According to Tennessee blogger Sharon Cobb, there have been death threats against state Rep. Mike Kernell. This is crazy behavior, and whoever is responsible for it should be prosecuted.
People: It's just politics, OK? The United States is the greatest country in the world, with the greatest people in the world, and whatever happens Nov. 4 will not change that. If the result is the election of a Democrat . . . so what?
A nation that can survive LBJ, Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton is a nation that even Barack Obama can't destroy. The man has already turned thousands of Hillary Clinton supporters into ex-Democrats. Just think how many ex-Democrats he'd create if he managed to get elected.
Whoever hacked Sarah Palin's e-mail and then went online to brag about wanting to "derail her campaign" has clearly lost perspective about this election. So if the hacker turns out to be a 20-year-old chess nerd with emotional issues, and it turns out the guy's dad is a Democratic politician, well, OK.
But death threats? What's the point of that? Let's leave that idiocy to the Unhinged. Besides, the media is going to go berserk on this one -- check out this conviction-by-headline from the NY Post.
Look, if the FBI ends up bird-dogging on the Kernell kid, he and his family are going to go through a hell you couldn't imagine in your worst nightmares. Ask people who've been through it. Being investigated and prosecuted by the feds is a soul-wrenching experience. It's not like you're dealing with the local sheriff and the county judge. It's extremely impersonal. And there is no parole in the federal prison system.
Oh, and beware of the "obstruction" charge. Ever hear of a guy named Scooter Libby? He was sentenced to 30 months in prison. President Bush commuted that, but the dude still had to pay a $250,000 fine. He was disbarred.
Yesterday, somebody said David Kernell seemed to be deleting his online accounts. Bad decision. Attempting to destroy evidence in a case under investigation by the FBI? A crime in its own right. And the FBI has the best computer forensics people in the world, anyway, so you're not helping yourself.
Don't make death threats against the Kernells. Pray for them. I've got a hunch they're going to be needing a lot of prayer in the near future. And God forbid you or anyone you know should ever find themselves at the center of an FBI investigation. Even if the Kernell kid's perfectly innocent -- mistaken identity or something -- it's going to be rough. But if the kid's guilty . . .
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We have another massive wildfire outbreak.. Now it’s Long Island, New York
near the Hamptons… This one defies logic. New
The post Now Long Island, near t...
3 hours ago
I agree with you; good advice.
I don't in any way disagree with your advice not to issue death threats....however...
ReplyDeleteDo we know that anyone actually has issued death threats? This is standard liberal tropes: every time they do something unpopular, they screech for sympathy claiming that people issued "death threats" against them - because hey, they're the victims here.
Like the Columbia professor caught hanging nooses on her own office door to generate sympathy because she was about to be fired for plagiarism, I no longer believe liberals when they claim they have been victims of death threats until I have seen them with my own eyes. And even then I'd want them tracked down to make sure that it wasn't sent from one of their other e-mail accounts or somebody who was actually sympathetic to their cause.
Sorry, but when you cry wolf too many times, you only have yourselves to blame when people stop listening....
"A nation that can survive LBJ, Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton is a nation that even Barack Obama can't destroy. The man has already turned thousands of Hillary Clinton supporters into ex-Democrats. Just think how many ex-Democrats he'd create if he managed to get elected."
ReplyDeleteMan, you made my day with that comment. Way to put things in perspective!
I also agree. Death threats are just STUPID!
ReplyDeleteIf he did do it he should nailed hard. Death threats are idiotic however and are counter-productive.
ReplyDeleteThank you for the clarity and the reminder that we are supposed to be the decent ones around here.
ReplyDeleteI agree that death threats are WRONG WRONG WRONG. But are you presuming that Repubs are making them? Because that's how I read it.
ReplyDeleteif the FBI ends up bird-dogging on the Kernell kid, he and his family are going to go through a hell you couldn't imagine in your worst nightmares.
Good! I've no sympathy for them.
I understand that according to the law can't be charged with anything for posting the stuff. Too bad.
Remuglia, the other one involved in this investigation who is said to be "cooperating with the FBI," well, turns out he went to college at the University of Alaska-Fairbanks.
ReplyDeleteJust a coincidence?
Well, David Kernell said that in order to get into the Palin account, he had to make some guesses as to the password questions, including "Wasilla High School."
A former Alaska resident would be more capable of guessing the answer to such questions.
Just conjecture, but I wouldn't be surprised to find out that Remuglia is a little more involved with this Kernell kid than he's letting on.
You're absolutely correct. I had an adult female client who commited and was convicted of a federal white collar crime. The pressure, even as she awaited sentencing was enormous and she was suicidal, even without national publicity. It seems this kid is unstable to begin with, so the last thing this family needs is death threats. I am sure prayers will go this family's way.
ReplyDeleteThat said, I certainly hope the feds find out about any possible connection to political entities. When Obama sends forth his minions/"ambassadors" to cause mayhem, he can never really know exactly what they are going to do. But Obama, and it appears this hacking was partisan in its purpose, still bears the moral responsibility of acts that follow such marching orders.
I said it yesterday that you guys were jumping the gun on this one. And now...
ReplyDeleteI for one will not pray for the Kernell family since up to this point he is not a person of interest, not that it means anything to you Conservative wackos: person of interest registers as GUILTY to you guys.
I know you guys are desperate to find some kind of Dem connection on this one, but why don't you try edifying yourselves with the grand actuality of FACT!
Ooops! I forgot who I was talking to...
Besides, as Dondero suggests, there might be other strange bedfellows in this story.
I still smell Turd Blossom all over this one.
I will pass on your kind words to Mike. Death threats are terrible. Mike did nothing, and if his son did something wrong, his son will be held accountable.
ReplyDeleteI just got off the phone with Mike, and law enforcement has not come to see him or his son as of this time.
Mike is on his way to Knoxville to meet with his son and his lawyer, so whatever is happening, law enforcement isn't worried about anything or they would have moved in.
I'm guessing...Mike did not tell me this, bu I am guessing if his son did it, they will simply walk over to the FBI.
We're talking about a bright 20 year old kid who may have done something very stupid, but is certainly not a terrorist.
Again, he will pay if he did it, but death threats are hardly in order.
Thank you--