Just got off the phone with Dan Riehl, with whom I'm co-blogging a project about anti-Palin blogger "Gryphen," a/k/a Jesse Griffin, Anchorage kindergarten teacher.
Given the serious nature of this story, Dan has decided to seek legal advice before publishing, a decision in which I concur. Readers are requested to visit Riehl World View or back here, where updates will be posted as soon as possible.
Now Long Island, near the Hamptons is on fire – WTF is going on?
We have another massive wildfire outbreak.. Now it’s Long Island, New York
near the Hamptons… This one defies logic. New
The post Now Long Island, near t...
3 hours ago
WOW this is getting serious..What did you find out and can this land Jesse Griffin in jail? Any info would be really appreciated. Just want to have an idea what might be going on
ReplyDeleteLegal schmegal! Hammer those suckers!
ReplyDeleteWow, we are waiting with baited breath!
ReplyDeleteSeek legal advice, boy must be something juicy. BRING JESSIE GRIFFIN DOWN !! The media and the far left had no problem destroying joe The Plumber for just asking a simple question, Jesse Griffin should go down for posting horrendous lies about a private citizen. He has been trashing her since Day 1
ReplyDeleteGo Sam Gatlin, Go!
ReplyDeleteThe Hammer of the Gods. Ragnarok. It's a-coming.
ReplyDeleteGriffin is probably wondering what's coming. Too bad he doesn't have a web cam so we can watch him sweat. Yeah. I'm mean that way.
ReplyDeleteThanks for being thorough. It's wise. If there are any mistakes then you, and we (as a community looking for the truth), will be hammered by the left and the srm.
ReplyDeleteSometimes patience really is a virtue. It sounds like this may be one of those times. I'll keep checking back, you keep doing your work.
ReplyDeleteFYI, the media keep referring to Griffin as a kindergarten teacher. He is actually a "teacher's aide". Big difference! Aides are non-credentialed and usually are paid on an hourly basis....usually for two to three hours per day in the morning. I've taught elementary school for years and we use aides to read stories, grade papers, and assist in projects. However, all "teaching" should only be handled by credentialed personnel. I imagine a kindergarten aide would be doing things like reading stories, craft projects, and assisting children in the bathroom.
ReplyDeleteIt seems to me that a real journalist would burn a source who deliberately lied to him and made him look like a complete jerk . . . assuming such a source even exists.
ReplyDeleteI know you need to protect your sources, even when they make a mistake in good faith. But if a source outright lies to you, why protect him?
Mr. "Gryphen," if he has any credibility, will name his source(s), or explain how his sources came to be, in good faith, misinformed.
Oh my, this is worse than the "Who shot JR cliffhanger." I am keeping an eye here for updates.
ReplyDeleteI hope this is a lesson to those bloggers out there who can't control their infantile urge to keep making things up. Seriously, who would want people like that teaching their kids in Kindergarden, yuck.
Just came from Dan's site. Apparently some commenters have made allegations about Mr. Griffin that could have legal consequences. Dan said he is having to go back through his comments.
ReplyDeletePlease go to Dan's site for the full story:
Yeah, what it is, is you maniacs posting to hurt Grph and Emailing the Anchorage School District claiming he has child porn on his computer. Palin's attorney recognizing you bat sht crazy followers have exposed him and Palin to a bevy of personal lawsuits.
ReplyDeleteSmart move from McCain to delete your tantrums and rethink his forum of slander. Too late for Van Flein you dumbasses Tweeted you are in personal contact with him.
Jack Okie said...
ReplyDeleteJust came from Dan's site. Apparently some commenters have made allegations about Mr. Griffin that could have legal consequences. Dan said he is having to go back through his comments.
Yep. YOU all went to far yesterday with your pedophile B*S* and contacting his employer. He lawyered up. You are so fcking smart. He can trace Van Flein to releasing personal information of him with intent to have him harassed GRPH owns Palin and her bank. No jury in Alaska would rule in her favor after witnessing the evidence of the past 24 hours.
