This week's FMJRA hoists an international gesture at the notion of cheapening the proper remembrance of our dead with some invertebrate substitute.
We still wonder when, prior to the commencement of the 2012 election season, this administration is going to achieve a steady state. From the Van Jones departure, to the student address to the
9/11 Linkage
I think that the POTUS may have offered some alternative to what we know we must do, but I haven't cared to pay attention. Here are the sites that participated in Project 2996 and linked us:
New Lenox as a Buildup, and 9/12 as a 9/11 Chaser
- Carol's Closet linked the Joliet, IL post.
- American Power picked up the post, too.
- As did Dad 29.
- nova townhall suggests 9/12 attendance.
- Instapundit gives us the 'lanch.
- Rightofcourse mentioned us in "Continuing Education for Politicians".
- Hannah the Courageous, as Bonzai named her, deserves the Presidential Medal of Freedom for her efforts. What a patriot.
- Roth & Company: "ACORN: Helping underprivileged pimps cheat on their taxes while enabling white slavery."
While losing outright to Hannah in the Rule 5 contest, the cumulative effect of Glenn's work is crucial. Sure, his decorum is frequently lacking. However, if decorum in the face of crap was the rule, we'd all be British subjects. So don't overplay the decorum card.
- Independence Day links our Olbermann post. Olbermann could be replaced with a button marked CRAP.
- Morgan Freeberg is hard to describe on this one.
- The Sundries Shack rounded up POTUS healthcare speech #whatever nicely. Jimmie tied purely smart-alec use of football plays as misrepresentations of the POTUS plan to the start of the NFL season. If I admitted to being a Seahawks fan, and therefore not heavily invested in the NFL, I'd get laughed off the webby-clouds. So I'll hold that close.
- "Waiting for O-Dough" co-star Bob Belvedere generously quotes me.
- UPDATE: South Texian is most certainly not chopped liver. In fact, ST quotes me generously, earning a Follow This Blog, RSS subscription, and a copy of our home game.
Andrew Sullivan has additional rights with respect to 'pharmaceuticals' that the Little People do not enjoy.
- Moe Lane linked a tangentially related BBC clip that has subsequently fallen off the tubey-nets.
- Outside the Beltway quotes Stacy: "Forget about the Mexican drug cartels — save us from the AIDS-Infected British Dope Menace!"
The Long 'C' Word, or: Let's Get Decimated
I'm referring to the Constitution, and the fact that some will denigrate a legitimate legal concern with a term like 'tenther'. In the Credit Where Due Department, you can't fail to admire the propaganda slingers who'd try to use a term to put people who care about the last word in the Bill of Rights on the same level as Birthers and Truthers.
- Dave at Ordinary Gentlemen picks us up and offers an overview of the question that I'll have to get back to later.
- Fish Fear Me picks up the rallying cry.
- Medary drops the full dime: "Keep talking, "progressives," keep talking. The more you talk, the more you're exposed as small minded, bigoted, hateful, envious people whose greatest wish is to be "led" by some "great leader." Of course, you're being led to the slave plantations, but you're too busy being smug to notice that. "
- Jules Crittenden gathers us under the bus along with a few other excellent suspects.
- The Hollywood Liberal seems to think that Senator Coburn is a tenther.
- Paco is a tenther.
What to do, besides chuckle at and educate the fringe in the movement?
- Will at Ordinary Gentlemen is willing to endure charges of elitism if necessary.
- An Ol' Broad's Ramblings picks us up while doing the laundry on Thursday and folding in a roundup.
- Western Experience rounds up and elaborates nicely, while referencing Pirsig in the title. I always thought ZATAOMM was a philosophy thesis recast as a narrative.
- The Classic Liberal hammers Rick Moran at length and in detail. You may find this post savory. He also likes us here.
- The Cranky Conservative rounds up the play-by-play in curmudgeonly fashion.
- Lead and Gold on the Frum post.
- Snowflakes in Hell has some thoughts.
- Daily Pundit weighs in.
- Bob Belvedere is typically thorough.
