Former ACORN workers in the city are planning to file a civil complaint against the makers of the video, according to the website Investigative Voice.Exit question: How will this affect the Hannah Giles bikini Google-bomb wars? Expect updates . . .
City state’s attorney Patricia Jessamy said on WBAL’s Shari Elicker Show that she could not prosecute based on restrictions for evidence obtained illegally.
Maryland law requires two party consent to be recorded.
UPDATE: Rather than talk to a veteran conservative journalist -- I've got an e-mail address and have already interviewed Hannah's father, Doug Giles -- James O'Keefe tells his story to the liberal MSM:
O'Keefe insists that he and Giles's work was done independently and rejects liberal suggestions that the videos were bankrolled by conservative organizations. He does, however, acknowledge receiving help and advice from a conservative columnist and Web entrepreneur.
When O'Keefe had filmed the first two videos -- in the District and Baltimore -- a friend urged him to share his project with Andrew Breitbart, a conservative Internet entrepreneur who had plans to launch an anti-liberal site called Breitbart said he was skeptical after a June phone call with O'Keefe about what he had, but when the video was rolling in his basement office in Los Angeles in late July, Breitbart said, he gasped.
Doug Giles is my friend, yet I am profoundly hurt by O'Keefe's deliberate insult -- talking to the Washington Post before talking to me? When a 25-year-old punk starts insulting veteran journalists, there could be serious consequences. Expect further updates . . .
UPDATE II (1:25 p.m. ET): For the benefit of commenter Tom Rowan of Naples, Fla., who thinks the Hannah Giles bikini photo is a "hoax," some explanation is necessary:
- Doug Giles is a friend of mine, one of several VIPs invited to attend the legendary 2008 CPAC party that Matthew Vadum and I hosted.
- Hannah Giles is also a friend, and a friend of my friends, including Sergio Gor and Jason Mattera.
- As soon as the ACORN videos made news and Hannah Giles became a household name, I began getting Google-search traffic because of a photo I took of Hannah at the YAF National Conservative Student Conference in July.
- The Google-bomb has been deployed as a defensive weapon, to ensure that hostile left-wing online sources do not gain a traffic advantage.
- The Other McCain is a commercial enteprise, the revenue of which (a) is dependent upon traffic, having passed the 2.5-million hit mark yesterday and (b) now equals or exceeds my income from freelance journalism and Internet consulting.
- Please hit the tip jar.
- "I write for money." Which is my way of saying, I am a professional journalist. My ability to do perform this job -- to put bread on the table for my wife and six children -- is dependent, to a degree, on my access to sources.
- When it comes to getting the job done, my methods are not always orthodox. I'm not some famous network-news hotshot who can always count on important people returning his phone calls, so I am forced to use my wits to compensate for my tremendous disadvantages. "Ethics, shmethics," as I like to say. So long as I get the story, how I get the story is my own business. To be beaten on a major story is to dishonor the memory of my late father, old No. 27: "I'm going to beat you today."
- Andrew Breitbart is scheduling media interviews for his operation, and has not even permitted Hannah Giles to appear on her father's "Clash Radio" program.
- Doug Giles is a Christian minister and a gentleman whose paternal wrath no reasonable man should ever wish to incur, to wit:

'News addict' gets his fix
From Drudge to Huffington, ex-slacker
Breitbart finds home on the Web
His computer pings with every new e-mail. His cell phone rings with calls from friends. Distractions surround Andrew Breitbart. Yet he remains focused on the latest happenings from around the world, flowing into his laptop computer via a half-dozen wire services and other news sources.
A self-described "news addict," the 38-year-old Californian sips a Mountain Dew as he scans the latest headlines and talks about his journey from being a stereotypical Generation X slacker to being on the cutting edge of the 21st-century information revolution.
Having already been associated with two of the biggest success stories on the Web -- and -- he is now proprietor of the news site, a project begun in 2005 that now attracts more than 3 million visits per month.
Not bad for someone who graduated from Tulane University in 1991 "with no sense of my future whatsoever," as Mr. Breitbart said in an interview during a visit to Washington last week. And not bad for someone diagnosed as afflicted with attention-deficit (hyperactivity) disorder, although he says ADHD might be the secret to his success.
"The Internet was like an awakening for me," Mr. Breitbart says, describing how, in 1992, his friend Seth Jacobson first told him about the online world. . . .
About an hour ago, I got off the phone with a friend of Hannah's who explained to me that the O'Keefe interview with The Washington Post was part of Breitbart's "media strategy."
Andrew is a man whose keen intelligence I admire, whose brilliant insights into New Media I respect. But if pissing me off is party of his strategy . . .
Expect further updates . . .
UPDATE III: The conservative Google-bomb defense is working! The Left is predictably doing its pathetic Photoshop smears, but respectful conservative sites are all the top Google results. All conservatives must link the Hannah Giles nude photo now.
