Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Daniel Glover on HateF***Gate

At Accuracy in Media:
From the Department of Lousy Timing: New Playboy magazine CEO Scott Flanders told the Chicago Tribune, "I don't think Playboy is broken in any respect."
His interview was published on the very day that the Playboy empire, which made a fortune exploiting women for decades, finally crossed an ethical line -- and then retreated.
It all started when Playboy.com decided to publish a hate piece by rape-fantasist Guy Cimbalo that envisioned sexual attacks on leading conservative women, including Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly and bloggers Amanda Carpenter, Pamela Geller, Mary Katharine Ham and Michelle Malkin. The writing and the entire concept of the piece were so vile that the AOL News publication Politics Daily wouldn't leave a liberal writer's criticism of it online. . . .
Read the rest, and see more about this story at NTCNews.com.


  1. "No comment" therefore no 'buzz'.

  2. Liberals do this stuff because it works. There will be a very slight pull back, as there are some limits. But in general trashing will continue. Ripping up Guy Cimbalo will be necessary but hardly sufficient. Conservatives need to embrace the power of ridicule and shame.
