by Smitty
I can't stomach MSNBC in general, or Matthews in particular. Ari, your capacity to speak truth to jackass far exceeds my meager powers.
May fortune smile upon you, sir.
CWCID: Protein Wisdom
Turns out DJ Daniel and his father live in Al Green’s Houston district
Oh so that’s why Al Green made a scene to get kicked out of the address to
Congress. He didn’t
The post Turns out DJ Daniel and his father live in Al Gre...
10 hours ago
The best thing you can do to avoid this is purchase an LCD TV. MSNBC is not broadcast in HD, so it is not even in the channel rotation. Mrs. Hythloday has noticed my more positive outlook on life since our HD acquisition.
ReplyDeleteIf they did broadcast in HD, you'd discover that Chris Matthews is actually a mummy. Makeup can only do so much.
ReplyDeleteHaha owned, Matthews!
ReplyDeleteStill peeved at you, RSM, over the B. Palin comments. I'd smack you if I saw you on the streets, but buy you a beer afterwards b/c I do enjoy your blog and you still support the GUV.
Oh my.
ReplyDeleteSeriously, where to talking heads learn that marvelous skill of complacently talking right through an interruption? Ari's a master of it.
Meanwhile, Chris is evidently an expert at wearing his own ass like a hat.
If Matthews had an ounce of journalistic integrity, Mr. "tingle down my leg" and "my job is to make Obama look good" would have resigned long ago.
ReplyDeleteHell, matthews has done the nigh-impossible..he's managed to make Olbermann look good.
Seriously, can we get Ari to run for president?
ReplyDeleteI remember when Ari was press secretary, I knew several women who swooned over him. Surprising, I know, given he is bald and seemingly short. But his bulldog attitude and sharp intelligence (see his Jeopardy appearance) and ability to shank scum like Matthews (as seen here) was really a turn on for them.
And note: not all these women were conservative. A true counterweight to the Obamaphile groupies, since Ari is a real alpha dog.
Ari in '12!
P.S. Note: he might make an even better V.P. candidate now, since V.P.'s have to be the attack dogs. Imagine Ari debating Joe Biden; he'd wipe the floor with that moron.
oh brother. Has the healing begun? Is this part of the Repubican gameplan? To re-write history as a feel-good maneuver to save face?
ReplyDeleteI'm no Chris Matthews fan( after all, he thinks Ann Coulter is a superstar), but Chris did expose Ari for the bullshit artist that he is. Apparently alot of you can't tell the difference between talking through an interruption and a convincing argument. Sure Ari can stand there and not cower but none of what he said holds up in the real world.
I guess what you morons are thrilled about is how Ari didn't back down from his revisionist BS. Well good for you. He was able to lie to you and to himself with a straight face, and these days that's as good as it gets for you Cons.Good God you losers are pathetic....
Young 4-eyes, keep rattling off your Bush talking points. You'll be left in the dusbin of history.
ReplyDeleteanonymous pussy,
ReplyDeletei don't know what fairy tale rock you live under, but facts and history prove me right. Spin, the only tool you Cons have left after the last 8 years, is only effective n the other idiots who buy into the Bush-revisionist tripe.
Talking points? Sorry loser, all I need is to recall how we got into the Iraq mess to put you in your place.
Now go off and fellate some ditto-head, moron....
lol libtard. We won the war in Iraq. Better check yo' self.
ReplyDeleteAfter the last 8 years of liberal liars like you tarring, lying, and smearing Bush, don't think your chickens aren't coming home to roost, buddy boy.
time for you to go off and fellate George Soros, moron.
Nice try, anonymous pussy.
ReplyDeleteThat's what I call the pot calling the kettle black, especially in light of the lying on the part of your Bush/Cheney and on the part of your pundits and all the collaborators who enabled the past 8 years of the very thing that ruined your party, you obtuse douche-bag.Really, nothing funnier than an utterly transparent Bush suck-up defending the indefensible.
