Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Which is likely to happen any day now . . .

"Charles Johnson couldn’t get hired by the Huffington Post if David Brooks fell victim to auto-erotic asphyxiation."
-- Aleister, at American Glob

BTW, I'm grateful to Aleister, whose diligence in shameless blogwhoring has reminded the online world of arguably the most brilliant commentary on feminism in the history of the blogosphere. Sometimes, even I forget how good I am . . .

Will some unattractive, vengeful, sexually-frustrated women be angered by this reminder? Don't sweat it. I can solve all their problems with seven magic words: Get me a cup of coffee, hon . . .


  1. Speaking of shameless blogwhoring I've found that my hits today as of this moment are 5x more than my daily avg this month since following your lead I used the phrase "Hannah Giles Bikini photos" on the blog although such searchs only account for 4% of that total.

    I must also inform you that the phrase "Robert Stacy McCain Bikini photos" hasn't generated a single hit, but don't feel bad, neither did "Charles Johnson Bikini photos" or "Rush Limbaugh bikini photos".

    However if I was Mika Brzezinski I'd be embarassed as the phrase "Mika Brzezinski bikini photos" has generated the same amount of hits as you have.

    I'm having way too much fun with this.

  2. Why do you fascinate me so? Is it your charm? Your suave, seductive command of the language? I have no idea. What I do know is, if you are waiting for me to bring you coffee? It'll be a long, LONG assed wait. ;-)

  3. Oh, no... the crosshairs must be well and truly trained now.