- Dan Riehl brings insight.
- The Piece of Work in Progress is worth your time.
- Paco Enterprises weighs in.
- V Dare, the Virginia Dare, quotes a TakiMag post of Stacy's extensively. "No conservative white Christian is allowed to discuss ethnicity and culture. Only liberals and members of ethnic minorities can do that."
- The Moderate Voice: "Here’s one Jewish lady who was shocked to find out how unintelligent she must be and how Republicans are the real philo-semitic party." In an email exchange with a Jewish friend who's libertarian in view, I threw out the idea that Jewish (though not necessarily Israeli) people feel a sense of exceptionalism over the Abrahamic Covenant. As Whittle has explored on PJTV, American exceptionalism is under attack. Is there overlap between the theological exceptionalism and the political exceptionalism? YES!! was the reply. The concept doesn't explain why Jews would cheerfully toss America under the bus, except that maybe the exceptionalism acts as a mirror, and they lack the courage to live up to the Covenant. No, I don't for a second think that there is any conscious thought along these lines in even a single synagogue anywhere. It is a speculation proffered for thought, with an estimated blowback factor of 93.4%
- We Await Silent Tristero's Army (WASTE). tristero at Hullabaloo engaged in a lengthy exchange with Stacy, across several posts. I must apologize that I lack time to assay a summary.
- Eric Etheridge at NYT quotes Stacy's "find some way to encourage Jewish families to move to small towns in the Heartland" suggestion.
- Ron Rosenbaum at Pajamas Media offers a non-observant Jewish explanation. Which blows my above speculation away. It happens.
- Newshoggers goes for the Godwin straight away.
- Ballon Juice lives up to its subtitle. In a left-handed way, I support their forthrightness.
- Right View from the Left Coast weighs in.
- Dyspepsia Generation gives us a hat tip.
- Bob Belvedere: "HOOEY LEWIS & THE JEWS"
- Moralia refrains from detailing contemplated actions.
- Dustbury: "Duvall the nerve", which I suppose should mimic "Of all the nerve" when you read it.
Stacy, a SoCV member, lives in Maryland just West of my father's kin's burial site at Gunpowder Baptist Church. I like here in Dixie. Why don't we all take a history course and appreciate the details, thoughts, and sacrifices on all sides?
- The Daley Gator respects the bravery of his ancestors.
- Update: Stogie calibrates my inattentiveness. Sorry, Stogie.
- The Daley Gator was jealous of the M.M. book party invite.
- The Sundries Shack voices revolutionary thoughts about having political donors fund bloggers. Do you have a slit up the back of your suit for the donor's hand, Jimmie? He also offers this report.
- Director Blue picked up the Sowell post.
Most of these entries will simply link blogs that picked us up for the Van Jones departure party, as time is precious.
- Lead and Gold brings another "wish I'd thoughta that".
- TrogloPundit picks over the bones of the Van Jones resignation.
- The Western Experience has a realpolitik t-shirt for the lefty in your life.
- Joshuapundit and the Rule 5 reader linked us.
- Mean ol' meany has a great rant up, citing the Kieth Olberman post.
- The Rude News does a victory dance.
- Right of Course embeds "Hit the Road, Jack".
- Winds of Jihad
- The Sundries Shack
- Valley of the Shadow
- Obi's Sister
- Carol's Closet
- Jules Crittenden
- Adreinne's Catholic Corner and yes.
- The Cranky Conservative
- Stop the ACLU
- Fishersville Mike--best title
- The Reaganite Republican Resistance
- So it Goes in Shreveport
- Below the Beltway
- Bits Blog
- Ruby Slippers Blog
- Grandpa John
- The Constitution Club
- Another Black Conservative
- Rhetorican
- The Daley Gator
- Right View from the Left Coast
- Fire Andrea Mitchell
- Pundit and Pundette
- The Camp of the Saints
- Fausta
- Instapundit
- Little Miss Attila
- Western Experience links us while rounding up various challenge areas for the POTUS.
- It's a Kwazy Life linked our economic analysis.
