Saturday, December 13, 2008

Is God 'moderate'?

An evangelical spokesman has resigned after telling NPR he supports civil unions for gays. This prompts a liberal to ponder:

Maybe over time enough people in the religious right will moderate their views to the point where people like [James] Dobson lose their influence.

The real question isn't the influence of Dobson, but rather the influence of God, and if you're waiting for God to moderate his views, I suspect you'll be waiting a long time.

(Cross-posted at AmSpecBlog.)


  1. You could also argue that the fact God isn't pressing the "Smite" button and liquidating vast swaths of modern idiocy is a case study in agape, which is far more wonderful than simple moderation.

  2. "The real question isn't the influence of Dobson, but rather the influence of God, and if you're waiting for God to moderate his views, I suspect you'll be waiting a long time"

    Wow really.
    The influence of God?
    Meaning that Dobson speaks for God, like Dana Perino speaks for Bush?
    Or that it is the will of God that gays remain second-class citizens?
    Last time that God spoke to you, Robert, did he specifically mention Prop 8?
    Did he tell you that he wouldn't moderate his views?
    Please tell me, because you seem to be on a first-name-basis with the big guy I was hoping you could clear this all up.
    I mean, you seem so familiar with the will of God...what else can you tell us?
    Who's winning the Superbowl this year?
    God's influence.
    Not some phony preacher/politician who most likely gets an erection from oppressing others with his self-appointed holier-than thou-ness.
    Get a clue jackass....
