Although Mr. Kenney was heckled on the way to his car, and stopped in the hallway by an Iraq war resister who was carrying a baby while pleading her immigration case, his audience was largely supportive.
An exception came when Mr. Kenney slapped down a question from a student about the recent spate of prepared statements in the House of Commons by Conservative backbenchers criticizing Liberal strategist Warren Kinsella, in part for his campaign against right-wing blogger Kathy Shaidle, whom he accuses of racism.
"I don't know what you're talking about. Sorry. I take it you're from the Liberal club, you've got Warren Kinsella's talking points. Good for you. Send me a memo, I'll look into it," he said.
"He guessed right," said the questioner, Gabe De Roche, recruiting manager for the campus Liberal club.

In Ms. Shaidle's case, she became a target because of her outspoken support of Israel and her criticism of the Canadian government's use of "human rights" to stifle free speech. (Get the book, The Tyranny of Nice, which she co-authored with Pete Vere, with an introduction by Mark Steyn.)
What's interesting to me is that I also know conservatives who have been smeared as anti-Semites (or "unpatriotic conservatives") because of their criticism of U.S.-Israel policy. In fact, the term "ransom note method" was coined by one such, who has not taken public credit for the coinage and whose identity I am therefore obligated to protect.
The wise and informed observer recognizes in these opportunistic smears the Left's fundamental dishonesty of discourse. The Left supports Hamas and Hezbollah and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and anyone who criticizes this blood-drenched tacit alliance will be viciously smeared as a Muslim-hating bigot. But if the Left spots a conservative who happens to be critical of the U.S.-Israel alliance, then the target is smeared as a Jew-hating bigot.
Damned if you do, damned if you don't. What the Left counts on is that the majority of conservatives are so cowardly that they won't speak up against these smears, especially when it involves some conservative who isn't part of their particular ideological clique.
It isn't "respectable" to speak up for Limbaugh or Ann Coulter or Kathy Shaidle. You might damage your precious reputation merely by saying that Taki Theodoracopulos has a right to his own political opinions -- knowing that the Left will cry, "Aha! He defends the Jew-hater!" and then combine the "ransom note method" with the old reliable guilt-by-association to accuse you of holding opinions you do not hold.
There is no safety in silence. Fuck those lying left-wing crapweasels. I'm with Kathy:
As Rhett said to Scarlett, "With enough courage, you can do without a reputation." Welcome to The Camp of the Saints, sweetheart.
UPDATE: OK, Cynthia Yockey's joined up for the Fuck The Crapweasels Brigade. Now, who else has the guts to stand in defense of Kathy Shaidle?
You should see Pat Condell's video: Oh Dhimmi Canada. Anyway, it's amazing that in countries like Canada and England, a marxist is considered centrist. I am surprised mr Kenney didn't accuse her of being a John Bircher.
ReplyDeleteI must ask: was is/was your opinion of Buckley's "In Search of Anti-Semitism"? I mean, with both "In Search Of..." and "Unpatriotic..." the accused got plenty of space to respond to the accusations in NR, and I personally wasn't particularly impressed with their responses.
ReplyDeleteIf anyone's interested in the followup forum to "Unpatriotic Conservatives", you can find it here:
"I believe...we should......kill ...everyone."
ReplyDeleteI'm sure that's a direct quote from well, just about anyone, really. I only omitted words that were "redundant".
Feel free to use it, but be sure to quote me.
Well, then perhaps you should go and look up every article that was quoted in Unpatriotic Conservatives and explain exactly why he was misquoting them. I'm sorry, but my experience in reading a lot of the writers involved is that they have some sensible things to say, but they're seeded with a bunch of insanely incautious statements that tend to give the game away.
ReplyDeleteSecondly, the article has to be read in light of the fact that Frum is turning around a lot of statements against neoconservatives around on the paleoconservatives. Paleos question neoconservatives' patriotism every day of the week and twice on Sundays (perhaps slightly less than that...) Isn't that the whole point of the "dual loyalty" accusation?
Your post leaves the wrong impression of Kathy. She is not an anti-semite as you say but she has been very critical of one of our Jewish organizations in Canada who are very supportive of our human rights commissions and their efforts to stifle free speech in Canada. She thinks this is very misguided, as do I.
ReplyDeleteNo, the problem for Mr. Kinsella and other so-called liberals/Liberals in Canada (including the aforementioned Jewish organization) is her vociferous criticism of Islam and by extension some of our most obnoxious and even antisemitic Muslims and Palestinian activists who cause nothing but trouble for Jews in Canada. This is why they call her a racist.
