Monday, March 16, 2009

Post-Iowahawk Day blues

I've been feeling kind of depressed the past couple of days, and couldn't figure out why. Then I realized that it's like after Christmas. I'm experiencing the inevitable letdown after weeks of anticipation for National Iowahawk Day.

Obviously, I'll need to get plenty of bed rest and nutrition to recover my good cheer. Maybe I can call in sick and hire guestblogger Brooks Rossington Frumdreher III to fill in for a bit.

Hit the tip jar. Mr. Frumdreher may be a worthless RINO sellout, but he doesn't sell out cheap.


  1. Don't forget to stay hydrated!

    (Thanks for the link!)

  2. When Polly calls, I can't be slow: it's hip hip hip and away I go!

    The secret space in my ring I fill/with an Undergawd super energy pill.
