Part I of my comments here, and now I've just picked up the article again. Once more on Page 4, read that "no serious vetting had been done" (and whose fault was that?) followed by assertion of Palin's "slipperiness," followed immediately by the statement that Palin was "unwilling, or simply unable" to prepare for the Couric interview.
This is clearly an effort to blame Palin for whatever went wrong in an interview that never should have been scheduled.
Palin would have been solid gold in any impromptu encounter with reporters on the campaign trail. Putting her into one-on-one interviews with the network anchors -- eager to draw blood with "gotcha" questions -- was a stupid blunder on the part of the campaign.
To schedule those interviews, and then to arrange sessions to "prepare" her for them, was to imply that she was incapable of handling the interviews without the "expert" assistance of the Team Maverick brain trust which, of course, had committed her to these interviews in the first place.
Am I the only one who sees that the problem with how Palin was "handled" had nothing to do with Palin and everything to do with the handlers? She is being made the scapegoat for the failures of others.
Now Long Island, near the Hamptons is on fire – WTF is going on?
We have another massive wildfire outbreak.. Now it’s Long Island, New York
near the Hamptons… This one defies logic. New
The post Now Long Island, near t...
3 hours ago
Team Maverick brain trust
ReplyDeleteI believe you have created a new oxymoron.
That article was bad. The sources were all anonymous, it regurgitated now debunked stories and it offered no new info. There’s a plethora of stuff he could’ve written about: her battles with the AK legislature and how that’s changed after the campaign, the partnering of Exxon with the pipeline to the lower 48 and its implications, her stance on missile defense in light of North Korea’s aggressive statements, the push back against Letterman and visiting troops in Kosovo and Germany. All these things would be worthy of discussion and are open to legitimate disagreement. Oh, but that would mean he’d have to engage in some serious journalism. My mistake. Instead he vomits up 9000+ words of conjecture and cites cowards who admittedly won’t sign their names to their words. What a douchenozzle.
ReplyDeleteI think Palin is toast. The media occasionally decides some conservative is just unacceptable, and trashes them until they become a joke to the general public. Dan Quayle is the obvious example- a serious, intelligent guy but he couldn't survive the 24/7 mocking and vilification. Palin will probably never be acceptable to the masses. Her best role is to function as a blocker- each thwarted attempt makes the left redouble their effort on her, rather than pick new targets. The VF article was a response to the failure of the David Letterman attack; a vigorous defense to this one will keep their focus on her.
ReplyDeleteI think only two conservative politicians have been resistant to this tactic- Ronald Reagan and Rudy Giuliani. They were hated apoplectically by the left, attacked as viciously as was possible, but were able to blow it off. It takes a certain kind of person to do this. Reagan fought with Hollywood Communists, Giuliani with the New York mafia, so some prissy New York Times columnist probably didn't bother them too much.
I think Giuliani was the man of the hour and let his hour pass. Like Shane he is probably gone forever.
"I think Palin is toast. The media occasionally decides some conservative is just unacceptable, and trashes them until they become a joke to the general public. Dan Quayle is the obvious example- a serious, intelligent guy but he couldn't survive the 24/7 mocking and vilification. Palin will probably never be acceptable to the masses."
ReplyDeletePlease. Comparing Palin to Quayle is ridiculous. Palin has game-changing charisma, enough to draw 20,000 to a speech for Founders Day in Auburn, NY for crying out loud. When could Quayle have ever pulled that off? This wasn't even a campaign appearance, just a simple speech, and in one of the bluest states in the union. What the hell do you think is going to happen if she starts campaigning in earnest?
And the idea the masses won't accept her doesn't hold water either. The more the economy falters under Obama (as safe a bet as there was), the more people will be willing to consider an alternative. Especially a photogenic one with more charisma than an arena full of rock stars.
The media is desperate. They know who the biggest threat is to the re-coronation of The One in 2012. Problem is, they are emptying all of their ammunition on her now, way too early. What do you think they're going to do after they've unloaded everything and she's still standing? So far they haven't even made so much as a scratch.
Most of the same stuff was said about Reagan, and they waited until a much more opportune time to unload their guns on him. How'd that work out again?
Damn right the handlers are covering their asses. The democrats would not even appear at a debate on Fox, yet the "genius" handlers from crazy Uncle John's campaign put her on with Curic and Gibson. Obama dodged Fox for months, fielding softball interviews from the rest of the MSM.
