Once I get theem matched, I then begin to harass them about getting married -- "When's the wedding? Why don't y'all just run down to the courthouse and tie the knot?" -- so as to avoid a problem caused by long engagements: The temptation to fornication. You might surprised just how commonplace pre-marital sin has become in our society. Or perhaps not.

The birds and bees. Tarzan and Jane. "Let's do it like they do on the Discovery Channel." IYKWIMAITYD.
Despite the genius simplicity of my pro-family agenda -- "Get married and make babies" ain't rocket science, folks -- there remains the problem of divorce. A woman won't get married and breed a Duggar-sized brood if she's afraid her hubby is going to run off with some two-bit homewrecking floozy like Mark Sanford's Argentine tramp. Guys, if you want that long-lasting death-do-us-part deal, you've got to show your wife that you really love her.

Trust me on this one, my friend. Nothing says "love" like the Cuisinart Grind and Brew. Add the beans, add the water, push the button and -- whirrrrrrr! -- just a few minutes later, you've got 10 cups of fresh-ground, fresh-brewed coffee.
Better Marriage Through Technology, you see, because the Cuisinart Grind and Brew comes with a timer-alarm function. Your wife can set it up at night before she goes to bed and at 6:51 a.m., be awakened by the beautiful music -- whirrrrrr! -- of that high-speed bean-grinder going into action, knowing that the coffee will be piping hot when she brings you that first cup of the morning at 7 a.m. And since you don't have to get in the shower until 7:20 a.m. . . .
Well, a little snuggle-time is a fine way to start the day. IYKWIMAITYD. But wait -- there's more!
The Cuisinart Grind and Brew features a thermal carafe that keeps your coffee hot for hours. So if your early-morning snuggle-time leaves you in such a mellow mood that you decide to call in sick at work -- "Hey, boss, I'm sorry, but I think I might coming down with something here . . ." -- that second cup will still be warm when you finally crawl out of bed about 10 o'clock.
Now, some of you fellows may be thinking to yourselves, "Do I really want to give my wife a household appliance for Christmas?" Relax, boys. This isn't like a vacuum cleaner or something. The Cuisinart Grind and Brew is a luxury gourmet experience, especially if you add a few clever gifts under the tree:
- Chocolate Covered Coffee Beans by Caffe' Sant' Eustachio -- Pure luxury from Rome's most famous cafe -- 8.8 ounces of fine beans.
- English Toffee Decaf Coffee by Red Buffalo -- Delicious toffee flavor with no caffeine makes for a relaxing hot cup on a cold winter's night -- 12 ounces of fine beans.
- Dark Roasted 100% Kona Coffee by Hawaii Roasters -- Why worry about all that "fair trade" crap from South America and Indonesia, when you can enjoy this delicious product of American imperialism? Dark roasted for that hard-core caffeine jolt to get you going in the morning -- 16 ounces of fine beans.
- Dark Chocolate & Mint Squares by Ghiradelli -- Coffee and chocolate go perfectly together, and Ghirdelli is the world's finest -- 5.32 ounces of deliciousness in a gift bag. If your wife likes dark chocolate, she might also like their Twilight Delight Intense Dark 72% Cacao Chocolate. For a more varied selection, give her Ghiradelli's Ghiradelli Holiday Assortment, which comes in an attractive gift tin.
- William Wallace Shortbread Highlanders by Walkers -- OK, she's got the coffee, she's got the chocolate -- what's missing? Cookies! And these delicious shortbread cookies are 29% butter. They come in a beautiful 14-ounce tin commemorating Scottish freedom fighter William "Braveheart" Wallace, so the missus can indulge her Mel Gibson fantasies, too.
- Imported Scottish Pure Butter Assorted Shortbread Cookies by Walkers -- Yes, my friends, this lovely gift tin contains the motherlode: Nearly four pounds of high-calorie, cholesterol-filled goodness. And smart husbands know the secret message here: "No, honey, you're not getting fat. There's just more to love."