Mr. McCain, remember that Defamation, Libel Per Se, Libel Per Quod and Dissemination lawsuits are much easier to bring to trial for Private Persons (like Griffin) than Public Persons.
ReplyDeleteIf you're not careful how you go about this it could bite you. Hard.
American Power tracked-back with, 'Palin-Haters Crash and Burn on Bogus Divorce Rumor: 'Gryphen' Battles Back Against Threats, Right-Bloggers Slow Investigation!'.
ReplyDeleteWorld of libel plaintiffs is divided into two groups:
ReplyDeletePublic Persons - Sarah Palin, she is still a celebrity and it doesn't matter that she is no longer a governor
Private Persons - Jessie Griffin, educator and blogger
Defamation against Private Persons is a very real thing whereas it is very rare for Public Persons.
The legal consequences are very real for Defamation of a Private Person.
I want Griffin's ass taken out to the woodshed for the lies that he told. If there was any time that a lawsuit should be filed, it should be this one. A person cannot just make up lies out of their butts and post them online. We all know where he got this stuff from, he took parts of it from the National Enquirer, the rest he just used his imagination
ReplyDelete"Given the serious nature of this story, Dan has decided to seek legal advice before publishing, a decision in which I concur."
ReplyDeleteHere's hoping the legal advice says that Dan Riehl can pull Gryphen's eyeballs out and skullfuck him ... metaphorically speaking, of course.
Stacy, As I see you time and again on a different site. Keep that head up.
ReplyDelete1. Non of the liberals really have anything to pinpoint on your or Reihl. If it is the truth, you can't be held accountable.
2. What are they going to do? Make you come to Alaska? And if so you are welcome here at my house. As I don't see the need to pay for something as offered.
3. It is interesting how when you use something such as what is known and what is wrong... they always take the wrong way?
4. Any Anti-Palin comments should never be thrown away or disgarged. You never know when they will be needed later down the road.
5. Keep the faith.
H/T to you... as many Palin blogs are keeping an eye on it.
Don't forget the power of the word, 'IF'.
ReplyDeleteAll I'm saying.
It sure is something to watch REAL reporting in action. Pass the popcorn, please!
ReplyDeleteI know our liberal friends have free speech on their minds, even for their foes, at all times, even when they scream at people "I DON'T SUPPORT YOUR RIGHT TO FREE SPEECH" (happened to me and a friend).
ReplyDeleteSo, we see the real fascists are liberals, as has been borne out by real, actual, god's honest, unbiased, unequivocal, actual reality, truth.
You lefties are fascists, we know you are, you can't hide behind ignorance of your past deeds. No matter what your college and media idiots buddies say, they truth, as written by Conquest and many others, is out there.
So suck on that, long, and as hard as Sully at a Jersey rest stop, you little asshole douchebags.
Responding to Isabella's comment above - I haven't seen anything of what you are saying has happened,but if it's so is it any worse than what he's done to Palin? I read through his posts. That's some pretty sick stuff. And he was definitely trying to make her jobless. Once you attack someone's family you are pretty much fair game for anything. It's the potential for blow back that tends to make bloggers\reporters thorough and somewhat cautious. A friend of mine is the editor of the local paper. He's been spit on and a myriad of other unpleasant things because people did not like what he wrote. You think he doesn check and double check his work before publishing? I myself have been sued. They dropped it. But. You step out onto the information highway and you had better be sure you are ready for the ride. That's just all there is to it. No one forced that guy to do what he did. Hate like he obviously has for Palin is an ugly thing. I support free speech, but not hate speech and not personal attacks. I think your defense of this guy is misguided. He had multiple opportunities to back down and do the responsible, ethical thing and chose not to because revenge was more important than anything else. What I'd like to know is - What did Palin ever do to him? How does he justify what he's doing?
ReplyDeleteI love how Isabella is shitting herself by claiming that we've "exposed Palin to a bevy of lawsuits".
ReplyDeleteYou have to wonder if they're projecting the fact that, because they are paid by the DNC and are official DNC bloggers, that Obama is responsible for what THEY are posting.