That's a fair summary of Steve Hilderbrand's message to the "progressive" Democrats: Shut up and don't expect Obama to do any of the stuff he promised you he would do. What kind of gullible chumps actually believed that "Change" crap to begin with? Grow up, you pouting wusses. This is the real world, which means we're going to do whatever Goldman Sachs and K Street tell us to do.
(Link fixed. Thanks Donald.)
60-year old Gloria Lynn Mandich (climate “change” activist) arrested on
suspicion of arson near state park 23.6 miles from Pacific Palisades
Just as I suspected… It isn’t illegal aliens starting these fires, it’s
left wing eco terrorists like Gloria Mandich… This
The post 60-year old Gloria Ly...
6 hours ago
Check the link. Isn't Hilderbrand at HuffPo?