Little Miss Attila is one of those "angels unawares."
UPDATE IV: "Just because you don't know what I'm doing, don't assume that I don't know what I'm doing." Brick Squad 19, So Icy Boys 6.
The Hannah Giles bikini hoax is tasteless, obnoxious, and misleading. It is false advertising at best and a scurrilous attack on the sensibilities of most red blooded conservative males.
ReplyDeleteTrue conservatives interested in factual Hannah Giles bikini photos will be dissapointed and fall into dispair. Have some decency and put a stop to this cruel hoax.
(Can you at least publish her birth certificate for our scrap books?)
Thank you sir.
Tom Rowan
Naples, Florida
If Baltimore won't do their own digging and behave responsibly citing tarnished evidence (or WHATEVER!) that means no case... no case means ACORN can't sue because there is no evidence.
A lawsuit? Sounds like fun. Don't you get to do things like look at each others records, depositions, subpoenas, and stuff like that? Now who should be more worried about that, O'Keefe and Giles (who could probably fit all their records in a box or two) or ACORN. Fox undoubtably has more stuff, but not a lot more stuff on this story. Note that the ACORN workers are threatening this, ACORN itself (while posturing a bit) will probably do everything it can to stay out of such litigation, but if there is litigation ACORN is sure to get dragged in.
ReplyDeleteI am not here for bikini photos, so no rant on my part. I AM here to say that Breitbart and O'Keefe are probably rubbing their hands together in glee at the thought of litigation. Why? One little word: D-I-S-C-O-V-E-R-Y. It can be a beautiful thing.
ReplyDeleteDear Sir,
ReplyDeleteSheesh, I trying to be snarky, hip, & I kinda feel like a heel. Please pass along our thanks and admiration to the Giles. Hannah Giles is as brave as she is good looking. In light of what happens to good looking conservative women, your internet ploy is also quite commendable.
Carry on!
Tom Rowan
Naples, Florida
A great little email from an Ace of Spades reader who got it posted at the Corner:
ReplyDeleteNuminous Nomination [John J. Miller]
E-mailbag, in response to my comment on Tanenhaus:
It all brings to mind Richard Brookhiser's wonderfully accurate term, "The Numinous Negro" (I couldn't get a link to his essay, but here's a column by Jonah talking about it).
If you recall, the "Numinous Negro" is a construction, often by white liberals, of a near-divine, never-wrong, completely non-threatening black person (usually a man). It's essentially the whole reason behind most of the characters played by Will Smith, Morgan Freeman, every law movie ever set in the South with a white lawyer and a black client, etc. The Numinous Negro isn't a black man— he's a plot device to make the white characters look better for having listened to them, cared for them, patronized them.
So. . . can we have the Numinous Conservative now? Unfortunately not as elegantly alliterative as Brookhiser's phrase, but I believe it's just as useful. It captures all of the "conservatives" who don't really exist in the real world outside of Washington restaurants or New York op-ed pages. You know, the ones who aren't crazy, who display the required level of disdain for "teabaggers," Southerners, Christians, Sarah Palin, etc. Liberals can point to these people as the "smart and acceptable" conservatives who just so happen to think exactly like they do.
I'll leave it the Corner to populate that list with their favorite Numinous Conservatives. After the last year, we have plenty of choices. . .
09/18 08:40 AMShare
So who would be these Numinous Conservatives be? I think we could think of the list of the Usual Suspects. We know that Charles Johnson wants a taste of that action, having seen Andrew Sullivan lapping it up at the free All You Can Eat Numinous Conservatives Buffet (with special hosted bar privileges if you can help at critical times) for a couple of years. It is a top secret benefit funded by the DNC and several major liberal media outlets (for example, all the beef is flown in from Ted Turner's ranches).
Hey that other McCain said something good today too.
ReplyDeleteSeptember 18, 2009
ReplyDeleteObergruppenkommander Charles Speaks: Hot Air Racist, Fascist; Must Be Purged
Apparently CJ's moderator Kilgore Trout went over there last night and started posting racist stuff. To see, he said, if it would be cleaned up.
It wasn't. Because both Allah and Ed were asleep. It being the middle of the night.
Actually, it's only arguably racist if you yourself believe that wookies = black people, which Kilgore Trout does.
So he spammed the threads with this, and it wasn't cleaned up to until the AM.
Obergruppenkommander Charles' conclusion? They're racists.
posted by Ace at 02:06 PM
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If this Ace post is true, and I have no doubt it is, isn't it time to call Charles Johnson and his posse of pansies on this race baiting nonsense? Now he is claiming Captain Ed and Allah are racists? WTF?
ReplyDeleteIt is a wonderful picture..
Well, add my name to the list of folks who want to be healthy tomorrow, not recovering from a beating by a beauty with a black belt.
Done early this morning: