Does $300 million sound like a lot of money? It does, except when you consider how much more Gore stands to personally profit from the climate of mass hysteria he’s been been helping to create with a no-holds-barred campaign of misinformation aimed at marginalizing and ostracizing all those who dare to question his take on global warming. . . .
Gore himself is chairman and founder of a private equity firm called Generation Investment Management (GIM). According to Gore, the London-based firm invests money from institutions and wealthy investors in companiesthat are going green. . . .
If carbon emissions trading ever comes to the United States, Al Gore will be uniquely positioned to cash in. . . .
If Gore can keep up the pressure for carbon emissions restrictions, he could end up a very wealthy man. Given that, the $300 million doesn’t seem like a lot of money after all.
Hat-tip to Little Miss Atilla, who comments:
All I know is that Gore has a hammer -- of sorts -- and it looks like most of the most pressing problems in the country and on the globe are starting to resemble nails.
Something else to remember: Just because something is "non-profit" doesn't mean that people aren't getting paid. There are plenty of people making six-figure incomes -- to say nothing of tax-free perks like expense-paid travel to "conferences" held at resort locations -- on the payrolls of non-profit groups.
And that's just the legit stuff. Outright non-profit fraud is something else. As part of the Abramoff scandal, a former Tom DeLay aide set up a bogus "think tank" in a beach house in Rehoboth Beach, Del., hiring his buddies for no-show jobs.
The mere fact that someone has a non-profit 501(c) ostensibly devoted to some worthy cause does not for a minute convince me that they're on the up-and-up. Given that Al Gore is a Democrat, I naturally suspect he's running a scam of some sort.
Al Gore, if not so dangerous, him and his views would be laughable.