Hey pussy, I'm shaking in my boots over your strange, petty little threats. Chickens coming home to roost?
what are you gonna do,pussy? Blog until you make me cry?
Hey, here's some irony for ya.
"Bring it on."
I'll tell George Soros you said hi.....
"lying on the part of your Bush/Cheney"
ReplyDelete--Bush/Cheney did not lie. wrong again, 4-Eyes.
"anonymous pussy"
---a liberal? using ad hominem attacks instead of facts. Wow. Never happened before (/sarcasm)
"Really, nothing funnier than an utterly transparent Bush suck-up defending the indefensible."
---Bush was a good president. Not a great one, but a good one. You liberals can shit on him as much as you want, but when history wipes him clean, Olbermann and Matthews will be regelated to the same dustbin you'll be swimming in.
"Hey pussy, I'm shaking in my boots over your strange, petty little threats."
---Made none, but thanks for playing!
"Chickens coming home to roost?
what are you gonna do,pussy?"
---tell the truh about Obama, and that scummy little socialist is gonna get hisself good and dirty. And the truth is all we need.
"Blog until you make me cry?"
---lol. not necessary. You're already crying, realizing the joke you elected.
"Bring it on."
"I'll tell George Soros you said hi....."
--Make sure you swallow, boy!
I love spanking liberals in the evening. ;)
Man, these delusional liberals are everywhere, aren't they?
ReplyDeletelol obamaphile. Chickens....coming home to roost....
ReplyDeleteah, where to begin?
Or is it worth my time arguing with a mental retard who thinks GW was a good president?
We liberals will shit on Bush and the rest of you troglodytes who play the good little Conservatives and defend him because, and you know this,admitting the truth will only make you realize that you are the douchebag everyone thinks you are, and even when you look in the mirror you won't be able to escape that fact after "history" settles the score.
But hey! It's so easy to live with your head up your ass as long as you and your kin all follow suit in your fantasy "conservative underground".
I can imagine that the crystal-meth you and your toothless inbred buddies smoke must be really potent for you to believe that somehow history will redeem what turned out to be a shit for brains president. I can sleep easy knowing I didn't vote for him therefore avoiding the exhausting job of trying to defend him. On the otherhand, pussy anonymous bloggers who bend over and grab the ankles for Bush will spend the rest of their lives living in denial.
But this is all common knowledge. I don't have to strain to make my point because my point was made this past November.What's best of all is that a minority put your dumb ass in the minority. I know that's a little hard for you to swallow. Speaking of swallowing, Roger Ailes called and he wants his banana hammock back. You'll find it under your pillow, he says....
Fun huh?
But why get off track when all I have to do is quote such gems as:
"-Bush/Cheney did not lie. wrong again, 4-Eyes."
Well, that shut me up!
Next time you open your mouth I'm going to tell your mommy to punish you. I left my underwear under her pillow....
Smitty deserves some kudos for bringing the MSNBC audience share up three points.
ReplyDeleteBy watching.
Well now, seems as young4-eyes has quite an obsession with me. Let's see what intelligent prose this lefty has composed:
ReplyDelete" GW was a good president?"
---Note the lack of facts to back up his assertion. Like most liberals, he doesn't have to be bothered with "facts;" he merely assumes that because he is liberal and he has said it, it is true. See: global warming.
"We liberals will shit on Bush and the rest of you troglodytes who play the good little Conservatives and defend him because, and you know this,admitting the truth will only make you realize that you are the douchebag everyone thinks you are, and even when you look in the mirror you won't be able to escape that fact after "history" settles the score."
---there's a long, garden-variety sentence that backs up my earlier point. Why do liberals attack Bush? Well, its not because of something annoying like "facts;" its because "admitting the truth will only make you realize that you are the douchebag everyone thinks you are." So in reality this liberal is *protecting* me from feeling like a douchbag. So his Bush ttacks aren't based on reality, they're based on helping my feelings.
Thanks, liberal! lol.
"It's so easy to live with your head up your ass as long as you and your kin all follow suit in your fantasy "conservative underground"."
