Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Bishop promises un-Christian prayer

What did you expect of the un-Christian clergyman?
Bishop Robinson said he had been reading inaugural prayers through history and was "horrified" at how “specifically and aggressively Christian they were.”
"I am very clear," he said, "that this will not be a Christian prayer, and I won't be quoting Scripture or anything like that. The texts that I hold as sacred are not sacred texts for all Americans, and I want all people to feel that this is their prayer."
Bishop Robinson said he might address the prayer to "the God of our many understandings," language that he said he learned from the 12-step program he attended for his alcohol addiction.
Way to go, Vicki Gene.

UPDATE: Welcome, Hot Air readers.


  1. This guy is a Christian and he won't invoke Christ. Maybe he should look up what Jesus says about Christians who deny the Lord. Political correctness is insane.

  2. A black president and a gay bishop...this oughta make conservatives' heads explode en masse.

  3. "This guy is a Christian and he won't invoke Christ. Maybe he should look up what Jesus says about Christians who deny the Lord. Political correctness is insane."

    This priest is gay...I'm not sure he's necessarily concerned about what scripture has to say.

  4. It appears that the Bishop Gene Robinson has finally, by making this comment, admitted that he is not a actual Christian but a homosexual activist using his bogus role, as Bishop, to promote the homosexual agenda.

    "God of the Many Understandings" LOL!

    He's quite the Christian Bishop!

  5. Why is the guy even part of a church? I suppose he is part of some movement to take God out of religion & replace it with humanistic rantings.
    Making God meaningless will make God angry.
    Believe what you will, we know what type of folks who will ultimately have the last 'laugh'.
    This tells me all I need to know about Obama-fence straddler who won't pick a side-just like Clinton.

  6. "...I want all people to feel that this is their prayer."

    from: merriam-webster.com/dictionary/prayer

    1 a (1): an address (as a petition) to God or a god in word or thought (said a prayer for the success of the voyage) (2): a set order of words used in praying b: an earnest request or wish

    If I'm an atheist you can't pray! Or if you must, try this.

    "Dear whatever, even though you don't exist, I'm standing up here trying to make everybody feeeeeeeeeel good so please play along since I'm supposed to be an episcopal priest who believes in God, Christ and the Holy Spirit..."

    No wonder this country is in such bad shape!

  7. Thank you HotAir for leading me here! Easily the blog discovery of the day for me.

  8. So what do you expect from the first open Bugger Bishop since Hank 8x broke from Rome? Certainly not anything resembling sound Christianity!

  9. I belong to the aforementioned 12 step program and there are very specific reasons we do not subscribe to a particular religion. however, for a "bishop" of a Christian religion to be horrifed at the expression of Christianity is a little difficult to swallow. No pun intended.

  10. Speaking as a Christian minister, this person can not be considered a practicing Christian bishop. He is openly flouting at least three of the biblical requisites for Christian bishops, as found in 1 Timothy 3:1 and following. One is that he be above reproach, which he can not be and be homosexual. Nor is he the husband of one wife. The other is that he be an apt teacher, which in the current situation he is rejecting instead of embracing. All in all, he is a sorry excuse for a bishop.

  11. "I am very clear," he said, "that this will not be a Christian prayer, and I won't be quoting Scripture or anything like that.

    Oh,no no,G-d forbid anyone mistake for a Christian,Bishop.

  12. Obviously, Obama is not interested in healing the divisions in our society, in spite of what he says. Bishop Robinson is the fellow who made the wink-wink suggestion a year or so ago that Jesus was a homosexual who had the Apostle John as his lover. This fellow's gone a fair way to shatter the fragmenting Anglican communion, and Obama wants him to be the flagbearer of religious fellowship?

    On a side note, I would think Christians everywhere should breathe a sigh of relief that, by secularizing his address, Robinson won't be inflicting his goofy view of Jesus on the rest of us.

  13. Warren to the right of him; a homosexual Episcopal bishop to the left.

    All this diversity and no one is happy. Go figure.

  14. Who said he's a Christian? He's an Episcopalian. There used to be Christians in the Episcopal Church but most of them are gone now.

  15. The only church this so-called bishop is affiliated with is the Abominable Church. You know... the one that Satan influences.
    In the King James version, the most correct of all translations discuss unnatural affections grave sins along with adultery.
    Pseudo-Bishop Robinson is using his title to mislead the rignorant.
    He has an agenda with the Gay Rights Agenda to destroy traditional marriage, traditional families and true commandments of God. He is an agent of Satan. He is a secularist and Obama is not a true Christian. He is a marxist. Just like his pastor Jeremiah Wright. They do not believe in traditional christian principles. They believe in secular humanism.

  16. I am far more horrified that the Episcopal Church has allowed an openly gay person to become part of the Church's leadership. Most especially one who is horrified at how "Christian" the ceremony prayers are and promises an "Un-Christian" prayer. This goes along part and parcel with the moral relativism exhibited by gay people. Not only is this man lost, but the Episcopal Church is on it's way to being lost as well.
