That might be the headline in the New York Post for his column on the Tea Party movement:
Instead of the "astroturf" that has marked the ACORN-organized AIG protests, this movement is real grassroots. So if you've had enough, consider visiting a Tea Party protest in your area -- there's bound to be one.Like he's not worried about being replaced by Twitter.
It's your chance to be part of an authentic popular protest movement, one that just might save America from the greed and ineptitude of the folks who have been running it into the ground.
UPDATE: Of all the dead-tree columnists who should be replaced by Twitter, perhaps not even Frank Rich can rival Paul Krugman:
[The Tea Party protests are] AstroTurf (fake grass roots) events, manufactured by the usual suspects. In particular, a key role is being played by FreedomWorks, an organization run by Richard Armey, the former House majority leader, and supported by the usual group of right-wing billionaires. And the parties are, of course, being promoted heavily by Fox News.JournoList-approved Meme of the Week! But it's just a coincidence that Krugman's reading from the same script as Jane Hamsher, Steve Benen and Oliver Willis. Their smear campaign against the Tea Party movement isn't "orchestrated" or anything.
Right-wing billionaires, please hit the tip jar! My bank balance is looking shaky, Dick Armey isn't returning my calls, I've got to drive to Alabama tomorrow in order to be an AstroTurf stooge at the big event Wednesday in Hoover, ande my wife's worried because the fat check from Rupert Murdoch hasn't shown up yet.

Fox News is SO slow on their expense reimbursement too..
ReplyDeleteOr am I the only one?
I was half-tempted to send Tweets top HuffPo Wednesday with lurid details about FoxNews reps handing out wads of cash to attendees.
ReplyDeleteOnly trouble is, the wackos there wouldn't be the only ones to believe it; it's probably end up becoming accepted truth in the NYT.
Why aren't you "spreading the wealth?" For that matter, where's your bailout? Great piece, thanks.
ReplyDeleteI would like to stamp on Krugman's scrotum until his testes pop out of their sacs.
ReplyDeleteSo when does Jane Hamsher complain about us not paying her to promote our product?
ReplyDeleteKarl Rove isn't returning my phone calls, so the money isn't flowing to the low-mid-level bloggers either.
ReplyDeleteMcGehee, is there a difference between the "wackos" and the NYT? </sarcasm?>
To the extent that the NYT is "there" (at HuffPo), no.
ReplyDeleteAll the best for your tea parties people,I'll have the kettle on in Australia.I make a mean pot of tea.