Jason Kenney has promised to cut off government support/funding to any groups in Canada that promote antisemitism and who support Hamas, Hezzbola or the Tamil Tigers. Fair to say, Kathy Shaidle and Jason Kenney are on the same page in this respect. They can rant and rave all they want, but not on our dime and not with our support.
Battle at Kruger! I'm with Kathy.
It was interesting to read some of the supposed 'critiques' of the frumpurge (as it is called by its targets) article. Most were not critiques at all, but rather expressions of support for Frum. Oaths of fealty for George W. Bush are common, that turned out well didn't it? Wholehearted support for our supposedly victorious invasion of Iraq 4000 dead American kids --disproportionately white, rural, non-Jewish kids -- and hundreds of billions of dollars later these are a sick joke. Other anachronisms abound, like the Frumsters supporters hailing our war against Serbia. Now that Kosovo and even Bosnia are suspected of being major conduits for Islamic terrorism in Europe, the neocons who supported bombing against a Christian nation and the severance of its lawfully constituted territory seem to have a case of buyers remorse. Frum's supporters seem to include a lot of mass immigration supporters -- nation of immigrants , yeah we need controls but types. Strange, but events seem to have undermined that position too -- like the heroic rising up of the American people against the amnesty pushed by Frum hero Dubya. Finally, PJB comes in for a lot og stick for his departure from 'conservative' orthodox on Free trade, but with the collapse of our economy, and our politician groveling to Chinese officials, deathly afraid they'll stop financing our WalMart habit, Buchanan is looking more right than ever.
ReplyDeletePaleos win on all counts.
Dear Ms. Shaidle: Marry me.
ReplyDeleteConsidering you brings to mind Austin Clarke:
When night stirred at sea,
And the fire brought a crowd in
They say that her beauty
Was music in mouth
And few in the candlelight
Thought her too proud,
For the house of the planter
Is known by the trees.
Men that had seen her
Drank deep and were silent,
The women were speaking
Wherever she went --
As a bell that is rung
Or a wonder told shyly
And O she was the Sunday
In every week.
You: The Sunday in every week.
How. Romantic. Is. That?
I will take the author's word that Kathy Shaidle's words were taken out of context. But to state that "ransom notes" or other types of smear tactics are left wing weapons that the right is either too cowardly, too stupid, or too decent to brandish simply defies logic. Just ask John Kerry, Max Cleland, Bill Maher, Ward Chuchill, Cindy Sheehan, Joe Wilson, Al Gore, Hillary Clinton, Michelle Obama,Bill Clinton, etc.
ReplyDeleteHere is a great example of a "ransom note. "
President Obama said:
In America, there is a failure to appreciate Europe's leading role in the world. Instead of celebrating your dynamic union and seeking to partner with you to meet common challenges, there have been times where America has shown arrogance and been dismissive, even derisive. But in Europe, there is an anti-Americanism that is at once casual, but can also be insidious. Instead of recognizing the good that America so often does in the world, there have been times where Europeans choose to blame America for much of what is bad. On both sides of the Atlantic, these attitudes have become all too common. They are not wise. They do not represent the truth. They threaten to widen the divide across the Atlantic and leave us both more isolated. They fail to acknowledge the fundamental truth that America cannot confront the challenges of this century alone, but that Europe cannot confront them without America."
I realize that's an awful lot of words, which is perhaps why Hannity, Limbaugh, Krauthammer, and ten thousand right wing bloggers simply quoted the first two sentences. So is that a "ransom note," or just a case of conservative attention defecit disorder?
Here's a great example of ransom note smearing. President Obama says "In America, there is a failure to appreciate Europe's leading role in the world. Instead of celebrating your dynamic union and seeking to partner with you to meet common challenges, there have been times where America has shown arrogance and been dismissive, even derisive. But in Europe, there is an anti-Americanism that is at once casual, but can also be insidious. Instead of recognizing the good that America so often does in the world, there have been times where Europeans choose to blame America for much of what is bad. On both sides of the Atlantic, these attitudes have become all too common. They are not wise. They do not represent the truth. They threaten to widen the divide across the Atlantic and leave us both more isolated. They fail to acknowledge the fundamental truth that America cannot confront the challenges of this century alone, but that Europe cannot confront them without America."
ReplyDeleteHannity, Limbaugh, Krauthammer, and a million right wing bloggers mention the first sentence, forget the rest of the paragraph, and accuse the president of "blaming America first", "kissing European ass, and apologizing for America.
I will take your word for it that Ms Shaidle's words were taken out of context. But to state that this, and other smear tactics are some leftwing skill that the right is too cowardly, or too decent, to employ, simply defies logic. Just ask Michelle Obama, Cindy Sheehan, Bill Maher, John Kerry, Al Gore, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, .....
great post thank you!