Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Limbaugh vs. Colin Powell

Rush went off on Powell yesterday:
So General Powell, let me explain something. The fact is Republicans did not listen to me. They listened to you. They have not been listening to me for years. The Republican Party nominated your ideal candidate. They nominated your guy, a moderate, who's willing to buy into an endless array of liberal causes. . . .
As long as you are a Republican, but you buy into an endless array of liberal causes, global warming to amnesty for illegals, and somebody who has the same fetish for compromising principles that you do, then they are going to love you. Then you turn around and you stab this person in the back by endorsing the most liberal Democrat candidate ever nominated days before the election, General Powell? You want to lecture me about how the Republican Party needs to stop listening to me when they are not? They are listening to you. I also have to question something here. How can he say he's a Republican? He gets the perfect Republican nominee, exactly the kind of candidate he wants, it's McCain, and then he sabotages McCain a few weeks before the election by endorsing Obama. How can you even claim to be a Republican, General Powell?
Good question.

UPDATE: Video via Hot Air:


  1. "He gets the perfect Republican nominee, exactly the kind of candidate he wants, it's McCain, and then he sabotages McCain a few weeks before the election by endorsing Obama"

    Uh, yeah. Except that Powell had no problems with McCain. He had problems with Sarah Palin. But Rush wouldn't be able to do what he does without leaving out important information like that.
    And this all goes to the point of accountability. He doesn't want to shoulder the blame for dumbing-down political discourse. But as the self-proclaimed leader of alternative media he is directly to blame for the degeneration of his party and its politics.
    Powell, on the other hand, is a man of many accomplishments, and unlike Rush, a man of character. Rush isn't man enough to step into Powell's boots, much less criticize him for speaking the truth.
    And I guess that's what got under Rush's skin, eh?

  2. Funny how the left LOVES when a "Republican" is not quite Republican after all. Oh, it was a problem with Gov. Palin, right? Please, why can not the left be honest just one time and admit that Gen. Powell endorsed President-elect Obama because he is black? I mean, throughout the campaign, many black conservatives were openly flirting with that idea. And, no big deal in my book. After all, President-elect Obama is a first. But, just be honest. As for dumbing down political discouse, please just go to any Dinosaur, Drive-By, Mainstream, Obama-Worshiping Media platform. Example. Do you note how they bury the fact that Mr. Ponzi Scheme himself, Bernie Madoff, is a D E M O C R A T?! If he were a Republican, it would be in the first paragraph of the story. No, Rush tells it like it is and you on the left just can not take it!
