As a right-winger, Palin will appeal to the narrow 59 percent of Americans who voted for another former small-market sportscaster: Ronald Reagan. . . .Read the rest.
As for former governor of Pennsylvania Tom Ridge and Democratic Sen. Joe Lieberman, the other also-rans, I can think of at least 40 million unborn reasons she's better than either of them. . . .
The bien-pensant criticized Palin, saying it's irresponsible for a woman with five children to run for vice president. Liberals' new talking point: Sarah Palin: Only five abortions away from the presidency. . . .
When liberals start acting like they're opposed to pre-marital sex and mothers having careers, you know McCain's vice presidential choice has knocked them back on their heels.
Maryland Democrats are now pushing for a bill to put condom machines in
public schools… including elementary schools
I must be pretty old… When I was in elementary school, even junior high
school, no one was interested in
The post Maryland Democrats are now pushing for ...
15 hours ago
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