So, when the voting concludes on Tuesday, neither Senator Obama nor I will have the number of delegates to be the nominee. I will lead the popular vote. He will maintain a slight lead in the delegate count. The decision will fall on the shoulders of those leaders in our party empowered by the rules to vote at the Democratic Convention. . . .Meanwhile, she unleashes a new TV ad in Montana and South Dakota:
I ask you to consider these questions: Which candidate best represents the will of the people who voted in this historic primary? Which candidate is best able to lead to us victory in November? And which candidate is best able to lead our nation as our president in the face of unprecedented challenges at home and abroad?
I am in this race because I believe I am that candidate, and I will be that president. . . .
Let’s keep fighting for our dream. Let’s keep fighting for what we believe. Let’s keep fighting for one another. Let’s keep fighting for America. America is worth fighting for.
All in all, Hillary doesn't sound like a candidate who's ready for a "negotiated surrender." Hot Air has an open thread on Puerto Rico. The 100% totals:
Clinton 263,120 (68%)
Obama 121,458 (32%)
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