Special Guest-Blogger
Greetings once again, dear chilluns, it is I, your superfine Disco DJ of FMJRA hot pink linky-love! For the second week in a row, your usual host with the most has got to be spending honey-do time with the missus and therefore, at his behest, by special request, he got the best to give you the rest. Let's get it rocking with a few big hits:
- Big shout out to Dr. D., who rocked the 'Lanche this week. Note the power of blog-fu, as his lows get higher. You're going to have your peaks over the weeks, but the key is to build steady residual traffic, so that your lows ain't so low was they were befo'. So on Feb. 28, Dr. D had his low for the 30-day at 809, but this week's low on March 13 was 865 = +56/809 = 7% increase in two weeks. Keep on rockin', Dr. D!
- Woman Learns the Meaning of Porn Kharma. (Two counts of bestiality with a beagle.)
- Andrew Breitbart tells you where it's at, cats.
- Allahpundit: You could say that Obama's stupid, but if you say he's retarded, that's an insult to the retards. (Not a literal translation, but I don't sling that Allah lingo too good.)
- Don Surber takes you into the Garden to taste the Fruit of Knowledge of Good and Evil.
- Bill Anderson: Paul Krugman sucks. (But, hey, everybody already knew this, right?)
- Michelle Malkin: "BASTARDS"!
We'll be rockin' the beats 'till the break of dawn, and the Rule 2 action goes on and on, so if you're a blogger who wants to be here, just link this post in your post, and send the URL to Smitty. Then chill, Holmes, whilst we cue up the tunes, and if we don't get ya tonight we're going to get ya real soon.
- Smitty on the mike. Pundit and Pundette kick off my festivities by posing the question: Is Steyn more eloquent than Burns? They follow that with the revelation that they've got a bigger family than RSM while gently
- Dan Collins turns in a splendid, lyric effort on Geithner.
- Dan further forwards some Riehl World View ation on the Today's Clueless Right. Glen Beck was opining that this is all smoke and mirrors to cover the financial gymnastics at the Treasury. Dan's comic poem in the previous link is likely the least of what the fellow deserves.

Is the picture clear, dear?
Dr. Freaking S. Goodblog, Ph.D.
* Ph.D. = Pretty heavy Dude
The wisdom of the protein has spoken in the comments.
Post theme, sadly disallowing an embed.
Stacy theme:
Update II: How not to do it when emailing smitty
You may be interested to see how I Pine away for the 'Good NEW Days'.How to do it:
Or perhaps because public shame builds character, you can point out my pitiful attempt at following rule 4... (it really was quite pitiful).
You may also choose to scroll farther down and read the several articles I wrote about AIG a couple days ago.
Clearly I understand as a lowly padawan of such pitiful stature, I am not truly fit to grovel at your feet for this, Rule 2 or not.
See this comment on Equality is for Ugly Losers
Sound track!
Plus, Stacy's theme song!
(I made it a condition of playing with a band that they let me sing this)
And that, young padwans, is why Smitty has the righteous fu.