Sunday, November 1, 2009

Rule 5 Sunday

by Smitty

So Rule 5 Sunday finds us momentarily jubilant over NY-23. Set that aside briefly, and consider the following links:
Special Crypto-Necro-RuleFiveo Section:
Dead stuff and creepy goofy weird is not the usual speed for Rule 5. Internal fluids, dismemberment: these are not the stuff of natural elegance. Yet here we sit, links a-flexin', tryin' to dodge the witch's hexin'.
  • House of Eratosthenese brings you Marina Orlova, a.k.a. Hot For Words, head in hand.
  • The Instapundit noted some slutty nun costumes.
  • Miss Cellania featured a Halloween Stripper clip that is at the edge of our PG-13 rating, but watch the whole thing.
  • Jeffords had a Halloween Hollywood roundup.
  • Three Beers Later has a saucy pinup.
  • Yankee Phil includes a lady in orange rocking out to Who Are You.
  • Belvedere rounds up the witches. For transport to Salem? one wonders.
  • American Power has a Halloween lovely.
  • SondraK demonstrates that ladies with swords are every bit as alluring as hotties with guns, in a medieval sort of way.
So there is a healthy Rule 5 outing. Please send more tasteful cheesecake to Smitty and get out the vote on Tuesday, ye Americans!


  1. Hey, I'm just acknowledging Dodgy Dodd's greatest political achievement, becoming the Oldest Living Sexual Predator in the US Sentate.

    (Robert Byrd doesn't count, we don't score chickens)

  2. Elvira, Mistress of the Dark made a guest reappearance at

  3. One of last night's Visiting Ghouls turned out to be a young lady of about nine with a serious-looking, if probably plastic, scimitar. She got two treats.

  4. Newt Gingrich explains: See, you turned her into a democrat and a liberal.

    Newt, it is funny how you missed the point she always was a democrat and a liberal.

  5. That Maggie G. looks like she could use a lickin'.

    I volunteer.
