The film company sent this to me:
The film company said "because of your influence in the blogosphere, we would like to invite you to be a part of the American Carol grassroots team." Translation: "We're not actually going to pay you anything, but . . . "
Hollywood turns out to be surprisingly like Washington, DC, that way. C'mon, guys: At least throw me some free tickets. A T-shirt, maybe?
I'm a greedy right-wing capitalist blogger, OK? I don't consider it bribery or payola. Just hit the tip jar or something.
Thanks! Here's the Web site for An American Carol.
Sorry media hacks, you got played! JD Vance worked behind the scenes
pushing as hard as possible for broad pardons and commutations of the J6
Well it looks like JD Vance has my vote for 2028, if I’m still around…
After the media whined about
The post Sorry media hacks, you got played! JD Vance ...
1 hour ago
Am I a bad person if I find seeing Michael Moore slapped by proxy somewhat amusing?