Thus, the Times writes warmly of single mothers, always including an innocent explanation: "Many of these women followed a similar and familiar pattern in having their first child: They planned to marry, found they hadn't by their 30s, looked some more and then decided to have a child without a husband." At which point, a stork showed up with their babies.(H/T: James Bates.) Pregnancy is not a random accident. The demographic distribution of the phenomenon follows discernible patterns. The key to understanding the NYTimes approach is to think of the Times writer as standing six inches from a Seurat painting, looking at the dabs of paint, afraid to stand back and describe the overall pattern.
So apparently, single motherhood could happen to anyone!
How about: These smokers followed a similar and familiar pattern, they planned never to start smoking, found themselves working long nights at the law firm and then decided to have a cigarette to stay alert.
Maryland Democrats are now pushing for a bill to put condom machines in
public schools… including elementary schools
I must be pretty old… When I was in elementary school, even junior high
school, no one was interested in
The post Maryland Democrats are now pushing for ...
14 hours ago
From the woman that has neither been married nor had children...Actually Ann is on the money, my facile attempt at humor not withstanding. I wonder what she smokes?