The best part? You can remind her how much you love her 364 days a year, just by saying those magic words that every woman longs to hear: "Hey, honey, can you fix me another cup of coffee?"
Merry Christmas, y'all!
UPDATE: Addressing some reaction to my pro-family agenda. Also, trying to explore new frontiers in shameless capitalist blogging.
I take it Mrs. Other doesn't read this blog.
ReplyDelete'Cause, like, this was really funny, Stacy. Funny.
I take it Mrs. Other doesn't read this blog.
ReplyDeleteAs a matter of fact, she does. She understands me. Which is not necessarily an unmixed blessing . . .
And one more thing, Attila: If I sell enough of these Grind and Brews, that equals $$$$ -- and Mrs. Other McCain loves me when I make $$$$
ReplyDeleteHaaaaaaa! I'm adding the 'Grind and Brew' (IYKWIMAITYD) to my list posthaste.
ReplyDeleteI think he's just trying to get the number one google ranking for "grind and brew". NTTAWWT.
ReplyDeleteAs a coffee addict and an American patriot I have to reccomend my favorite coffee roaster: www.rangercoffee.com for anyone that loves coffee and the USA!!
ReplyDeleteWhile I appreciate the advice, Stacy, I don't drink coffee to start my day. Do you have something that would kick off the bacon, eggs and toast instead? Oh, and keep the children fast asleep for the same period of time as is necessary for all of that to cook.
ReplyDeleteThank you and have a blessed Thanksgiving.
You are shameless, Stacy! But that was reallllly funny.
ReplyDeleteIn all seriousness, if you are truly a divine matchmaker, my oldest (the girl) is graduating college in a few weeks and is in need of a soulmate.
I took your advice and tried a Deep South accent, along with a baritone, uh, tone, and I must say this could become a Christmas classic. Y'know, the kind of thing that gets read on the radio in the evening between the very traditional Christmas hymns.
ReplyDeleteAnd three cheers for your continued efforts to get folks married, keep them married, and to have fine, large families. Dadgummit, you'd make a great Catholic.
Obi's Sister wrote:
ReplyDeleteYou are shameless, Stacy!
Capitalism should always be shameless.
In all seriousness, if you are truly a divine matchmaker, my oldest (the girl) is graduating college in a few weeks and is in need of a soulmate.
Two pieces of expert advice you can share with her:
1. KEEP YOUR BRITCHES ON -- Remember that old story about free milk and a cow. Do not be persuaded by bandwagon psychology ("Everybody's doing it"). You are not "everybody." Also, don't let a fellow get away with that "take it for a test drive" argument. Tell him you're a Porsche, and his demand for a test-drive raises doubts as to whether he can handle such a high-performance machine as yourself.
2. DON'T PLAY THE 'BOYFRIEND' GAME -- Which is to say a young lady's first job in managing her social life is to avoid wasting time with immature window-shoppers who aren't ready to close the sale. When a fellow is truly ready for marriage and finds the right girl, he won't be playing that idiotic passive-aggressive game where (a) the boy wants to monopolize your affections, but (b) he isn't ready for serious "commitment" himself. There are 3 billion males on this planet, and there is no reason for a woman in the prime of her youth to let herself be emotionally abused that way, just so she can tell her friends she has a boyfriend.
When you are single, be single. Unless and until a fellow puts that ring on your finger, he doesn't own you. It's foolish to discourage other potential suitors by advertising to the world that you've got a "boyfriend," or to let a guy think he can monopolize your time at any point prior to the moment he puts a diamond on your finger and books the wedding hall.
If you are genuinely a worthwhile woman, deserving of his undying devotion, the guy who strings you along -- "Maybe I will marry you, maybe I won't" -- is abusing and insulting you. Don't put up with it.
El Cerdo Ignatius wrote:
ReplyDeleteDadgummit, you'd make a great Catholic
Are you kidding me? I'm not even a mediocre Protestant!
