Monique is not a member of the Senator McCain fan club. She thinks she may have found a use for him. The Puffington Host has a convenient caption contest going on at the moment. We could, say, hijack that:

'In matters of style, swim with the current; In matters of principle, stand like a rock.'"Do you think?"
How about, "Hey, Joe, I haven't heard from my buddies at AIG or GM lately. Are you still on their list?"
ReplyDeleteI don't understand how HotMES can talk out of both sides of her mouth like that... try to establish her bonifides in this as someone who found mccain distatsteful as a "liberal-light" ... This is someone who just last week went on a naive hippie-screed about the need for legalizing drugs in a system where the taxpayer is footing the bill for every O/D'er in every ER in the country... you'd think she'd love him. Yeah Yeah, you need the traffic, but I won't be following any more of your links to THAT particular hypocrite.