Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Kevin Binversie is not nearly so shameless a blogwhore as Troglopundit . . .

. . . but then again, nobody really is. OK, maybe Bob Belvedere, as if anyone could compete with Bob. Anyway, I was on Twitter explaining how Troglopundit became our Obama-like hate-magnet, the Wisconsininny everybody blames for whatever sucks about their state -- including the Badgers defense -- when I get this Tweet from Binversie:
The proper term is "Wisconsinites." And I too am a Wisconsin blogger. Thanks for the lack of link love.
You got to admire that kind of resourcefulness, even if you don't admire January Jones and her fake boobs. Here I am, doing my best to turn Troglopundit into the punchline of a Sean Hackbarth joke, and Binversie seizes the opportunity to promote his Lakeside Laments blog, which doesn't suck nearly as bad as the Grateful Dead.

Then again, not even Andrew Sullivan sucks like that. Maybe Meghan McCain sucks worse, but we can't accept the word of the Ohio State defensive line for such a malicious claim . . .


  1. Then again, his name is Kevin - not Ken.

  2. Do I have to break up my plans, get a tip jar of my own so I can afford the trip, head to Virginia (now who names a state Virginia?), and teach you some manners?

    Of course, said manners will have to be taught over copious amounts of alcohol.

  3. Trog ain't got nuthin' on me....and at least I'm a handsome son of a gun.
