Q: Do you consider yourself as speaking for the conservative movement, or just someone who has attracted many conservative fans? Something else?You know, just when I start to feel a tiny bit guilty over my relentless punk-smacking of David Brooks, here comes Ann to remind me that I haven't really done enough. Yet.
A: I think I speak for all Americans who think newspaper editors who print the details of top-secret anti-terrorist intelligence gathering programs on page one in wartime should be executed for treason.
Leftists are now openly laughing that a trans volleyball player physically
injuring Payton McNabb
Maybe it’s not just about “trans rights” as the left always claims… Maybe
they are happy that biological males are
The post Leftists are now openly laugh...
5 hours ago
Hey, Meghan's your relative.
ReplyDeleteThen again, the efforts with her father...
I strongly disagree with the adjective "milquetoast" for Meghan McCain. "Pussy willow" would be more to the point.