happen to your children?
Is Obama gonna work his "black" magic on your unsuspecting troglodyte children? Ahhh...this is the latest Obama caricature, replete with " traditional" overtones. This is the "witch-doctor" Obama, the kissing cousin of "Black Panther" Obama along with all the other "colorful" caricatures you guys have so desperately tried to pin him with.
Aren't you happy that such a large swath of stupidity exists, just ripe for your picking? It's too easy!!
Maybe some time in the near future we can make fuel out of the fossils the Right calls its constituency.Yes, change is hard.
I suppose all those young retarded minds that won't go to school on the day of said scary "indoctrination" speech can catch up on their banjo lessons.
ReplyDeleteYou know it has everything to do with ideology.
We know it has everything to do with ideology.
You know we know it has everything to do with ideology.
Piss mir nicht den Rücken runter und sag mir es regnet,
or as you may know the phrase from your Eastwood studies:
"Don't piss down my back and tell me it's rainin'."
ReplyDeleteWhat would that "ideology" be?
Let' see...President wants to deliver speech to school children on the merits of studying and staying in school.
My ideology makes me think this is a good thing. Your ideology forces you to the illogical conclusion that this "stay in school" speech is a subversive socialist message.
Hmmm, maybe you should take a look at that ideology of yours, kick the tires and see if it's not
hot air that actually fills them.
Sorry Smitty, but it is not I pissing down your back.The urine belongs to the spokepersons for your "ideology", the ones who have made it their goal (and their livelihood) to demonize this President with the silliest caricatures possible. Silly, of course, to the extent that they are plausible to those whose "ideologies" are already pregnant with false cultural assumptions.
Ideology? Rick Santorum, when asked about the difference between George Bush Sr.'s speech to school children vs.BO's, suggested that BO has some special power over the youth whereas GB Sr. was more of the grandfatherly type...
Follow up on what GB Sr. said in regards of how the kids can help HIM achieve his goals.
No, no one would suggest that GB Sr. was out to "indoctrinate" their kids. But BO, he's got that Kenyan magic joo-joo.... BO is going to hypnotize Conservatism right out of your kids minds.
Ideology? If by "ideology" you mean wanton fear and zealous divisiveness then you might be right.
It would be one thing to teach your children to think critically, even to teach them not to agree with the President's views.
But to fear him? THAT is indoctrination.
This isn't ideology. It's psychology. Of the pathological kind.
ReplyDeleteYou're either completely deaf to what a vast chunk of the American people are saying About The Entire Administration or you know exactly what's going on and you've other motives.
The substantial difference between Bush41 and BHO is trust. The former had it, the latter has frittered it away.
Genetic material plays no part in the calculus. Your continued attempts to bring in "Kenyan magic joo-joo" would place you within the "know exactly what's going on" category mentioned earlier.
May the Almighty bless BHO and keep him safe. May he die at more than twice his current age, surrounded by grandchildren, and certain in the knowledge that voting him in as POTUS was not a blank check to re-model the whole country along radical ideological lines. We're having none of that.
Vast chunk of American people? Come now, you can't apply what a small minority of nutjobs
ReplyDeletethink to the vast majority of Americans...
Despite that, I am not deaf to what that small minority thinks. I just don't care what they think, seeing as what they think is just plain cockeyed.
You claim that BO has "frittered" away trust, as if Conservatives in this country EVER trusted him. How do you fritter away something you never had? I see your aim here is to give the appearance that this irrational fear of the school speech transcends party lines, but the facts won't back up your assertions.
Trust is a funny thing.I find it improbable that if it were POTUS Hillary Clinton giving this school speech that she would be met with the same
kind of irrational fear. That " indoctrination" narrative would not fly because, well...it wouldn't
On the other hand, mistrust of a President who was described as " not being one of us", someone who is not "natural citizen", a "thug",a "black panther type" radical, etc., mistrust for someone like this is quite easy. I guess it's that Harvard education that might give one this impression.
You must enlighten me with what you think my motives are. Your "know exactly what's going on" hypothesis is intriguing.
For my part, it's quite clear that this petty knee-jerk reaction to the school speech is layered with very odd assumptions that go beyond the realm of partisan politics and into the underbelly of our cultural past.
Smitty, this might not apply to you, but there is no doubt in my mind that the only way this silliness gains steam in your party is through the crafty manipulation of the differences that have kept our country divided for too long.
I appreciate your reasoned well-wishes to BO. I could only hope that the rest of your ilk could be so respectful.
Elections have consequences.I learned that when GW had the radical notion of invading Iraq.Many of you still stand by that decision....