ReplyDelete"The media occasionally decides some conservative is just unacceptable, and trashes them until they become a joke to the general public."
ReplyDeleteI believe that is how it is intnded to work out, but am sick of conceding the loss. Who says the left just gets to decide to villify any conservative they wish, and that's that. Damn tiresome. Katie Couric is considered cute and reads the news. Sarah Palin is a far more accomplished and impressive person. I am not giving her away because it suits the suites in the McCain camp to wuss out and try to saddle her with the "blame" for their guy losing. That's right, their guy lost, and he did it on his own power by getting baited to rush back to Washington and cut another one of his famous deals with the left. Except this time, they weren't dealing. They were content to just let him spin his wheels and watch his prestige and momentum swirl their way down the toilet bowl.
I'll stick with Sarah. Chucklin' Dave can go stick it.
I think Palin is toast. The media occasionally decides some conservative is just unacceptable, and trashes them until they become a joke to the general public. Dan Quayle is the obvious example- a serious, intelligent guy but he couldn't survive the 24/7 mocking and vilification. Palin will probably never be acceptable to the masses.
ReplyDeleteWith an attitude like that, the GOP can't lose!!
Know what I like about her? She fights, dammit. Know how other republicans fight? offering alternative plans for Cap and Trade.
Either give up and shut up or get some skin in the game and defend one of the few worthwhile republican's out there.
A couple of points here:
ReplyDelete1) The Katie Couric interview wouldn't have been nearly as bad if the "handlers" had insisted on a live interview or had brought their own cameras to the interview. CBS hacked up her interview and edited her responses intentionally to make her look bad. It was payback for conservatives costing them Mary Mapes and Dan Rather when they attempted to pass off the forged Bush Air National Guard documents. So again: the "handlers" fault.
2) I agree with the commenters who note that the media and the Left in general are blowing their ammo way too soon. In a compressed time period like last fall, the public had no time to digest all of the myriad allegations against her. They now have 3 1/2 years, and there are no new allegations to throw against her. By the time 2012 rolls around, the Left will be left with the same tired schtick and the public will collectively yawn because they've heard it all before.
3) Palin's polling is already on the rise even in the midst of all the venom the Left can throw at her. The latest Pew poll shows that she now has a net positive (45/44) rating versus a net negative (42/48) in November. What's even more striking is that the internals show that she has declined slightly among Republicans from nearly unanimous support to merely overwhelming. But that has more than been offset by rising favorables among Democrats and Independents (+6 and +7) - you know the "swing voters" that win or lose elections?
4) If the economy has fully recovered by 2012, Obama's going to win. That's pretty much baked in the cake. However, if economic growth is anemic or there's significant inflation, then it's almost irrelevant who Republicans run because Obama has staked his presidency on his domestic politics. If he fails to produce real results, a trained chimpanzee will be able to beat him in 2012.
5) The MSM continues to shrink on a daily basis, and along with it, their ability to influence and/or spin the news. They went all in on the 2008 election because they knew it was the last presidential election in which they had the ability to control public discourse. The alphabet networks are seeing record low viewer records; FoxNews now has the top 10 cable news shows and their viewership is higher than both CNN and MSNBC combined; the NYT may not even be printing papers by 2012; and conservatives are taking lessons from our friends like Cynthia Yockey about how to organize ourselves and make our voices be heard. If 2008 was the perfect storm for Democrats, then the reverse may be true in 2012.
If he fails to produce real results, a trained chimpanzee will be able to beat him in 2012.
A candidate who had no chance, you admit, in a slightly hostile environment is a favorite candidate of yours? What, the wanky networks are deadly-tough? it bring on the outside world, you say? (Iran, Congress... But no Katie!!) Elevate this person to VP, you say, because of macho/retro cultural affinity? This is laughable. Carry on. Please!
ReplyDeleteCarry on. Please!
ReplyDeleteNo need, you're doing enough carrying on for the rest of us.
Referring to the decision to put Palin in one-on-ones with Couric and Gibson as a "stupid blunder' does injustice to stupid blunderers around the globe. "Mind-boggling idiocy" and "staggering incompetence" would describe the situation more accurately and do so without besmirching run-of-the-mill stupid blunderers unnecessarily.