by Smitty
Texas adds an average of 1,000 people a day, and is running a budget surplus.
Governor Rick Perry explains that it's really simple, ableit not easy, on this Instavision installment.
The Dallas Tea Party has explicitely invited Janeane Garofalo to disabuse herself of the notion that the DTP is a bunch of "racist redneck teabaggers", or whatever noise escaped her.
Note to Bob McDonnell in VA: you are invited to crib from Governor Perry at length, and in detail.
Hint: subscribe. A) PJTV is performing a crucial service, and B) the advanced player has significantly better performance.
Another non-racist redneck teabagger would be Deroy Murdock
Now Long Island, near the Hamptons is on fire – WTF is going on?
We have another massive wildfire outbreak.. Now it’s Long Island, New York
near the Hamptons… This one defies logic. New
The post Now Long Island, near t...
3 hours ago
Humm, let's see, Alaska has a surplus and Texas has a surplus. Alaska has a short legislative session and Texas has a short legislative session. Alaska has balanced budget and Texas has a balanced budget. Palin endorsed Perry too. Anyone up for a Palin/Perry or Perry/Palin ticket in 2012?
ReplyDeleteInteresting, but consider domestic as well as foreign policy.
If BHO continues to wane, and Governor Palin continues to wax (don't go there), then one foresees the DNC putting HRC on the ticket, replete with a SecState tour.