Just when you thought Ned Lamont Party's absurd rage against Joe Lieberman couldn't get worse -- trying to get his wife fired? "punching the guy out"? -- now Michael Moore wants liberals to boycott Connecticut?
Great. All you liberals in Connecticut, move to Vermont. And then we'll rename Connecticut "Oklahoma."
Terrorists slaughter over 300 Christians in Syria
And yet another wonderful after effect of the Biden reign of terror is
unfolding in Syria… The country’s remaining Christians
The post Terrorists slaught...
2 hours ago
Not if those of us in Oklahoma have anything to say about it.
ReplyDeleteI don't know about you, but I started thinking about some of the things that we might have to give up if we actually had to boycott the ENTIRE STATE of Connecticut; and while I'd be more than happy to give up a few of that state's residents, there is no way I'm giving up all of them. Exhibit A: Brooke Burke (born in Hartford, Connecticut). I'd move on to exhibit B but is there really any need?
ReplyDeleteMore compelling than nutmeg, to say the least.
ReplyDeleteThe Liberals were boycotting Idaho earlier this Fall because of the wolf hunts.
ReplyDeleteIt was a relief of sorts, although too many still didn't get the message and moved here anyway...