- No Runny Eggs makes a souffle of the economic gloom post.
- Scared Monkeys objects to media bias, says BHO is a bridge to nowhere.
- Rightofcourse has a roundup tying into Stacy's economic Picasso.
- Kickin' and Screamin' nicked the clip.
- The BlogProf, who has apparently fallen out of favor with the Technorati godz, and may have been shirked his fair share of linky luv due to my fallibility.
- Carol's Closet: "Smitty calls Moore a corpulent capitalist. True enough, but I prefer 'lard ass'." Based upon her post, I feel comfortable clarifying that Carol was admitting a preference for the term, and not the object of the term.
- A Conservative Shemale links us with unflattering words for Mr. Moore.
- The Reaganite Republican Resistanceuses the word and raaaaacism, too.
- Instapundit on bailouts and raaaaacism.
- Dyspepsia Generation also linked.
- Irons in the Fire keeps us smokin'.
- House of Eratosthenes, one of my favorites.
- Rightofcourse mentioned raaaaacism while pondering the Cass Sunstein appointment.
- Eternity Matters on the Duggars:
...why would it be my business to tell them how many children to have? And for those who say that they have “too many,” which ones do you propose that we eliminate?
- Steynian links us, if the roundup doesn't crash your browser.
- Conservative Hideout 2.0 linked an Andrew Breitbard post from May.
- Vox Nova quotes Stacy, without saying where, conflating some hypothetical situation where he's PM of Israel with violent pro-lifers. It's strained. And I wonder if the author has ever been (a) in a leadership position, and (b) had to make decisions regarding the lives of others. The answers often fall short of simple, or pleasant. But the author's argument seems strained.
- Michelle Malkin hat tips us on the SEIU boss post.
- The Daley Gator liked the BHO/Madison contrast.
- Curtis Schwitzer enjoys a lengthy critique of Sarah Palin's WSJ and FaceBook utterances in the process of hammering Geoffry Dunn at the PuffHo.
- Blogfonte will take delivery of couches rather than attend the Tea Party on the Mall. So I'm not the only non-attendee.
- Track-a-'Crat hat tips me for a Biden spit-swap pic.
- The Classic Liberal rounds up blogging advice.
- Adrienne's Catholic Corner seems to want commas. Make sure she never finds out about Perl, or we're all in trouble.
- Mean ol' Meany has a roundup including us.
- Elektratig picked up on George Washington's teeth.
- Fishersville Mike rounds us up.
- The Right Guy meditates upon POTUS.
- Pat in Shreveport picks up an AmSpec update to IG-Gate. So what if it lacks the tax and slavery aspects of the ACORN scandal. IG-Gate is just as rephrensible, and wants to be understood, too.
- Christmas Ghost
- Heh: Obama Youth League.
- SI VIS PACEM, who liked "Waiting for O-Dough". So there!
Thank you for the linkage my Liege, I appreciate it.
ReplyDeleteYeah, thanks for linking my extensive article on the Sons of Confederate Veterans issue too, in support or yours. Oh wait, you didn't link me, did you?
ReplyDelete“Family Values” California state assemblyman representing Orange County, Republican Michael D. Duvall, resigns for apparently not cheating on his wife with a lobbyist. Well you have to take his word for it, or maybe believe that hypocrisy has been bred in. In my opinion the Republican Party has been taken over the most extreme religious right (people who love to push their beliefs on others while trying to take away rights of those they just hate) and that’s who they need to extract from their party if they real want to win. Good Luck, because as they said in WACO, “We Ain’t Coming Out”. He is just another name that can be added to the list of “Republican 2009 Summer of Love”: Senator John Ensign (NV), Senator Paul Stanley (TN), Governor Mark Stanford (SC), SC Board of Ed Chair, Kristin Maguire (AKA Bridget Keeney).
ReplyDeleteYou're not the only one missing the downtown excitement. Family first, after all. :/
ReplyDeleteWhat am I, chopped liver? ;)
Thanks for the link, Smitty!
ReplyDeleteMe, too -- thanks for the link the Hannah the Courageous!