Monday, September 15, 2008

NO to the drilling 'compromise'

Stephen Spruiell:
I'm hearing disconcerting rumors that McCain is planning to endorse the so-called Gang of 10 16 20 energy legislation. That would be a huge mistake. In terms of its effect on the conservative base, supporting the Gang of 20's energy bill would be like McCain pouring a big bucket of cold water on the fire he started with the Palin pick.
I'm with Ace on this one. Like I need another excuse to vote for Bob Barr? Hey, while we're at it, you should go give some money to Bob Barr as a way to punish Maverick for even allowing people to spread the rumor that he might vote for Nancy Pelosi's cruel hoax of a "compromise."

By the way, Barr just won a lawsuit to get his name on the ballot in Pennsylvania. And I'm sure there are lots of free-market people in Pennsylvania who'll be happy to vote for Barr if McCain screws them over by joining the Pelosi crowd on drilling.


  1. >And I'm sure there are lots of free-market people in Pennsylvania who'll be happy to vote for Barr if McCain screws them over by joining the Pelosi crowd on drilling.

    Hope not. Learned my lesion in '92: dinnae spli' thy ticket, laddie.

  2. No no no no no no!

    We have waited this long, we can wait until January.


  3. The new McCain ad (Crisis) seems to indicate the ticket will support off shore drilling.

  4. I don't think it's going to effect the hard core Palin supporters one way or the other. The "fire" happened because Palin is a culture warrior candidate. She raised taxes on oil companies in her own state, which didn't have much effect on the support of her real base, which are conservative "God, guns and gays" voters. They're more concerned about prayers in public schools, banning gay marriage and overturning Roe v. Wade than they are about offshore oil platforms.

    I think you're overestimating the "conservative fusion" factor here.

  5. Joe, in Alaska even the crypto-anarchist libertarians thought the oil companies needed to be taught a lesson. That tax hike didn't hurt her with anybody but the oil companies.
