Sunday, September 6, 2009

New word: naïvel

Naïvel (adj.):

Comination of naïve + evil. This adjective covers the progression of audience opinion of a speaker from the first state to the second. It is frequently useful in the context of a public figure attempting to sell a steaming pile of nonsense as a reasonable statement. The audience wants to take the speaker at face value, because that is what reasonable people do.

The first thought in the mind of the audience is: "Wow, the guy forced to answer for this event must have been really naïve to buy off on that chain of reasoning in the first place."

That thought fades out with a disquieting aftertaste. Given the probabilistic nature of confidence in anything said by a public figure, the audience moves to a state where:
  1. The intelligence required to hold the public office should preclude such naïvete,
  2. Therefore, the likelihood of there being more facts to the story is quite high, and the motive for the steaming loaf of nonsense, instead of candor, might be reasonably attributable to sheer evil.
White House press briefing.
Robert Gibbs: Major?
Fox News Correspondent Major Major Major Major: Given the presumably thorough screening applied to Executive Office positions, how is it possible that Van Jones was hired, considering the amount of blatantly anti-American output the gentleman produced this decade?
Gibbs: Well, we were unaware of any of that.
Major^4: Dude, like, tha' is soo the naïvel, and stuff.

Linked at Reaganite Republican Resistance.

This post is really a shameless attempt to be cool like Morgan Freeberg.


  1. Right, and a new pass time: Naïvel gazing.


  2. Nice Catch-22 reference.

  3. Linked to at:

  4. @DavidD,
    It's more diabolical with the 'e'.