OMG a f**kin' troll. Long winded, saying nothing, typical liberal ass troll.
ReplyDelete"I could only hope the rest of your ilk xould be so respectful"
After decades of stupid demonstrations from leftists calling soldiers murderers and rapists, causing mayhem in other people's church services, bombing peoples homes, running around on the street half naked and eight years of comparing Bush to Hitler, Ann Coulter to hitler, Bill O'Reilly to Hitler, everything to Hitler, you want me to BEHAVE?
You even have that loser liberal Vincent Buglioisi trying to get President Bush tried for murder.
Now you want us to believe your are afraid of some old people yelling and waving signs?
Get screwed.
Hey Rude Dog, let's get something straight: I ain't afraid of shit, especially lowbrow conservatives
ReplyDeletespewing nonsense or waving signs or whatever the hell you morons feel like doing.
I know you don't have the intellect to stick to what this conversation is about, therefore you
fly off the rails and rant,as only conservatives can.
Dude, screw yourself!!!
Stick to the conversation, moron....
Stacy, dig the greenroom essay. Read Gatto? http://ff.im/7j1D4
ReplyDeleteReally, nothing says "stay in school, get your work done, and get educated" like pulling a large chunk of the national student body out of real classes, having them listen to a boring speech by a boring politician for however long, and then assigning homework on the speech. Regardless of what skin color the boring politician is. (Incidentally, the thought of our president doing some sort of African black magic is amusing, given that skin color aside he displays all the soul of Steve Urkel.)
ReplyDeleteSobering, isn't it, to ponder the likelihood that Y4E is old enough to breed, drink, drive, operate heavy machinery, and (most disturbing of all) vote.
Is Obama gonna work his "black" magic on your unsuspecting troglodyte children?
ReplyDeleteY4E - are you calling the President of the United States a voodoo houngan or something?
"Sobering, isn't it, to ponder the likelihood that Y4E is old enough to breed, drink, drive, operate heavy machinery, and (most disturbing of all) vote. "
ReplyDeleteLOL. Hey Rich, I'd rather breed than inbreed.
So Rich, is your objection to the school speech that it is bound to be boring? Is this the new talking point?
Well, sorry if BO doesn't provide conservatives with the spine-tingling motivational speeches they are accustomed to.
Remember all those exciting back to school speeches Reagan and Bush Sr. would deliver to an enthralled student body?
Listen, maybe you want an entertainer to lead our country. Perhaps you are missing the fumbling, mumbling walking gag
schtick of the previous administration.
I'll take the adult President, thank you very much.
Hey Troglodytepundit: Obtuse couldn't even begin to describe you. Read up on the thread. Douche....
My point is that if the president is genuinely that concerned about that age-old question "is our children learning?", he might be best advised to cancel the speech, let teachers and students do their jobs, and concentrate on doing his.
ReplyDeleteOh, by the way: Even if this speech is completely benign, no political agenda except insofar as "be cool, stay in school and get educated" is a political agenda...the thought of a man who has difficulty getting through a week without complaining about the mess his predecessor left him lecturing the youth of America on personal responsibility is pure comedy.
"My point is that if the president is genuinely that concerned about that age-old question "is our children learning?"...
ReplyDeleteRich, that should be " ARE our children learning". seems like someone could've used a presidential stay in school speech.
He might be best advised to cancel the speech? Man, conservatives are a bunch of trifling sore losers.You think because Conservatives are all wee-wee'd out over a school speech that he should roll over? Fat chance.
Even if his speech is completely benign? What could be more positive than a stay in school message? Really, that's a political agenda? I mean really, can Conservatives be more pathetic than resorting to knee jerk contrarian reactions?
Yes, we know Conservatives hate to be reminded of the previous administrations mess and how it is up to BO to clean up the abject failure of said previous administration.What is pure comedy is Conservatives trying so hard to pin current problems on his shoulders, as if the past 8 years didn't happen at all.
Cue the Twilight Zone music!
ReplyDeleteYes, we know Conservatives hate to be reminded of the previous administrations mess and how it is up to BO to clean up the abject failure of said previous administration.
Look, your laughable attempts to limit the scope of consideration to the last administration is becoming a bore.
The real issue is the 100-year drift towards centrism, which promises to be as shining a success here as the USSR.
Thanks to the cloudy-webs, "We the People" have a chance to reject this stupidity you're pushing, and return to something sane.
The Worker's Paradise you seek shall have to be sought on a per-state basis, where we can watch its non-grasp of human nature fail without taking down the whole country.