Seriously, though, if you go back and study the history of Margaret Sanger, the Rockefellers and the Birth Control crusade, you will see that anti-Catholic prejudice was a major motivating factor.
From 1880-1924 -- with a lapse during WWI -- there was a huge influx of Catholic immigration into the U.S. These new arrivals, added to the already large population of Irish Catholics, presented a major cultural and political challenge to WASP dominance in the Northeast. This was an era when Anarchism, Communism, labor unionism and other leftist ideologies had a great currency among the "huddled masses" (as they were called by the socialist poet Emma Lazarus). So it wasn't as if the fears of the WASP elite were without a basis in fact.
The WASP elite focused on the higher birth rate of Catholics as the most important variable in the demographic equation. Rather than to ask themselves, "Why is the birth rate of Old Stock Americans declining?" the WASP elite instead resolved to reduce the birth rate of the immigrants. Thus began the Birth Control Gospel.
The ironic result, however, was that the propagation of the Sangerist doctrine actually accelerated the WASP decline. It was not until the 1960s that younger Catholics began to accomodate themselves to the Contraceptive Culture. In the meantime, however, the WASP elite had embraced the Birth Control Gospel to such an extent that not even the restrictive immigration laws passed in the 1920s did much to halt their decline.
Even the "Baby Boom" of the 1950s was predominantly a phenomenon of urban Catholics and rural Protestants. In 1957, the U.S. total fertility rate peaked at 3.7 (average lifetime births per woman, based on annual birth rates) which meant that the average U.S. woman was more likely to have 4 children than to have 3. Yet if you scratch below the surface on that number, you'll see that the WASP elite of the Northeast were reproducing at a rate far below the national average.
The descendants of the Pilgrims and Puritans had become decadent, you see. Once that sort of decadence becomes widespread within any society -- or within any particular segment of society -- the decline is usually irreversible.
Well, my ancestors were not part of the WASP elite, but the restless independent Ulster Scots who settled the Appalachians and the Piedmont uplands. We're doing our best to avoid WASPish decadence. There is a reason the No. 1 spectator sport in America is NASCAR, you know. ;-)
Today Is Black Friday, The Gift That Keeps On Giving.
Rule #5
Guys, if you want that long-lasting-death-do-us-part deal, you've got to show your wife that you really love her.
ReplyDeleteMany men have believed - to their lasting regret - that the latter ensures the former. It may have in times past, but we no longer live in that world.
Despite the genius simplicity of my pro-family agenda -- "Get married and make babies" ain't rocket science, folks -- there remains the problem of divorce. A woman won't get married and breed a Duggar-sized brood if she's afraid her hubby is going to run off some two-bit homewrecking floozy like Mark Sanford's Argentine tramp.
ReplyDeleteAs if that is the chief, much less only, cause of divorce.
I especially like the amazon ads for FOOD items that say xx from $yy.yy OR BUY NEW from $zz.zz
ReplyDeleteWho would want to by USED food anyway?
Mr. Other McCain, you could almost convince me to give up my stove-top percolator. That seriously sounds like heaven.
ReplyDeleteProblem is, I barely have counter space to keep the toaster sitting out.
But a lovely thought!
The best Scots were Catholic before that sad turn toward decadence, Mr. Other McCain.
ReplyDeleteAlso, wombatty is correct: it's the female who most often unhitches the marriage - most of the time for fluffy-headed reasons such as "I need to find myself." Man-blaming like yours, Other, is born from 20th century WASPy feminist fables. Wake up.
The reasons the Gov. Sanford and Gov. Spitzer tales get so much air time are two: (1) too many females watch TV and spend as the boob tube programs them to, and (2) those cases are rarities. Reality is unfriendly to the typical female's fantasies about her 'true self.' The TV networks know this and dare not chase away their biggest audience (females), thus the formula served up by the boob tube is female-coddling and heavily spiced with all the man-bashing a modern female can suck up.