Synopsis of her latest column at the Daily Bestiality, which we read so you don't have to:
Gay people are special.Let's face it, folks: Even if you're pro-life like me, you certainly can understand why Meghan's mother is pro-choice. Can you say buyer's remorse?
My Dad's important and famous, so you can't argue with me!
Does my ignorance make my butt look fat?
Meghan McCain has a double helping of Coyote Ugly: you'd chew off your friend's arm to help him get away without waking her up...
ReplyDeleteOY! Buyers remorse!?@#$%! Maybe cuz John could get some retroactive Plan B! And while hes at it one for him as well.
ReplyDeleteRod Stanton
Yeah, that's about the value of the Meghan McCain blog.
ReplyDeleteAccording to Ramesh Ponnuru, had the Crazy Cousin won, Cindy McCain would have been the first pro-life first lady since Roe v. Wade.
ReplyDeleteBest regards;
I vote Spoiled Brat.
ReplyDeleteAnd now to why I really comment here:
The Full Metal Jacket Reach-Around Award
This spot rotates to honor those who link us in shameless obedience to Rule 2 of How to Get a Million Hits on Your Blog.)
So all I gotta do is shamelessly link to you to benefit from Rule 2?
Back when I was dumb, stupid and single, I would occasionally lower myself to look for Megan McCains in bars about 45 minutes to closing (you have to move quick enough to stake your claim without moving too quickly as to be insufficiently drunk). I always paid the price with having to wake up drunk and with my new friend next to me.
ReplyDeleteI am having flashbacks from this post and I do not like it.
Ya big Meanie! ;-P I linked in. :)
ReplyDeleteOh I spelled her name wrong. Meg-ham or Meg-han or something like that. I am sick of alternative spellings for Megan. It is stupid pretentious.
ReplyDeletePlease don't tell me you think this wench is a conservative? or did I mean badger? Huh.
ReplyDeleteWhat a timesaver her laptop must be for Meghan. Now, while she is sitting in the skank section of whatever bar she decides to park her large arse in waiting for the closing time rush, she can crank out a column or two for the Daily Bleet.
ReplyDeleteRather, nicholas said...
ReplyDeleteOver the top with the retro-active pro-choice comment, RSM. A tad too dark for the high powered, fast moving, high IQ yet three stooges, cutting edge blog of yours, IMO.
Otherwise, on a roll as per usual.
She could be worse. She could be Liz Cheney. But I repeat myself.
ReplyDeleteHey, if it wasn't for Liz Cheney, we wouldn't get to see lefties' ears smoke when they hear Dick Cheney supports gay marriage.
ReplyDeleteYou wouldn't believe the screams...