That should be laughable attempts are.
ReplyDeleteI was not echoing Rich Fader's irony.
ReplyDeleteYour laughable attempts at pretending that this is an endemic political problem are as transparent as Glenn Beck's attempts at pretending that he is "independent".
It's a neat trick that works only on the most gullible. Try counting how many Democrat administrations we've had in the last 40 years and you'll see that Republican political dominance is overwhelming. Not that it would stop you from voting and/or supporting Republican tickets here on out.
"We the People" do have a chance to reject this stupidity, yet you consistently try to frame the problem as a liberal problem.
Worker's Paradise? Nice try.
I believe that in a capitalist system monetary freedom is key. Yet your consistent support for Conservative fiscal philosophy, where the interests of the worker take a backseat to the interests of the investor, or where the interests of the "haves" trump those of the "have less", are quite telling. Oh, I understand what Conservatives like to think of as "human nature": mans inherent laziness must be put to task by creating artificial incentives( low wages) that forces workers to be as productive as possible. Contrast that to the incentives Conservatives love to preach about, as in tax incentives for corporations that allow for maximum profits.
It's plain to see what side Conservatives champion.
But I thought we were talking about the school speech?
On that note, maybe Conservative parents are up in arms because of BO's" deep seeded hatred for white people"...just a thought....
ReplyDeleteI believe that in a capitalist system monetary freedom is key.
You're an HR 1207 supporter then?
the interests of the worker take a backseat to the interests of the investor, or where the interests of the "haves" trump those of the "have less", are quite telling.
Your side's continuous effort to bifurcate society into haves/have less categories is quite telling. Why can't the worker invest? Because the ultimate haves, the elites, are taxing life out of the worker and precluding through legislation the start-up of new businesses, so that the worker can become his own boss. You claim to deliver a steak, and show up with a hamburger. Every. Single. Time. All the blowback is a result of the people connecting the dots on the failure of your style of idea.
mans inherent laziness must be put to task by creating artificial incentives( low wages) that forces workers to be as productive as possible
Inherent laziness must be allowed to reap its fruit. Your approach is the cast remaining too long on the broken limb. You blame everyone but yourself for the resulting atrophy.
Contrast that to the incentives Conservatives love to preach about, as in tax incentives for corporations that allow for maximum profits.
Now, I'm not going to deny that the GOP has its RINOs, who play your game while claiming to do otherwise.
On that note, maybe Conservative parents are up in arms because of BO's 'deep seeded[sic] hatred for white people'...just a thought....
Naw, I wouldn't posit that sort of animus. My guess is that the 16th & 17th Amendments, triggering a permanent political class, combined with the Cosmic Credit Card of the Federal Reserve Act, have had us circling the drain slowly for 100 years.
President Obama, far from anything special, is just another brick in the wall of disaster.
The good news is that "We the People", while perhaps too good natured, are awakening and reacting to the strategic problem. Every bogus little squeak of raaaaacism and finger pointing at the other bricks in the wall underscores the sadness of your analysis.
Oh, my side is bifurcating society into classes? Wow, that's news to me.
ReplyDeleteSeems more of an ageless problem when I think about it. The idea that it is my side creating the problem is ludicrous.Once again, your efforts to smokescreen the existence of the undeniable categorical differences in our society says everything about your approach to problem solving : the problem to you doesn't exist.
Oh that's right, it's not a haves/have nots problem, it's the elites...?
Aren't we talking about the same thing?
And how can people connect the dots on " the failure" of my ideas when my ideas haven't been implemented? People are connecting dots,alright: Those imaginary dots that plague Conservative thinking.
"Now, I'm not going to deny that the GOP has its RINOs, who play your game while claiming to do otherwise."
Ahhh, and here lies the fallacy of your game: The idea that there is a fundamental difference between the RINO's and the GOP. One in the same my friend.Both are pandering politicians who tell you what you want to hear in order to advance their self-interests.
"Every bogus little squeak of raaaaacism and finger pointing at the other bricks in the wall underscores the sadness of your analysis. "
Sorry, it underscores the hypocrisy of your supposed argument that BO is just "another" bad brick in the wall.So you're saying we should focus on the one bad brick and ignore the rest of the wall, which BTW you acknowledged as being THE problem.
So which is it?
Dude, you can have your cake, but you won't eat it on my watch
Oh, my side is bifurcating society into classes? Wow, that's news to me.
ReplyDeleteSeems more of an ageless problem when I think about it. The idea that it is my side creating the problem is ludicrous.Once again, your efforts to smokescreen the existence of the undeniable categorical differences in our society