by Smitty
In shameless and well-researched obedience to Rule 1, the Left Coast Rebel has profiled the RINO herd that assumed the position for HR2454.
The real question is whether the RINO herd or Manbearpig is the greater threat to our economy and country. What if the RINOs are actually allied with Manbearpig?
Is the inverted pachyderm a secret Manbearpig symbol?
Billions of dollars worth of Bitcoin went missing five days before Trump
took office, it’s now likely stolen
Are you starting to understand those last minute pardons a little better
now? Now all of a sudden, BILLIONS (not
The post Billions of dollars worth of Bi...
1 hour ago
Thanks Smitty, this list was a pain in the ass and I lost steam 3/4 of the way through it, on a Saturday no-less. Keep up the fight!