----we all have secret meetings in your mom's basement.
"I can imagine that the crystal-meth you and your toothless inbred buddies smoke must be really potent for you to believe that somehow history will redeem what turned out to be a shit for brains president."
-----Again, no facts backing up his assertions. Witness the liberal in action: all ad hominem, all the time.
"I can sleep easy knowing I didn't vote for him therefore avoiding the exhausting job of trying to defend him."
---and sleep even easier knowing you don't have to have facts to back up an argument. You're a liberal, its how you feel!
"On the otherhand, pussy anonymous bloggers who bend over and grab the ankles for Bush will spend the rest of their lives living in denial."
--A psychologist, too! and a psychic! Apparently, defending Bush from brainless lefties (but I repeat myself) whose only line of attack is ad hominem attacks without facts to back them up---notice how quickly he abandoned his Iraq war attacks when confronted with the truth----is the same as being a sex object for a married, straight, religious male.
Also, notice that "not agreeing with a factless argument" is "denial" when the argument is liberal. Its so easy to be a liberal, no facts required!
"But this is all common knowledge."
---more liberal logic: everyone agrees, so it must be true.
"I don't have to strain to make my point because my point was made this past November."
--eh? Bush didn't run. And by that logic, because he was elected for 2 terms, my point was made before yours. I win. Thanks liberal!
"What's best of all is that a minority put your dumb ass in the minority."
---And now you see what a liberal is most concerned with: race, not truth. No facts to back up The Messiah's win---ignoring the fact that it was "the economy, stupid"---and merely an assertion that, somehow, The Messiah winning one election means all facts are meaningless. lol.
"I know that's a little hard for you to swallow."
---lol. Yes, it is hard to believe an argument totally devoid of facts and ramblingly incoherent. Did you write it while drunk?
"But why get off track when all I have to do is quote such gems as:
"-Bush/Cheney did not lie. wrong again, 4-Eyes."
Well, that shut me up!"
---Note again how the liberal did not bother asserting any fact to rebut me. A clue: give one to a liberal today!
"Next time you open your mouth I'm going to tell your mommy to punish you."
---Note the Mommy state mentality. This kid probably never knew a father, being as his mother was a feminazi and all.
As a final note, remember this little lefty offered not one fact to defend his ad hominem attacks, and ran screaming when I rebutted him with facts. He merely thinks his blind assertions and obsession with me are all he needs to be "right."
lol liberal!
Ari in '12!
ReplyDeleteIt's my fault for entertaining the delusions of the boot licker, Anonymous.Don't flatter yourself, buddy. I'm not obsessed with you, I'm merely obsessed with your derangements.
I'm fascinated by the degree of your denial.I understand, I really do. You put your faith in this guy, you bought into the party-line bullshit and the FoxNews idolatry and he let you down.It's pretty earth shattering to come to grips with this,hence your unbelievable ignorance.
And all the proof I need is the fact that ex-administration officials for Bush are the only ones trying to push the bullshit revisionism that you are buying into. Most honest Cons( even the ones attending CPAC) have already thrown the despots Bush/Cheney under the bus.
You can keep taking one for the team if you will,
but all the bukake action you're subjecting yourself to won't change historical facts. All that facial might be blurring your vision, buddy. Taken with the fact that after 8 years all Bush/Cheney did for you is leave you with egg on your face, it' s not surprising that I'm dealing with a first class lackey.
But hey, don't take my ad hominem attacks so personally. After all you don't even have the balls to tell us who you are.
I look forward to your cherry-picking of this post.I'm assuming you learned a little something from the past 8 years. I've also learned that we can keep doing this forever because phonies like you will never back down from selling your lies and pushing your delusions onto those who know better- liberals AND Conservatives.
On that note, I'll leave you to your Monica Crowley lessons in dishonesty. Go take some notes from Rush and Hannity and all the other suck-ups who taught you to be the brash mental midget that you are.
Oh, was I ad homining again?