VodkaPundit deconstructs David Letterman. I've always liked Letterman's smart-alecky attitude, and never thought of him as having any particular political orientation. A few years ago, however, Letterman turned harshly against Bush and then became generically anti-Republican.
Sad. But I still like Dave's smart-alecky attitude. And Bush turned a lot of people anti-Republican.
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3 hours ago
Where have you been? Dave has always been anti-republican...anti-conservative. Always! ...and it showed. He like other libs in the media, have now gone totally out of control. We sadly turned him off 10 years ago!! ...he had such potential...but has so much hate.!
ReplyDeleteAfter Letterman's unconventional humour became conventional, all he had left was his personality. Yuk. Who wants to have such a sour man over to their homes 5 nights a week?
ReplyDeleteActually, I can remember the first night Dave's political switch flipped to stealth moonbat from gentle political ecumenicism.
ReplyDeleteIt was during the recount. I'd never thought he was political at all, or at least was a mild conservative. I remember listening to him that night and wondering, "good God, what's gotten into him?"
I think the poor guy is just a personification of our country's near decade struggle with mental illness.
I was still a frequent viewer, but soon after I tailed off. I wonder why....
I liked Letterman when he first started out, but he is old and jaded and nasty.
ReplyDeleteI am glad Leno got the Tonight Show. The better man won. You suck Dave.
Letterman was a great guy for LATE NIGHT (honestly, Steve, Snyder had well run his course, although he touched greatness in his prime earlier years). The problem is he couldn't change his schtick to the earlier time slot. The only thing that kept him remotely competitive was his appropriation of several Johnny Carson routines (apparently with permission).
ReplyDeleteLeno was the opposite: funny, but very safe. He didn't push the limits as much as Carson had. His oblique innuendo drew fewer blushes than Carson's easy wit, and even his most "out there" jibes about Kevin Eubanks and marijuana had been done by Carson on Doc and Tommy 20 years earlier.
But he was funny, usually, in a consistent vanilla sort of way. Leno would rarely leave you in stitches, gasping for breath the way Carson could, but he would also rarely have you asking "What the heck was that? Was it supposed to be FUNNY?" which Letterman does with some frequency. And he generally followed Carson's political rule of ribbing both sides equally ("When either party starts thinking I am treating them fairly, it's a sign I've been soft on them."), as did Letterman until Bush won in 2000.
But other events in Letterman's life accelerated his descent into moonbat madness. After years in NYC, he gradually began being accepted in the social scene, a nest of leftist dogma. He had a heart attack, the shingles, and a child - events which can make a person feel powerless and inadequate to cope (especially if the person lacks faith), and more desperate in their need to suddenly fit in where they may never have thought they belonged.
I'm not a psychiatrist, but I play one on the internet. Had I been a real psychiatrist, I would have just said Dave's a gap-toothed moron who wants more invitations to NYC cocktail parties because he can scarf up enough hors d'oeuvres to skip dinner. But the id of the odd seemed more fertile soil . . .